Those who ordered the L920 from AT&T in Yellow

Something must be wrong with my F5 button because nothing changes when I press it.

Yeah, mine too. Every time I press the button, I get this irritating message that says "Processing" Doesn't seem to ever go away. Tried rebooting my computer and still getting the same message. I called AT&T and told them their site was broken. :P

Seriously though, I wish they would hurry up and ship out the yellow's already!!
At this rate, I might have a better chance of building my own fully working Lumia 920 out of elbow macaroni and yellow glitter.
After a 4 hour twitter rampage on customer care I feel a little better.
If only I had a yellow phone to tweet from, then I would feel indeed better.
I'm going to think positive the phone to ship this week, because god help THEM if it doesn't. I bite.
Not funny, but it was funny. Lol. You definitely went in on ATT care.

P.S. Followed (duvi).
am I the first AT&T customer that ordered a Yellow Lumia 920? Premier customers were able to pre-order since 9AM PST on Tue 6th...

No tracking codes today means they haven't received anything, nada, none, zero we might as well start thinking we'll receive it December...

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I ordered my wife's Cyan 920 on 11/9 and received it the next day! I ordered my Yellow 920 on 11/9 and still processing...
am I the first AT&T customer that ordered a Yellow Lumia 920? Premier customers were able to pre-order since 9AM PST on Tue 6th...

No tracking codes today means they haven't received anything, nada, none, zero we might as well start thinking we'll receive it December...

Click to view quoted image

And there it is... More proof to indicate we're not gonna see these phones for a while...

:shocked: :(

Just watch the video, the lady says "she didn't wanted to stay here since the morning" this proves that employees are being told to work overtime!!!


Just to make some more speculation ;)
Is it possible something went incredibly wrong with the first few batches produced? Something along the lines of the problems all the other colors are experiencing? I'm starting to think maybe a portion of the first batch of yellow L920s are being discarded all together, and that Nokia is waiting on new ones...
My hubby ordered his yellow on Saturday afternoon, he got that email Saturday night and the yellow was shipped on Sunday here's the header, since showing proof seems to be the thing here.

Subject Information about your ATT plan
Sender AT&T Customer Care for Wireless
Recipient XXXXXXX@U2.COM
Date Sat 13:49


did he receive the yellow phone or charger? thx.
am I the first AT&T customer that ordered a Yellow Lumia 920? Premier customers were able to pre-order since 9AM PST on Tue 6th...

No tracking codes today means they haven't received anything, nada, none, zero we might as well start thinking we'll receive it December...

Click to view quoted image
Premiere also. Got my order in by 9:15PM on 11/6 (west coast). I was able to add the charger also... Everything went smooth during the order process. Now people are getting their charging plates and I have nothing?
I figure I was one of the first couple hundred people to get their order in...

But nothing.
No charge plate.
No iPad sim card.
No yellow 920.

Must. Be. More. Patient.

Premiere also. Got my order in by 9:15PM on 11/6 (west coast). I was able to add the charger also... Everything went smooth during the order process. Now people are getting their charging plates and I have nothing?
I figure I was one of the first couple hundred people to get their order in...

But nothing.
No charge plate.
No iPad sim card.
No yellow 920.

Must. Be. More. Patient.


the other thread called "AT&T order status" someone said that Premier customers are usually the ones to get orders messed up, remember orders were not open to the public at 9am PST...? so I'm just thinking the worse here since I haven't received the charger or extra chargers that I ordered, maybe our Premier orders were submitted later that day after non premier orders were processed... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
the other thread called "AT&T order status" someone said that Premier customers are usually the ones to get orders messed up, remember orders were not open to the public at 9am PST...? so I'm just thinking the worse here since I haven't received the charger or extra chargers that I ordered, maybe our Premier orders were submitted later that day after non premier orders were processed... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I think AT&T just hates the nice California weather.
I noticed now that the charges to my credit card that were pending for ordering the phone have now disappeared.

So many weird things going on. I'm glad we can all piss and moan together I guess.
Just imagine how many yellow Lumia 920 they have to ship once they get their first batch without enough devices to meet pre-orders...


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