Titanfall ruined Destiny for me


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Destiny may be a great game. The reviews say it is good, not great. A lot of fans seem to think its amazing. For me, its okay, but I think playing Titanfall before it makes it seem much less enjoyable.

I know there are a lot of people out there who don't like TF. Its a relatively shallow game. It is essentially just a multiplayer competitive arena shooter. The crappy campaign mode is about as half assed as it could be, and there were a lot of things missing when the game was released. Granted, a lot of cool stuff has been added via updates (with more coming), but I can understand people's disappointment at launch.

Of all of the complaints people may have about the game, I cannot imagine anyone complaining about the movement of the pilots. As a pilot you can get just about anywhere on the map. You can run (faster with stim), climb, jump, double jump, and wall run, and that's all before you even get in to a Titan.

Which is essentially what ruined Destiny for m. I got Destiny 2 days ago. Obviously that means I haven't seen all the game has to offer, but it does give me a good idea of how the characters control. My instincts now tell me that jumping at a wall makes you climb it. Running on a wall makes you wall run. Double jumping allows you to get on higher ground more easily.

None of this is true in Destiny. In destiny, jumping toward a wall makes you kind of slowly bounce off of the wall. Running on a wall is impossible. Double jumping is kind of an awkward movement that occasionally makes getting to higher ground a physics project.

I miss the freedom. I miss the speed. I miss the fluidity. For all the problems that you can reasonably have with Titanfall, its Pilot control should not be one of them. Playing that has made it so much more difficult for me to truly enjoy Destiny. It has set the standard too high.

Does anyone feel the same way? Does it get better as your character gets more upgrades? Do I just need to play the game more?
I know exactly how you feel! Battlefield got way too slow after playing Titanfall also. TF is btw the first MP game I have liked, so that may have someting to do with it..
Yes, this makes me hate Destiny's PVP. It's like gimped, slow motion Titanfall with half the features. One thing I like though that I wish Titanfall had, sliding! Destiny could be a tiny bit better if you could at least vault up ledges instead of hoping for making the jump completely. But the movement and jumping is so slow motion compared to Titanfall. Destiny also has the terrible oneshotherpderps going on with supers and heavy ammo, even if both are limited in quantity but the odds that you get oneshot without being able to do anything as you turn around a corner are sometimes just stupidly big. Then there's the problem of both players killing each other that happens way too much.

Destiny is nice in that sense though that you get to play a personalized character, whereas in Titanfall you are just a generic soldier.

But yes, Titanfall is hands down the best online PVP shooter I have ever played. Destiny is amazing with it's PVE, but the PVP makes me want to punch a kitten.
Yes, this makes me hate Destiny's PVP. It's like gimped, slow motion Titanfall with half the features. One thing I like though that I wish Titanfall had, sliding! Destiny could be a tiny bit better if you could at least vault up ledges instead of hoping for making the jump completely. But the movement and jumping is so slow motion compared to Titanfall. Destiny also has the terrible oneshotherpderps going on with supers and heavy ammo, even if both are limited in quantity but the odds that you get oneshot without being able to do anything as you turn around a corner are sometimes just stupidly big. Then there's the problem of both players killing each other that happens way too much.

Destiny is nice in that sense though that you get to play a personalized character, whereas in Titanfall you are just a generic soldier.

But yes, Titanfall is hands down the best online PVP shooter I have ever played. Destiny is amazing with it's PVE, but the PVP makes me want to punch a kitten.

I haven't even pvped yet. I think it will only anger me. I do like the character customization of Destiny. I always felt like "Pilot" was a pretty generic name for an elite group of soldiers who have to complete a training course in which 98% of them die.
I've been enjoying more and more of the pvp in Destiny. Mostly once I got a perk that made the 'double jump' a lot more controllable and predictable with the Titan class. It still PALES in comparison to Titanfall in its movement and fluidity, but I still have fun with it - mostly... ;)
I've been enjoying more and more of the pvp in Destiny. Mostly once I got a perk that made the 'double jump' a lot more controllable and predictable with the Titan class. It still PALES in comparison to Titanfall in its movement and fluidity, but I still have fun with it - mostly... ;)

Yeah I use the Better Control too on Hunter, my friends don't understand what's wrong with the movement/jumping in Destiny and it's really hard to explain, but neither of them has much experience with Titanfall. A lot could've at least been fixed if you could vault ledges like in Titanfall so you wouldn't rely on "hard jumping" to every surface.
I guess that makes sense if you had expectations of Destiny having the same gameplay mechanics as Titanfall. Which I am not certain just reading your initial post.
Tbh, I was so disappointed in destiny, just like titanfall. The reason is probably because whenever something is hyped a lot, we have very high expectations for it. Destiny is a multi-year game, so I'm sure it will improve and grow.
Destiny has really nice gunplay in general though. That said, so does Titanfall, but I like Destiny's gunplay and all the different variations of the guns. Even if much like Titanfall, there isn't much options to choose from per se, they have much more variants than Titanfall.

