Todays XBox 360 Dashboard Update Release Schedule

Aw too bad. :(

Dunno what the hold up is, they must have discovered it doesn't work or something.

Mind that's never stopped them before. :D
At least I haven't been sitting here all day wanting to play around with the new interface. No one else can either (except for the Beta members)...

I get done with work in 90 minutes. Hopefully by the time I get home?
Be prepared for navigation hel l Streak Leader. :D
I have the dashboard preview and I can now see LoveFilm which is nice but I cannot see any other apps at all. You mentioned some other apps the other night WeeBear but my app section is bear and it only shows twitter, Sky and Facebook... Seems strange.

I was hoping the dashboard update would fix it but now its like taking forever.
Be prepared for navigation hel l Streak Leader. :D

I have a feeling that I'm going to like the new dashboard (from what I've seen in pics). The media center-ish design is okay, but I like the newer PS3-ish navigation better. But I guess I won't really know till I get the update.
I downloaded them on my US account welsbloke, then they appear on my UK profile. (It's called cheating) :D

Daily Motion , SyFy and Today News I think they were.

You're right, the only apps the UK have are Facebook, Twitter, Sky, Lovefilm, Zune & Last FM
US account mr Weebear? Please explain :D
Just set up an account on live or hotmail with a US postcode.

Tada! Instant Yankee dashboard and apps. But strange dollar pricey things. :D

Sorry Zipcode, must get it right, when i'm Americanised. :D
Well not the ones like Hulu or Netflix as they are subscription apps.

All the latest added apps work apart from Epix, which is region locked and informs you that we're ever so sorry wee bear, but you are a big fibber, you aint here, you are there and won't let you download it. :D

They don't work on the US account because it's just silver, but once you download them they do show up on my UK gold account and work fine.
What's the name of the mobile app again. I'm about to leave work, so I can't hit refresh every minute. So I"ll just have to search the marketplace.
I'm off to bed ninjaap, you can have my dash update if you like, as long as you give me it back in the morning. ;)
I'm there now ninjaap, off to dream about my Titan, i'll be back in the morning to see your big smile hopefully. :D ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
Okay, so who knows how to force the update? :D

I don't know if it still works, but I remember back in 2008 when NXE came out I ran the Connection Tests to force the update. I was on campus in a dorm and my roommate got the update right away, but I was still signed in and wasn't kicked off to update.

I figured when you ran the connection test it would check for any available updates (just in a case) while polling the Xbox LIVE service status.

Just my $0.02 :)

I can't wait to get my hands on the update and the Xbox Companion App! :D

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