jblank, it's one of those things, right now, it blows. We all want the update, but it's gonna trickle out. And we'll complain and moan, but once we have it, all this whining will be forgotten.
I agree, it blows, and ya know what, I don't even blame AT&T, I blame Microsoft, and their ineptitude. The entire time I have had this phone, which is great by the way, I do love the HTC Surround, the releases have stunk, absolutely stunk. How a company, with their resources, can be so ****ty at rolling out a release to a phone that has the smallest user base of any OS (we're not talking 30 million users here) is beyond me.
If anything, they should be bending over backwards to make sure the users have the best possible experience on Mango, because we've been loyal to the phone and have listened to the hype on this for close to six months now.
So, to me, hype time is over...get the product out, into everyones hands, NOW. Not next week, not next month. When you do a release like this, coordinate, make sure everyone can get it, put it on the web for download, whatever, but for the love of God, just get it into the hands of your customers.
Is all that too much to ask?