Todays App Updates

vivino wine scanner
What's new in 7.6

TOP LISTS: A unique way of discovering the best wines in your area.
• Discover the most popular wines in your area based on Vivino user ratings - updated weekly, so you always know what's hot!
• Featured lists bringing you the best of the seasons, wine regions and trends compiled by our wine-savvy Vivinosaurous, AKA the experts!

• More accurate results and faster search function
• New grouping of wine lists to help you find the best wine of your taste in every location.

Also, introducing Verified Wine Lists in San Francisco and Copenhagen – coming soon to major cities near you!
Get the exact selling price and see complete wine lists at the best San Francisco and Copenhagen restaurants.

PLUS: Lots of performance improvements and bug fixes!
facebook messenger 6.0

Video: Send photos and video instantly with one tap. When people send you videos, play them right in the app.

Stickers: With recent stickers, find your favorite stickers faster.

Plus, other improvements to make the app faster and more reliable
I don't know if this goes here, but you can now attach photos to posts and comments in the mobile site of Facebook using the file picker in Internet Explorer (Windows Phone 8.1 only).

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