Todays App Updates

Football Live
- Removed team logos for copyright issues. Will add new custom logos before season begins
- Updated schedule for 2013/2014 season
Creative Studio v5.0.8.67 (Already mentioned - added version info and new features...although not sure if the change log relates to this version)
New features include
Blur: Focus Object, Radial+Tilt Shift
Play: Color Pop, Collage
Battery Status v1.5.1.3
- No change log

Wordament v2.5.1.0 (already mentioned)
- No change log

WPCentral v4.3.15.8 (already mentioned...not sure if change log is up to date)
New in v4.3:
- Fixed a bug with images not display when using medium or low quality
- Fixed YouTube video discovery failures
- Added forum likes
- Implemented support for multiple YouTube videos
- Fixed a memory issue with WP8 causing the use of too much storage by the app
- Added option to delete all temporary files used in the app cache
- Inline images now larger to improve reading experience
Hardware Tests
New in v2.7:
- Fixed bug when test icon cannot be pinned to start
- Added option to run off battery status on live tile

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