The ridiculous hype for a terrible lock screen app.

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I noticed on the top left style it slides up easily compared to the analog clock one I was using, where it went up 3/4 of the way and you had to do it again to finish like was stated before. There's also a slight color change when its slid up to your actual start screen, on my Icon anyway. I use my own photos that change every hour and no probs there, don't care for Bing that much I like my own pics. I wad using Lockmix and like that one as you can style it how you like with fb, weather, etc. But ill leave my feedback to the developer.
I like the look. I'd hope that Kids Zone will be something to access as with other lock screens. Very creative looks for clocks!
I like the creative clocks. I'd like access to Kids Zone. It's easier to make change with other lock screen app. When I'm accessing my phone people are curious...
I never liked the idea in the first place. A lock screen app: Who's going to admire his lock screen? A beautiful image there is more than enough.

I think the idea behind the possibilities was what everyone is getting excited about. Like there's a lock screen for Shazam. It doesn't do anything. It's just a wallpaper. Would be nice if I could just hit the button and tag songs straight from the lock screen.

Obviously the same idea for other apps as well. Granted in my case, I'd like to see a lock screen that's "live" or animated. If it's a weather app, show animations for the weather. The only thing i really miss from Android, maybe besides widgets, is the live wallpaper and lock screens. I had the Matrix codes animated with my EVO. Loved it. Anyway my 2 cents
I think the idea behind the possibilities was what everyone is getting excited about. Like there's a lock screen for Shazam. It doesn't do anything. It's just a wallpaper. Would be nice if I could just hit the button and tag songs straight from the lock screen.

Obviously the same idea for other apps as well. Granted in my case, I'd like to see a lock screen that's "live" or animated. If it's a weather app, show animations for the weather. The only thing i really miss from Android, maybe besides widgets, is the live wallpaper and lock screens. I had the Matrix codes animated with my EVO. Loved it. Anyway my 2 cents

This can be done, MS's fault.
Could be good a "People Lockscreen". Show tweets, facebook and other things. And interactive, answer right there.
you don't deserve to be a windows phone user. How can you say that windows phone getting 8.1 features in august is laughable. you should be grateful that microsoft even bothers to catch up to ios and android. Yeah they are releasing things as a beta but they'll get fixed later. And you don't see ios users saying that either.

I don't understand this logic. You're saying we should be grateful that Microsoft is doing what they're supposed to do by trying to keep up with the competition? Seriously? Oh and maybe iOS users aren't complaining because they get many features before WP and sometimes before Android and they work as intended upon release. In contrast, Microsoft has been releasing several busted apps and retroactively patching them.
I think it is just an app that runs automatically when the phone turns on,,, that is why it is slow. It would be much better if it is integrated in the OS from scratch.
I feel the same about Amazing Weather HD. That crap kills my live tiles when installed. On this app, I don't have much to complain about since I know its not yet complete, aka beta. I'm hoping more themes will be added than the sample given.
I don't understand this logic. You're saying we should be grateful that Microsoft is doing what they're supposed to do by trying to keep up with the competition? Seriously? Oh and maybe iOS users aren't complaining because they get many features before WP and sometimes before Android and they work as intended upon release. In contrast, Microsoft has been releasing several busted apps and retroactively patching them.

What do you think you're doing with that negativity? You think MS devs will work harder if you bash them?
What do you think you're doing with that negativity? You think MS devs will work harder if you bash them?

You are missing the point

Almost all recent apps from MS are laggy.
Take an example Xbox apps.
How many months since these apps are released but still offer laagy users experience .
What message these laggy apps send in market that MS who made WP not able to make it's core OS apps smooth in four months.

And now they added one more app in this list.
How do you know that this app is not going share similar fate as Xbox apps?
People should view this app as a proof of concept. We get animated lock screen now. Imagine what other dev can do with the API. Animate weather on lock screen, news feed, live score maybe?

This is pretty much the only post in this thread that's actually nailed it.

This app is just a technology demonstration piece. The reasons why it's been late and unpolished in appearance/settings is something between Rudy and Microsoft which we may or may not learn about.

The truth of the matter is that we now have something in our hands that demonstrates how animated lockscreens can behave. When the API is released, we are going to see some truly amazing content and behaviour. We should let Rudy and Microsoft iron out the performance issues and then we should hopefully see some great enhancements.

The sky is not falling down.
Well I think its an app with tremendous possibilities. Its not working now as it should, but am sure MS will make it work smooth. Rudy is great developer he will come up with something good.
I think the WP platform has some major gripes. The lock screen is another classical case. I love the fact we have a new toy, but bear with me. First off, the current issues with the platform as a whole. One is the functionality gap. MS was eager to patch this, and they have fixed a lot of missing functionality (that IOS and Android have had for years on end) with 8.1. However, this was a rushy job, so they decided to release this ASAP using the name "Dev Preview" to stop people from complaining about missing functionality and to keep themselves from having to play even more catch-up later on. From the way it was released to end users using the DP functionality, they presented it as a early form of the final release, but named it just right. Name it beta so people won't whine about the rushy job and all the bugs still in it. Name it developer so people who complain can be pointed out by other users of the platform that this update was "intended for developers so it is bound to have issues" - even though MS hinted time and again that it was sort of an early released version for everyone to get a feel for the actual, final product..

Another gripe was the lack of apps. They have tried to counter this by reducing time that it takes to get an app past store certification. This way, apps get approved quicker and existing apps can be patched waaay faster. They claim to have found a way to speed things up a lot. And by a lot i mean, reduce the certification time from several days to several hours. Without compromising quality they say. And security. Well..
Killerwp | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
What about this then? Lol. I have seen apps that actually have Android (!!!) screenshots in the store, and after installation lead users to a place to download an APK. A lot of reviews under the app warnign other people that the apps is a scam, a ripoff, nevertheless, it is still published. Seriously, Microsoft? Why don't u have a "Report a problem with this app" button on your store? Come on, these things are just common sense. Anyway, the certification speedup, another rush job. Again, in the best interest of the company itself ("we have a lot of apps! Look at the numbers!") rather then in the best interest of existing customers. My 2 cents.

So, they seem to be rushing things to keep press (covering new phones) happy (no more missing functionality = more sales) and releasing beta software that is going to be patched "later on" to keep current users from whining too much.

They do seem to be forgetting that you can't bring out quality products if you keep on releasing buggy beta software and keep on screaming "give it some time, it'll all get better!" You might get new customers this way by handing out promises, but chase current customers away to competitive platforms which already offer the same functionality, but in a fast and stable implementation. They will not be getting the "It's a beta - live with it!" treatment. People do get tired of waiting.

I do like how they are trying to make the OS modular so individual components can be patched more easily, but one of the major pros of the WP platform is undoubtily the speed. All the apps that were changed from 'integrated in the OS' to 'individual patchable apps' seem to have performance and/or stability issues now, be it the Xbox music app, or the new lockscreen. Biggest problem: quality issues. Where integrated apps were running OK, they seem be faulty after being changed to individual app. So, i'm wondering; is this idea was actually again something that is in the best interest of end users, or in the best interest of the company itself.
People should view this app as a proof of concept. We get animated lock screen now. Imagine what other dev can do with the API. Animate weather on lock screen, news feed, live score maybe?

I'm sorry but no. Proof-of-Concept was 4 months ago. And afaik the APIs aren't released yet. So if you want to put it in a harsh way, it took msft about 4 months to release a broken screensaver for their own OS. :/
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