Verizon lumia 822 with straight talk

OK OK OK, ive read all of your guys threads but noone seems to actually say how they got their verizon nokia lumia 822 to work on ST???? i bought a L822 2 nights ago after doing a lot of reseach about using it on ST and earlier today i bought the ST bundle pack that came with the $45 monthly unlimited plan and in the bundle i got 2 (4GLTE sims, 1 normal size sim and the other a micro sim) aslo in the pack it came with the same assortment but for just 4g. now the "4G LTE sims were for "att" compatible devices and the 4G sims were for "tmo" devices. i instinctivly acivated my ST account/service with the "att/4G LTE" sim since the phone is an 4G LTE device. doing so i get incoming/outgoing calls and incoming/outgoing txt. but i get no data weither its 2G/3G/4G/4G LTE i also cant send or recieve mms!!!!

SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!! ive spent a lot of money to gett this phone and service and all i can do is talk and txt... :angry:

i saw where a few of yall have got the L822 on ST and its working perfectly.. can someone explain how to fix the proble?? i know it has to do with my "APN" for both data & mms.
What SIM are you using? I have the att SIM in and In not getting any data. I tried entering apn info in but st site doesn't fill in all the boxes on the apn settings on att SIM.
Has anyone gotten the 822 to work completely - data, mms, sms, everything - on Straight Talk? I'd like to know because my step-daughter is on Straight Talk, and when I get 12 more points on DVLUP I'll be able to grab a free 822/820/810 as a reward, and the other two look like they're locked, so I'm leaning toward 822 (besides, there's an extra 8GB storage). I don't want to get it for her if it won't work, though, and I don't have a Straight Talk SIM to try it with. It's going to be a Christmas (early) surprise for her, so I don't want to let her know yet. She loved her Sprint Arrive, but when it broke she went with a cheap Android on Straight Talk, and she is so over that thing it isn't funny.

I'd appreciate any feedback on how to make it work, as I've never used an MVNO before, so I've not touched the settings yet that would need to be changed.
Has anyone gotten the 822 to work completely - data, mms, sms, everything - on Straight Talk? I'd like to know because my step-daughter is on Straight Talk, and when I get 12 more points on DVLUP I'll be able to grab a free 822/820/810 as a reward, and the other two look like they're locked, so I'm leaning toward 822 (besides, there's an extra 8GB storage). I don't want to get it for her if it won't work, though, and I don't have a Straight Talk SIM to try it with. It's going to be a Christmas (early) surprise for her, so I don't want to let her know yet. She loved her Sprint Arrive, but when it broke she went with a cheap Android on Straight Talk, and she is so over that thing it isn't funny.

I'd appreciate any feedback on how to make it work, as I've never used an MVNO before, so I've not touched the settings yet that would need to be changed.

I just switched my phone yesterday to Straight Talk, and I've tested Data, SMS and MMS, (sending, at least) and they all work. I didn't do anything unusual, just used the APN settings at the ST site.

One caveat, though. I am using the AT&T version of Straight Talk, so I make no claims about the T-Mo version.
I just switched my phone yesterday to Straight Talk, and I've tested Data, SMS and MMS, (sending, at least) and they all work. I didn't do anything unusual, just used the APN settings at the ST site.

One caveat, though. I am using the AT&T version of Straight Talk, so I make no claims about the T-Mo version.
I didn't know ST used ATT's network. Thanks. Do they say on the package when you buy a SIM (I assume you can buy a SIM at Walmart?) what network they use?
The package actually came with 4 sim cards, a mini and a micro for AT&T, and a mini and a micro for T-Mobile.

Just don't make the same mistake I made and accidentally enter the sim number for the min-sim instead of the micro-sim. :angry:
Ok - I appreciate the info.

Also, I just learned that my step-daughter is using Straight Talk without a SIM. Sprint network? So obviously, I'll have to buy a SIM to give her with the phone. Will she be able to transfer her account from one to the other?
Well, I pulled the trigger. I got enough points on DVLUP to get a free 822, so I ordered the white one. I told my wife it is up to her whether her daughter gets the new white one or the black one that my wife is now using. :wink: My wife's black 822 has a red charging cover on the back, so I'm thinking that'll look nice on the white phone, so she'll probably take the white one and give the black one to her daughter.

I'll let them work it out. :wink:
Grrr.... I've got data, voice, text, and sending MMS working. I can't receive MMS. The SIM card is the ATT version of Straight Talk's SIM.

My settings are:
Data Connection: On
Data Romaing: Don't Roam
Highest connection speed: LTE
Network Selection: Automatic

Internet APN:
APN: tfdata
User: blank
Password: blank
Proxy server (URL):
Proxy port: 80

APN: tfdata
Username: blank
Password: blank
WAP Gateway:
WAP gateway port: 80
MMSC port: 80
Max MMS size: blank

Does anyone have any suggestions to getting MMS receiving to work? Thanks!
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MMS Settings

APN - tfdata

User- blank

Pass - blank

Proxy address -

Proxy port - 80

MMSC address -

Network - IPv4

Authentication - none
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One more thing: if you're around WiFi 95% of the time and have weak 4G/LTE signal like me, I suggest setting the highest connection speed to 2G. It will do wonders for your battery life, and you can change it 4G when you need in about 5 seconds.
Ah, ok. You are using the fields under the "Cellular" entry. I left all that blank, and created a "Straight Talk" entry using Nokia's Access Point app. That's why the fields are different. Erase everything out of "Cellular," install the Access Point app, then enter the info I gave you from above.

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