Ten disappointing things about Windows 10 :(


New member
Aug 11, 2015
Three things are driving me batty about Windows 10:
  1. Since upgrading my cellular modem shows as off after each restart and I have to turn the radio switch on/off to get it to work again.
  2. There is no way when looking at my connection to turn on the radio from connection settings area, I have to click on Cellular Radio which opens the settings window and from there I can click connect, rather than the process under Windows 7 where I could click connect right from the Wireless Network Connections menu in the lower right hand portion of the screen (not sure of the official name of the windows)
  3. Under Windows 7 if I hovered the cursor over the connection be it a Wi-Fi or Cellular Connection it would elaborate about the type of Connection (LTE/HSPA) and the Quality at which is was connected. Under Windows 10 that behavior does not occur and I miss that feature of Windows 7 immensely.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Let me clear things up a bit... I've been using windows 10 preview since build 9926, on my Lenovo laptop, that normally runs 8.1. Since build 9926, I haven't enjoyed windows 10. Granted I didn't blatantly HATE it like I do now. I hate it because they had tine to improve the things us insiders told them needed to be improved, and they didn't listen. I can see windows 10 making sense if it were released PRIOR to windows 8.1. I just don't understand how this operating system will be beneficial on my 12 inch Surface pro 3. On a handheld device that large, gestures work better than clicking tiny little unfinished icons.

Yep Win 10 REALLY feels like something made after Win 7 and Win 8.1 feels like a more polished touch OS which improved on Win 10.

Really odd how backwards things are in Win 10 when Win 8.1 had it right.
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New member
Nov 19, 2012
Some people seem to forget that an OS is designed to be customizable. But they expect the OS to behave the ways they want without any attempt of changing settings and adapting to some the new UI.


Their is no way to replicate the Metro IE full screen web experience with IE or Edge no matter what settings you change. I've even gone as far as to try and use every other major browser on the market in full screen mode to see if I can make it work like Metro IE through add ons and tweaks and they all fail to give a full screen Metro IE like experience.

Also I can't get rid of the taskbar in Tablet mode without also getting rid of it in Desktop mode. I want the taskbar in desktop mode but NOT in tablet mode.

I also cannot enable any features to allow me to swipe through apps or web pages like a book whihc Win 8.1 allowed me to do.

I'd be perfectly happy with several on/off toggle option for Tablet mode whihc I could enable that allowed me to use Win 10 on my tablet like Win 8.1


New member
Nov 19, 2012
That's why I went back to 8.1 on my tablet(again after insider build fiasco) and am staying firmly here
I find edge almost impossible to use on daily basis even on desktop, good IE 11 is still there
On tablet no other browser except modern IE is giving you a real touch surfing experience


I tried to tweaks to adjust Chrome, Opera, Firefox to work like Metro IE and it is a no go. Opera was the closest since it has speed dial but ALL of the so called full screen modes of these browser are not very touch friendly and almost require you to have a keyboard to get in and out of full screen. None of them offer controls you can swipe to pull out like Metro IE.

Right now this is a major deal breaker for me I need a Metro IE experience in Win 10.
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New member
Nov 19, 2012
I agree to most of the issues here but I also disagree on some particularly Task View/Switcher. I believe it is easier than swiping and swiping until you reach to your desired app or screen. Unless your doing a thumb or finger exercise and you want to strengthen that finger by swiping and swiping. I think Windows 10 is a WORK IN PROGESS. Is it a bad thing? Yes - because its unfinished and No - because it will only get better. So clearly this is like when you were in Windows 7 and tried Windows 8 for the first time. Everybody shouted F##@#@# and threw curses at Microsoft. In time we will get use to it so that's how it is.

In Win 8 you can swipe through apps or you can swipe and pull back a little to see all your running apps on the left side that you can then pick from.

In Win 10 you can only swipe to see the task viewer whihc almost always mean using your other hand to pick the app you want.

The main over arching problem with Win 10 is lack of choice of options for Tablet users.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
In Win 8 you can swipe through apps or you can swipe and pull back a little to see all your running apps on the left side that you can then pick from.

