Well, someone got the 822 working on StraightTalk, which means it is not locked to Verizon. So it will work with TMO, but be aware that you won't get LTE on it. Hmmm.... Or maybe you will? Thinking about this now, since TMO is not an MVNO, I think it might be possible that it could work. Hmmm.....
What I really wish, though, is that there would be some way of making the 920 work on VZW. Without the CDMA radio, though.... I do have to wonder, though, since LTE uses a SIM, and the 920 has a SIM slot, I wonder if it would work on Verizon if you put your Verizon LTE SIM into it. For sure wouldn't work in areas that didn't have LTE, but this is an interesting question......
I have a feeling it'll work. I read on another tread that someone couldn't get mms or something similar to send out but txt/mms/calls/3g works on Tmob. Lots of these on craigslist for around $200-300. My other concern is future updates (would vz sit on them for donkey years) and also possibility that the updates might break something such as mms/txt/3g/ re-lock and etc. Regarding the LTE, First the L920 would have to be unlocked and most like i won't recommend the ATT-stealership ones. The Rogers one (unlocked) perhaps. It helps to know someone who has the L920 unlocked who can try this out.