Re: Using the Idol 4s with W10M on AT&T?
I am looking for way to get into the engineering menu to see what bands are actually active. To bad #
#3282 # doesn't work on this phone. Nate mentioned cell mapper beta. I didn't see it in the store.
Cell mapper will not show you all capable bands for the device, but only allows you to see what your phone picks up nearby. There is a way however to see what bands are enabled as I mentioned before with QXDM. There is a decimal configuration set for LTE_BC_CONFIG (Item 06828) that will be set with something. I have since changed that on my IDOL4s and now it sufferes a reboot loop, as I have tried to restore the QCN file to it many times it fails part way through. I copied the original number down at one point, I may take more time at some point to restore the qcn file or try more, but for now I do not know what my model had originally set there. I have a unlocked T-Mobile variant.
Ok I think I found and remember that my model even though it is a T-Mobile model had the same bands enabled as the Open Market Unlocked model. Its just that carrier settings do some out of box configurations/provisioning in the ADC directory to utilize the bands as they see fit.
The decimal should have been 67674
67674 -- dec
10 85 0a -- hex
10000100001011010 -- bin
This translated to LTE bands 17,12,7,5,4,2
The reason I ended up messing my phone up was due to my efforts to enable GSM/UMTS frequencies that the phone is not capable of. Which I tried to do from QPST service programmer. I should have left that alone and only touched the LTE ITEM from QXDM.