For what it's worth? I hated that, the whole swiping in and then pulling back to see a column of your running apps. Personally I think it failed with desktop app support, given that Windows 8.1 saw the desktop as it's own app so everything you had running on the desktop didn't show up in that column.

I think the Windows 10 approach is FAR superior, as it shows all the apps whether they're desktop or Store apps.

(And while I got rid of my Surface long ago, my current laptop is a Toshiba convertible which I use half of the time as a traditional laptop and half of the time as a tablet. So I'm not speaking just from the standpoint of a keyboard/mouse user.)

The main over arching problem with Win 10 is lack of choice of options for Tablet users.

I disagree. I think that Windows 10 has morphed Windows 8 into an operating system which caters to both keyboard/mouse and touch users equally.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
For what it's worth? I hated that, the whole swiping in and then pulling back to see a column of your running apps. Personally I think it failed with desktop app support, given that Windows 8.1 saw the desktop as it's own app so everything you had running on the desktop didn't show up in that column.

I think the Windows 10 approach is FAR superior, as it shows all the apps whether they're desktop or Store apps.

(And while I got rid of my Surface long ago, my current laptop is a Toshiba convertible which I use half of the time as a traditional laptop and half of the time as a tablet. So I'm not speaking just from the standpoint of a keyboard/mouse user.)

I disagree. I think that Windows 10 has morphed Windows 8 into an operating system which caters to both keyboard/mouse and touch users equally.

Well we will have to agree to disagree. Win 10 feels more like Win 7 on a tablet while Win 8.1 was a much more refined and advanced touch experience.


New member
Jul 31, 2015
All I see here is from the OP.

I have the perfect solution for you right here:
1: go to settings
2: update and security
3: recovery
4: go back to Windows 7, 8.0, or 8.1
5: stop complaining

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New member
Nov 9, 2012
How about we ask Microsoft somethings back, that they asked us a long time ago:


Ben Jenkins3

New member
Aug 12, 2015
I'm a power user and have found that most of the things folks complain about are resolved simply by learning how to customize the OS to your personal preferences, which for me took all of 20 minutes. No serious complaints yet, other than the lack of control with onedrive and windows update, which I suspect will be resolved in time. Otherwise, I find w10 to be a remarkable achievement for Microsoft


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm a power user and have found that most of the things folks complain about are resolved simply by learning how to customize the OS to your personal preferences, which for me took all of 20 minutes. No serious complaints yet, other than the lack of control with onedrive and windows update, which I suspect will be resolved in time. Otherwise, I find w10 to be a remarkable achievement for Microsoft

Their is not currently a way to configure MS Edge to run in a full screen mode or where you can swipe to bring up menu's when you need it and use page forward/page back swipes. Their is also not currently a way to tweak and or configure Desktop IE/Firefox/Opera/Chrome to act like Metro IE either I've tried with all of them. Even in their fullscreen modes most of them get stuck that way without a keyboard attached to hit F11.

Auto hide Taskbar also auto hides it in Desktop mode and if you want to sync theme's it pushes the auto hide setting to other PC's. Also when auto hide is enabled and you are running an X86 program swiping up to bring back the taskback for use does not work, swiping up works to bring it back up on Metro/modern Apps.

Their is no current way to configure the OS to swipe through open apps like in Win 8.1 or Snap 3 programs at the same time.

My main issues with Win 10 have no actual solution and Win 10 itself is probably the least customizable OS Microsoft has ever put out. So it is really ingenious to say that our problems with Win 10 have a simple configuration solution within Win 10.

It doesn't and I'd be fine right now if it did. I'd love to have configuration options in place that would allow me to adjust Win 10 to act more like the way I use Win 8.1


New member
Jul 31, 2015
Oki, i get u feel that I'm a hater or something like that, but no reason to hate back on me for wanting MS to be better? Short answer: Probably not. But I can tell you that I'm doing the videos because I wanna show people these issues, how illogical and not forward they are. I also wanna get of the verbal, the misunderstandings, give people a chance to just sit back and see those problems instead of hearing me blab about it. I will also make sure to be constructive and come with ideas of how to make it better.

