I guess its not innovation then. Apple hasn't redesigned iOS since launch.This is pretty magical stuff. This is Apple-level type innovation.
This is pretty magical stuff. This is Apple-level type innovation.
You sir, are banned. Apple hasn't been innovative for years.
Sorry, thought I was in the ban the post above thread for a min. But yeah MS is the new Apple.
No, not until they have a string of 5 consecutive hits can you call then the new Apple.
well apple hasn't had crap for a while now. If MS isn't the new Apple, then there is nothing new/inovative from any company and that's just not the case.... Idk if the illumiroom is vapor ware, but even so, it's miles above the competition. The new Kinect, if it works as promised, sets the the One well above the competition. Then throw in MS' cloud computations and Windows 8 fully embracing touch screen... I could go on...
Besides, Apple never had 5 consecutive hits.
this looks nice! they thought about what people have complaining about of kinect 1.
this makes kinect 2 really awesome! and useful in alot of scenarios, so it can be used like its meant to be used.
i wish Microsoft would push kinect 2 for PC and Windows 8 and apps, do the same they are trying to achieve Xbox One. it really would be nice to control Windows 8 just like Xbox with kinect if we wanted to.
Coming to windows in 2014.
Kinect next-gen to launch on PCs in 2014 - Gaming News - Digital Spy
iPod --> iPhone --> aluminum Macs ---> iPad --> Apple TV
but i mean push it! not like actual kinect for Windows.
where are the apps? why Windows 8 and its apps doesnt have support for it?. the tech was always there but you couldnt really get more than the SDK.
i dont want it to happen again that kinect 2 for pc will be another piece of harware that wont be really matter unless you create your own things. because people created nice stuff like the chair moving with kinect. but it wasnt useful for me! i want it to be able to be useful for Windows users in general, so you can use, mouse and keyboard, touch or kinect or Xbox controller or your mind to control Windows.
Unless your a Mac fanatic, no one cares about Apple TV and aluminum macs... IPod, iPhone & iPad I'll give you though, but that's only 3. And when you break it down, the iPhone is just an iPod with a cell phone antenna... So maybe 2. And the iPad is just an iPhone with a bigger screen... So maybe 1. Apple has done nothing innovative in the last couple of years, but act like they invited new tech (noise canceling mics, tablets, smart phones, etc.)
If the Kinect really functions with hardly any lag then I think the possibilities are endless. Ryse looks pretty sweet. I want to sweat my *** off chopping off heads and actually physically ducking behind "cover."