The movement doesnt feel like a problem to me in PVE, really, but with PVP it feels like a glaring problem to me.

Also, I want sliding in Titanfall!
Any one else find that Destiny is getting boring quite fast?

The strikes are just the same rubbish over and over and over again. It does my head in shooting a boss for 20 mins along with 2 others and when u finally kill them you get a measly reward.

U spawn in the same places on each planet and go through the same areas with the same enemies which is very tedoios.
Well, its essentially an mmo, that's what they are like right? At least in regards to the farming aspects of them...

I think if they upped the drop rate for loot - even if just a little bit - the game would be a lot more fun. Stinks that you can do amazing in a match on the crucible. Literally carry your entire team to a win, and then get nothing while the anchor weighing you down gets cool stuff.

I don't necessarily want Diablo/Borderlands rates, but just a bit more frequency in drops would help a ton.
MMOs in general aren't my thing, I guess. Neither are FPS games. I have no idea why I would even get Destiny!

Though, to be fair, when you play Destiny with a friend it is a lot more fun. Even if the gameplay is still fairly shallow (go to an area and kill hordes of enemies before seeing a little cut scene, then spend 10 minutes claiming bounties and trying to load the next mission), it is still fun to run around killing things or driving around different planets.

I haven't played Titanfall since I got Destiny. I am getting used to the more or less hampered controls of Destiny vs Titanfall. It would be nice if they would make a Titanfall MMO, or at least give Titanfall a story that doesn't take place in the background of optional, out of order missions. That is where Destiny wins. It feels like a complete game. Titanfall feels like the multiplayer mode of a much bigger game that I wish I could play.

Hopefully TF2 is more ambitious.
Would Destiny be better with more parkour...absolutely, but it does not ruin it for me that it's not there.
Would Destiny be better with more parkour...absolutely, but it does not ruin it for me that it's not there.

I think ANY parkour would be nice. Guardians seem downright clumsy. Even with improved double jump control is it isn't so great. Trying to jump on to a high platform feels like you are trying to bounce a basketball off the ground and make it land in the hoop.
I was just writing to a few friends that Bungie should definitely at least bake in the "better control" upgrades when it comes to double jumps etc. I understand that it's a tradeoff, but it's a bit meh and questionable whether having terrible controls even as a tradeoff is good design. We definitely won't lose anything from the game if the characters at least control somewhat reasonably midair considerly we lack any and all parkour'ish things to help us there. Replace it with a cool new idea, like Gunslinger has the options for higher double jump or triple jump that are quite different, actually cool ideas. Well, higher jump is very generic, but triple jump/higher jump is a good tradeoff. Better control vs. anything is not a good or fun trade off.
I was just writing to a few friends that Bungie should definitely at least bake in the "better control" upgrades when it comes to double jumps etc. I understand that it's a tradeoff, but it's a bit meh and questionable whether having terrible controls even as a tradeoff is good design. We definitely won't lose anything from the game if the characters at least control somewhat reasonably midair considerly we lack any and all parkour'ish things to help us there. Replace it with a cool new idea, like Gunslinger has the options for higher double jump or triple jump that are quite different, actually cool ideas. Well, higher jump is very generic, but triple jump/higher jump is a good tradeoff. Better control vs. anything is not a good or fun trade off.

I would say keep the double jump, but one of the upgrades lets you hold down the jump button to hover around for a second. So once you reach the peek of your jump, you can stay up there and move around as though you had a little jetpack. It wouldn't be a long period of time, but just like a second or 2 where you have some control over where you land.
I would say keep the double jump, but one of the upgrades lets you hold down the jump button to hover around for a second. So once you reach the peek of your jump, you can stay up there and move around as though you had a little jetpack. It wouldn't be a long period of time, but just like a second or 2 where you have some control over where you land.

Well warlocks (or sunsinger to be specific) already has something very similar, but my biggest problem is largely how if you try to jump near a wall, you bump off of the wall and end up just jumping backwards.
Just tried the new maps in Titanfall and damn it was good to get back to Titanfall after two weeks of non stop destiny. Now this is a proper pvp shooter! Gonna be hard returning to Destiny with its slo-mo movement in tar with no parkour. Destiny is still alot of fun in PVE, but still..
Just tried the new maps in Titanfall and damn it was good to get back to Titanfall after two weeks of non stop destiny. Now this is a proper pvp shooter! Gonna be hard returning to Destiny with its slo-mo movement in tar with no parkour. Destiny is still alot of fun in PVE, but still..

Haha I tried returning to Titanfall and now I suck at it terribly! I got used to Destiny's controls and suddenly its like TF is too fast for me!
Destiny could be a tiny bit better if you could at least vault up ledges instead of hoping for making the jump completely.

Agree completely. The automatic 'pull yourself up' feature in Titanfall is a must-have from here on out. I played the Destiny beta and immediately got frustrated trying to jump up and climb up ledges. So outdated.

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