The Feature Request Thread

Currently as you read to the bottom of a page and go to the next page you start at the same point you were on the previous page ie. the bottom instead of the top. This can be a little annoying.


When you move to the next page it should take you to the top of the next page no matter your reading position on the current page.

It probably only makes sense to do the opposite when moving to previous page. Take you to the bottom of previous page.
Something I would like to see on the app / site is the ability to collapse comments / threads and/or possibly a '+' rating system to rid the site of the dorky +model number of your phone, comments. I doubt that a rating system is on the way, so collapsable comments would be nice.
It would be nice to get the "pull to refresh" gesture that's used in the Facebook and Twitter apps 😊
Live Tile/Toast notifications for the Forums! I hate having to remember which comments were replied to and liked, thanked, etc.
Please tell them to add notifications for likes and thanks you get for your posts or at least make it optional.

Also if they can increase the information you see when going into a users profile, the app does not even show which device they have or a short bio. You also cant click on their thanks/likes they receive, it opens nothing.
Sorry not sure if this was asked or mentioned,but why can't we see images uploaded to wpc on the app forum? Always gives an error and asks to open in browser.
When browsing the forums, say I'm looking at the Lumia 920 section (under Windows Phone devices) but then back out to check out the Lumia 800, when pressing back it goes to WPCentral community section instead. Is it possible to make it stay under the section I was originally viewing?

Same issue with a L810 :(

When browsing the forums, it would be nice to have an indicator of which threads have new posts since the last time I looked.
Right now only the 'sticky' threads are marked in bold all the time. Personally I could care less if a thread is a 'sticky', I just want to know if there are new posts in a thread.
Hi Jay great update :)

Now that you've moved the floating refresh button to the charm bar, it would be quicker to just pull the news down (slide down) and that activate a refresh. Is that possible?
Cheers and thanks, Darren. :D
I would like to pin a category, example the Nokia Lumia 1020, and also a thread, like this one for example. I would also like the ability to report posts and post pictures (either taken already or want to take it), as the IOS WPCentral forums app has that. Thanks. :)
Is it possible to post pics to a WPC forum (Pics/vids taken with Lumia 920) right from my phone? I can text but not attach pics? I used to be able to do it with tapatalk app, but no more. Just want a quick easy way to post pics I take with my 920, not having to save to SkyDrive then open on my PC with another program.....
Is it possible to post pics to a WPC forum (Pics/vids taken with Lumia 920) right from my phone? I can text but not attach pics? I used to be able to do it with tapatalk app, but no more. Just want a quick easy way to post pics I take with my 920, not having to save to SkyDrive then open on my PC with another program.....

Unfortunately not :cry:
Being able to view photos from the app would be great. It currently takes me to the internet site, and asks for username. Or it did last time I tried. Also, email notifications for new posts in forums, and the ability to turn them off too.
When turning the page in the thread list of a forum it should go to the top of that next page I stead of being at the bottom and making me scroll up to the top post.
I have a couple of suggestions for the WP app. What about adding voice reply option so that we don't have to type our comments? Like on text messages. Also, what about the app reading the article to us like the NBC app? That way my lazy **** doesn't have to read. In addition, emoji support from the built it keyboard so they appear here in the comments. Oh, and custom notification sounds.
I noticed the Windows 8 app doesn't have a new article counter on the live tile - good choice, it looks far cleaner that way.

I just wish there was an option to remove the article counter on the live tile for the Windows Phone app as well.
Please can you stop the text jumping to a new location when the image loads.

Also could we have a search function in the comments section, so I can quickly view my comments and look out for friends too.

Cheers Jay.

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