The new Lumia camera app rolling out for 830 users!

But can it return to original denim when you uninstall prev for devs?

One would have to use the Software Recovery Tool for that, but in theory it is possible, yes.

And as another datapoint I'm running DP as well with no complaints/issues (except the lack of official Lumia Camera v5 and the current OIS weirdness..but that's not DP's fault). The "stock" OS image that my RM-985 came with had some problems with wifi and bluetooth connectivity..and those were resolved completely by upgrading to DP.
But can it return to original denim when you uninstall prev for devs?

As the post above me stated, yes it's possible. But, for all intents and purposes, consider it a one-way street with no going back. You'll save yourself some headaches.
It no longer shows up via store search from my phone, but it did when I installed it. Likewise searching from the website yields only the v4 link /shrug. So unless one happens to know the direct link, it's effectively been pulled. But it's been posted enough by now that I suppose anyone who wants it can get it :)

Here's it in the French store but after I reset my phone and did all the tricks to get it like last time; change region, turn off location,change time zone etc., it now says not available for my phone. MS must have added the phone ID to the mix because before just changing location etc. did the trick.

Lumia Camera | Store Applications+Jeux Windows Phone (France)
I installed the app, but it says I must update my phone to make it work. Meh.

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