Destiny may be a great game. The reviews say it is good, not great. A lot of fans seem to think its amazing. For me, its okay, but I think playing Titanfall before it makes it seem much less enjoyable.
I know there are a lot of people out there who don't like TF. Its a relatively shallow game. It is essentially just a multiplayer competitive arena shooter. The crappy campaign mode is about as half assed as it could be, and there were a lot of things missing when the game was released. Granted, a lot of cool stuff has been added via updates (with more coming), but I can understand people's disappointment at launch.
Of all of the complaints people may have about the game, I cannot imagine anyone complaining about the movement of the pilots. As a pilot you can get just about anywhere on the map. You can run (faster with stim), climb, jump, double jump, and wall run, and that's all before you even get in to a Titan.
Which is essentially what ruined Destiny for m. I got Destiny 2 days ago. Obviously that means I haven't seen all the game has to offer, but it does give me a good idea of how the characters control. My instincts now tell me that jumping at a wall makes you climb it. Running on a wall makes you wall run. Double jumping allows you to get on higher ground more easily.
None of this is true in Destiny. In destiny, jumping toward a wall makes you kind of slowly bounce off of the wall. Running on a wall is impossible. Double jumping is kind of an awkward movement that occasionally makes getting to higher ground a physics project.
I miss the freedom. I miss the speed. I miss the fluidity. For all the problems that you can reasonably have with Titanfall, its Pilot control should not be one of them. Playing that has made it so much more difficult for me to truly enjoy Destiny. It has set the standard too high.
Does anyone feel the same way? Does it get better as your character gets more upgrades? Do I just need to play the game more?
I know there are a lot of people out there who don't like TF. Its a relatively shallow game. It is essentially just a multiplayer competitive arena shooter. The crappy campaign mode is about as half assed as it could be, and there were a lot of things missing when the game was released. Granted, a lot of cool stuff has been added via updates (with more coming), but I can understand people's disappointment at launch.
Of all of the complaints people may have about the game, I cannot imagine anyone complaining about the movement of the pilots. As a pilot you can get just about anywhere on the map. You can run (faster with stim), climb, jump, double jump, and wall run, and that's all before you even get in to a Titan.
Which is essentially what ruined Destiny for m. I got Destiny 2 days ago. Obviously that means I haven't seen all the game has to offer, but it does give me a good idea of how the characters control. My instincts now tell me that jumping at a wall makes you climb it. Running on a wall makes you wall run. Double jumping allows you to get on higher ground more easily.
None of this is true in Destiny. In destiny, jumping toward a wall makes you kind of slowly bounce off of the wall. Running on a wall is impossible. Double jumping is kind of an awkward movement that occasionally makes getting to higher ground a physics project.
I miss the freedom. I miss the speed. I miss the fluidity. For all the problems that you can reasonably have with Titanfall, its Pilot control should not be one of them. Playing that has made it so much more difficult for me to truly enjoy Destiny. It has set the standard too high.
Does anyone feel the same way? Does it get better as your character gets more upgrades? Do I just need to play the game more?