Those who ordered the L920 from AT&T in Yellow

Figures, I just ordered mine today... Guess I'm in for a wait.

Funny that the only reason I am getting this, is because ATT screwed up my iPhone 5 order and ultimately just cancelled it. Now with the time to think, and play with the Nokia in the store, I'm jumping on the windows train... But of course I gotta wait, it seems to be my lot in life.
I know this is not very productive or mature, but it made me feel better. I went into a chat as though I was buying a new phone.

Below is my chat with the rep. I asked if I purchased a phone when would it ship. This is the conversation from that point.

Jamie L.: What phone are you looking at today?

Philip: The Yellow Nokia Lumia 920

Jamie L.: Perfect! Let me check on that for you.

Jamie L.: This phone is ready to ship now. If you order tonight it will be shipped via free 2 business day shipping to you.

Philip: Then how come the other one I ordered a week ago has not shipped?

Jamie L.: If you ordered a yellow on it was set to ship out yesterday. Those had been delayed due to high demand. Is it not showing as shipped to you yet in your order status?

was that the end of it?
my preorder charges disapeared that weekend, now I only have one pending charge for one accessory but not for the upgrade...

anyone has a completed charge that isn't pending???
i was notified from bank of america that at&t that they took $106.23 (nokia lumia 920 in yellow plus shipping) on Wednesday and on monday the money was back in my bank account. it says Micro-SIM for Apple iPad shows "Pending Shipment." and the nokia lumia is still processing :@
I just spoke with someone again, he confirms that I'm no longer processing and pending shipment that if i get no shipping number hopefully I will tomorrow... blah.
I haven’t received the shipping info yet but did just get an email on “Information about your AT&T plan”. I followed the link and it’s basically a pdf about my plan being extended two years and my phone being a 920 etc. I ordered yellow as soon as I could (confirmation email back was at 11:24 PM CDT on 11/6), now I’m hoping my shipping email comes shortly :)
I haven?t received the shipping info yet but did just get an email on ?Information about your AT&T plan?. I followed the link and it?s basically a pdf about my plan being extended two years and my phone being a 920 etc. I ordered yellow as soon as I could (confirmation email back was at 11:24 PM CDT on 11/6), now I?m hoping my shipping email comes shortly :)

I just got the same thing. My confirmation email was at 12:58 AM EST on 11/6. Glimmer of light is showing. :)
After a 4 hour twitter rampage on customer care I feel a little better.
If only I had a yellow phone to tweet from, then I would feel indeed better.
I'm going to think positive the phone to ship this week, because god help THEM if it doesn't. I bite.
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I got my CSS email just before 8pm as well. I got excited cause I thought it was a shipment email! The CSS does say my phone is a Nokia 920. Fingers crossed it will ship tonight!
After a 4 hour twitter rampage on customer care I feel a little better.
If only I had a yellow phone to tweet from, then I would feel indeed better.
I'm going to think positive the phone to ship this week, because god help THEM if it doesn't. I bite.

If that profile picture is of you they may not mind the bite. ;)

What makes you feel better? Did you get any promising information?
Watch us get the free charger plate before the F ing phone!!!!

I received my free charging plate today. A lot of good it does me without the phone! I placed my order on 11/7 at 2:22 am CST, and my order still says processing. My card hasn't been charged yet, and even the temp authorization expired. Sigh... If they're waiting for stock, why don't they tell us? Every other online merchant I shop from sends me an e-mail to let me know if an order is delayed. Why can't AT&T offer us that same courtesy? What lousy customer service! And why can't AT&T give their customer service reps the information they need to answer customer questions. It seems that everyone is getting different answers depending on who they talk to. Who's to be believed? So frustrating!
EBynum, I keep being told lately that it's in stock. I'm pretty sure that a shipment came in today and they're going to be shipped soon.
If that profile picture is of you they may not mind the bite. ;)

What makes you feel better? Did you get any promising information?

Thats me and they will absolutely mind the bite!
My husband called this morning to check the status (we ordered it on the 9th) and he got no information besides the backorder run around but they did give us a $25 credit.

I did call them myself and got nowhere either and of course they did not respond to my tweets but it felt good to vent!

Besides the shipping issue I think I am most dissapointed in the fact that it seems that no one really knows anything for such a "big" phone launch. I called many stores in my area Friday and not one of them knew anything about their stock and most didn't even have one phone in stock! The stroes that did have a stock only had a limited supply and couldn't tell my why so I was told to order online because I was told I would get the phone faster that way.

I've been waiting since August for the release date and had my heart set on the yellow so I will stay strong until it arrives.
I'm beginning to become optimistic.. Not sure why, but I'll trust my gut. And if it's wrong I'll just drown it in turkey next week.

Customer Service is pitiful. It would have been less stressful to order an iPhone 5 when pre-orders became available.
I haven?t received the shipping info yet but did just get an email on ?Information about your AT&T plan?. I followed the link and it?s basically a pdf about my plan being extended two years and my phone being a 920 etc. I ordered yellow as soon as I could (confirmation email back was at 11:24 PM CDT on 11/6), now I?m hoping my shipping email comes shortly :)

I just got the same email : )

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