Time of AT&T Mango Release?

It also says:

Important: To help ensure quality, software updates are typically sent out gradually and/or in batches, so it might take several weeks before you receive notice that an update is available for your phone.
Official timeframe of mango has been released!

Any of you AT&T users remember what time the NoDo update was available and do you think it will be similar for Mango? I was out of town when it happened last time so I don't recall. Just wondering if they starting rolling it out at 12:01am or is it something that happens mid-day tomorrow?

the roll out has started officially. 10% of phones will be updated by the end of the week, 25% of all phones within the next few weeks, 100% of phones within one month.

The official state from microsoft is here:

Windows Phone 7.5
No message was received, I just happened to check Zune. I almost missed it, thought it said no update then I noticed that there was an extra button called update now.

UPDATE: Received message after the 7392 update completed. I am updating to MANGO now.
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my phone says i have an update available..but according to zune i am on the newest software. guess i will just continue to wait.

it was actually kind of weird when i first checked my phone for any updates. after clicking on the phone update menu, it would go to a black screen and then kick me back to the home screen..did this a few times..
Got the notice at 12:25 CST. Updating my Focus v1.3 right now. I'm in Austin Texas on ATT. Was on beta 2.
Will they be updating by 'region' or by random phones? I'm looking at Vector in Northern MI as my hopeful guide, I'm in Southern MI....

But, I'm at church...waiting on a meeting to start. Oh the long days as a pastor ;)

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