So.... cheer up dood!

You're literally the only one who has any serious so called "issues" with Windows 10. Every major blog even ones who aren't MS friendly said Windows 10 is great if you look pass the bugs which would be fixed in time

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New member
Jan 26, 2014
Every major blog even ones who aren't MS friendly said Windows 10 is great if you look pass the bugs which would be fixed in time

It is not even an issue of bugs. They certainly come on top and will be fixed eventually. The issue is the complete removal of the elegance and convenience of the modern UI touch user experience along with its features.
Instead i have a bloody mix of orthogonal desktop and touch design paradigms all over the place.


New member
Mar 28, 2013
I'm a power user and have found that most of the things folks complain about are resolved simply by learning how to customize the OS to your personal preferences, which for me took all of 20 minutes. No serious complaints yet, other than the lack of control with onedrive and windows update, which I suspect will be resolved in time. Otherwise, I find w10 to be a remarkable achievement for Microsoft

Did you find a way to re-enable the swipe functions in any of the browsers?

Jean_Philippe VERT

New member
Jan 24, 2013
You're literally the only one who has any serious so called "issues" with Windows 10. Every major blog even ones who aren't MS friendly said Windows 10 is great if you look pass the bugs which would be fixed in time

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yeah, the only one... after 30 pages of complains. The fact is W10 is far from being exempt of bugs or lack of features. Especially for tablet users. And desktop users have issues too. Right now W10 is not better than W8.1, IMHO. MS rushed the release, once again.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
This thread is so big because more people tend to go to forums to complain than to give praise. Usually if someone likes something they aren't as likely to post about it unlike people with problems or complainers that want to make sure everyone knows what they hate about it. I'm also sure all the trolls were just waiting for the RTM to come out so they could bash Microsoft and make it look like there are tons of people having problems and not satisfied with it.

I've upgraded 1 Surface Pro 3, 1 Surface 3, a 7 year old Dell Latitude laptop, a custom build gaming desktop, and 3 Dell desktops at work without one major problem. The upgrade process was a little more cumbersome on a couple of them but I didn't have any show stoppers with any of them. Also, not one of them had a missing or malfunctioning driver. If you ask me that is quite a feat to pull off with all the possible manufacturers and configurations you can have out there.

I've was using the Windows 10 preview for about 5 months before RTM. I liked it so much better than Windows 8 that I never wanted to go back even if there were some issues. I even installed 10 Preview on my daily driver. There's only one thing I miss in Windows 8.1 and that is the way OneDrive worked with file placeholders and not having to download your whole OneDrive in order to access a file in it. I'm hoping they hear all the negative feedback and return that functionality.


New member
Jul 31, 2015
Yeah, the only one... after 30 pages of complains. The fact is W10 is far from being exempt of bugs or lack of features. Especially for tablet users. And desktop users have issues too. Right now W10 is not better than W8.1, IMHO. MS rushed the release, once again.

Because people love to complain. If you noticed I said major blogs have all praised it basically. Even ones who say don't upgrade....are saying not yet because of the bugs. Windows 10 is miles ahead better then windows 8.1 and I am one of the few who probably liked windows 8.1. Obviously there is going to be bugs but they aren't any that are prohibiting me from using my laptop. The only issues I had which I fixed was the steels series engine driver didn't install and that nvidia interface didn't work. I reinstalled the drivers and reinstalled the interface easily.

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New member
Nov 9, 2012
Yeah, the only one... after 30 pages of complains. The fact is W10 is far from being exempt of bugs or lack of features. Especially for tablet users. And desktop users have issues too. Right now W10 is not better than W8.1, IMHO. MS rushed the release, once again.

Believe me, ive seen MS facebook and its burried in w10 dislike.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
You're literally the only one who has any serious so called "issues" with Windows 10. Every major blog even ones who aren't MS friendly said Windows 10 is great if you look pass the bugs which would be fixed in time

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

You are "literally" incorrect.

The tablet experience is trash.

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