Nevermind, no point talking.
I guess the question is this. How do iPhone 5c sales compare with the iPhone 4S after the iphone 5 was released. There are the comparable models. Do you have numbers for that?
Nevermind, no point talking.
I guess the question is this. How do iPhone 5c sales compare with the iPhone 4S after the iphone 5 was released. There are the comparable models. Do you have numbers for that?
Why are they comparable? What are numbers?
Why post if you're going to delete? Are we beneath your level of intellect?
Yes you can. Try to pay more attention on your screen and the editing options besides trolling.
Thank you, I hadn't spotted that! It is most kind of you to provide assistance.
I don't understand your second comment. Why do you think I'm trolling?
Because you're too busy trolling. I've seen your useless comments in other threads too and I don't like replying to them. Stop asking rhetorical questions.
does anyone have comparable sales figures for iPhone 4S last year, and iPhone 5C this year?
Always google/bing before asking questions.
According to CIRP, the iPhone 5c accounts for 27% of iPhone sales vs. 64% for iPhone 5s. Last year, also according to CIRP, the iPhone 4s captured 23% vs. 68% for iPhone 5.
Source: CNBC claims iPhone 5c sales ‘disappointing’ despite proof otherwise – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home
Those figures suggest the 5C is actually doing OK. Even that it's given Apple a small advantage compared to last year.
5C might be doing okay but not what Apple expected else why would have they reduced the orders by almost 35 percent. While on the other hand 5S production was increased by 75%. But now its being reported that 5c sales seem to be picking up in the United States but the device’s impact on emerging markets is still somewhat muted.
Fair summary?
iPhone 5s and 5c are hitting 35 more countries today and on Nov 1 they'll go on sale in 16 more countries. Lets see how the sales figure develop. And I don't think Apple will ever be able to address the mid and low end especially the low end. That's not how they roll.
iPhone 5s and 5c are hitting 35 more countries today and on Nov 1 they'll go on sale in 16 more countries. Lets see how the sales figure develop. And I don't think Apple will ever be able to address the mid and low end especially the low end. That's not how they roll.
They'll never make a device for the medium or lower grade markets period
The CEO has spoken. :winktongue: