Unlocked 830 or ATT version: which is better?

Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

Well do you plan on leaving AT&T with the unlocked device? If not I think the carrier version would be fine for you to have and no fuss to set up to work with the network coverage.

No plans for me, but as mentioned there is the color differences.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

I think they had the green version listed on their website as well.

When we say "dark" we're referring to the metal band around the phone. Although you can use the black or green back, AT&T only has the black metal band whereas the rest of the world is getting silver.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

The T-Mo phones that I've seen are locked, however they can unlock them.
Depending on exactly what T-Mo gets (assuming they start to carry the 830), it may or may not get LTE on AT&T and it "should" work on HSPA+ on AT&T, however you'll have to check the bands to make sure.

If you want one now, the works great on AT&T (HSPA+, not LTE, but everything else works fine), then get the RM-984 (it's the Intl version).
I have that and no problems at all. You won't get LTE, but I don't need it at all. My HSPA+ speeds (10mps) are more than enough for me.


Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

The T-Mo phones that I've seen are locked, however they can unlock them.
Depending on exactly what T-Mo gets (assuming they start to carry the 830), it may or may not get LTE on AT&T and it "should" work on HSPA+ on AT&T, however you'll have to check the bands to make sure.

If you want one now, the works great on AT&T (HSPA+, not LTE, but everything else works fine), then get the RM-984 (it's the Intl version).
I have that and no problems at all. You won't get LTE, but I don't need it at all. My HSPA+ speeds (10mps) are more than enough for me.

According to the link that mhc48 posted, if AT&T and T-Mobile are getting the same variant (RM-983) then I am assuming that means they will support the same bands (and therefore the T-Mo version will also support AT&T LTE.

I get much faster LTE speeds in my area so that is a must-have (more important than color even :).
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

What cheaper phone + data options are available with AT&T monthly or off a 2 year contract?

You save $15 per smartphone per line that you have an off contract phone for plans under 10GB. For 10GB and higher it's $25 savings per smartphone per line. That works out to a subsidy of $360 for plans under 10GB and $600 for 10GB and higher. The off contract price of the 1520, for example, is $585. A 2 year contract subsidy gives you the phone for $200, which is a savings of $385. If you buy it for $585 off contract, you'd save $15/mo, which adds up to $360. Or, using Next 18, you pay the $585 over 24 months. So for the 1520, you'd want to get the 1520 cheaper than $560, then it would make sense to buy off contract. Or, you still pay the $585 and have the flexibility of not being in a contract with AT&T.

With a phone like the Lumia 830, I think it will make a lot of sense to buy it outright, especially if it's $299. Even if the phone was free on contract, you'd still save more by buying it for $299, because the subsidy tax is $15/mo.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

I was just in the ATT store yesterday and I found myself realizing that the L1020 is now ~$350 unsubsidized. So the real question is how to weigh the cost/benefit of the L830 vs. the L1020. If the L830 ends up being $399, is that extra $50 worth it? What does everyone else think about this?

On the note of cheaper plans. My wife and I just went off contract and onto prepaid with ATT, our monthly fees went from $145 to $75 for exactly the same plan. DEFINITELY going to buy my next phone off contract.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

Yeah I have 2 lines with 1GB shared. My wife uses no data and has a feature phone. My bill is like $76/mo AFTER taxes.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

Yup, that's what I said a post above. The prepaid plan, for me, was half the price for more things.

NET10 (using the AT&T sim) is even less expensive and I may just switch over to that.


I was just in the ATT store yesterday and I found myself realizing that the L1020 is now ~$350 unsubsidized. So the real question is how to weigh the cost/benefit of the L830 vs. the L1020. If the L830 ends up being $399, is that extra $50 worth it? What does everyone else think about this?

On the note of cheaper plans. My wife and I just went off contract and onto prepaid with ATT, our monthly fees went from $145 to $75 for exactly the same plan. DEFINITELY going to buy my next phone off contract.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

AT&T plans make no sense. I switched yesterday from a standard monthly plan at about $75/month before taxes, to the Mobile Share Plan, even though I have no other phones on the plan. Now I will supposedly get unlimited talk and text and 2 GB data for $65 a month. At that rate it hardly seems worth it to go to prepaid. Of course, the small print said that I would loose that rate if I upgrade my phone, unless I sign up for Next, which I have no intention to do. So I will probably still be buying the 830 outright at full price, whether unlocked or the AT&T version.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

And NET10 (AT&T sim is $45.00 per month for unlimited talk, text and 2.5 GB LTE data.

Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

And NET10 (AT&T sim) is $45.00 per month for unlimited talk, text and 2.5 GB LTE data.

Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

I'm totally unfamiliar with NET10. Do ATT locked phones or sims work with them? Do you need a totally unlocked phone?

Never mind. I just went to their website and found out. My 635 at least would work with them. But I also checked with some online review sites and they didn't get very good ratings. @FredWilson2, how long have you used NET10?
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Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

I have used NET10, mostly off and on, for well over a year.
I have NET10 now for my second phone.
I've never had a problem with them at all.
I'm on AT&T.
Both phones (AT&T prepaid and NET10) have the same signal strength in all the places I've been, even out in the woods.
I've tested that extensively with both phones with me at the same time.
They have AT&T sims and T-Mobile sims
Depending on which sim, they use the AT&T network or the T-Mobile network.
My 635 and S4 (I actually have 3 phones, including my 830, but only ever use 2 at a time), get LTE speeds on NET10.

What bad reviews have you read ?

Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

So, I'm torn between getting an unlocked version or paying full price for one from ATT (done with contracts). My reasoning is updates/firmware wait time. Also, chance ATT with remove/gimp features. But, on the other hand they are the only carrier supporting WP in the US. So, buying from them would support the cause. Any thoughts? Thanks.

T-Mobile and Verizon support their devices too....
Not surprised Verizon stopped retailing Icon, look how long it is taking Microsoft to finalize the revised firmware :<
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

I like T-Mobile support, and the price is not that different. Unless you assume Net10 gives you unlimited, unthrottled data. Could get your friends in a family plan, much cheaper.
Re: Unlocked 830 or ATT version

Yeah. But, back to wait timing. I've also only seen ATT advertise WP

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