Very unhappy with my 830's performance!


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Dec 25, 2012
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Most of my issues have been sorted, but my reception issue is no good. I can have 3 bars and still not be able to open a web page....

I am wondering if its not a phone issue, but rather a carrier issue. I have great reception, and very fast speeds in my area, with no drops from the 830


Mar 12, 2013
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reception problem is most of the time carrier related but again, if the phone itself has a problem with the antennas, this could also be the problem.


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Nov 6, 2014
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I agree 100% with the OP.
Everything he stated is happening on my 830 and on my girlfriends 830, went back to the store and checked the 830's on display. They all had it!.
Some people keep defending they're 830 and i can relate to that, but comon people, this phone is not optimized as should be and IS doing everything the OP said! Compare it to an 820 and you will see, do you guys not see the same i see? U have magic phones? wtf

The jagged scrolling is the biggest issue in my opinion! I hate it. coming from a 820 that is what the eye catches the most. this screen is horrible, oversensitive or whatever i really don't know, but it's not the windows phone experience i was used to and hoping for when i purchased this phone!

i have this stutter too on my lumia 630, it happen when scrolling with finger on screen, iam still searching this and other forums trying to confirm if thats normal behavior or there is something wrong with my phone, based on what i found it seems that everyone have it sinc cyan update, but there are still pouple that say they dont have it so are they navigating their phones just by flicking the screen not swiping with finger continuously on it or they simpli dont see or are there some phones which have that issue and some that dont or what, its so noticible and its driving me mad not knowing what it is, i am at least glad that i am not alone experiencing this :)


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Nov 20, 2012
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hi, i have most of the issues you had it seems. did a hard reset fix most of them(mainly horrible battery, phone getting hot and loading screen appearing a lot) and if it did, did you recover from a back up or did a fresh start


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Dec 8, 2014
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My Lumia 830 is 7 months old now and touch wood, I never faced a single problem with the phone. The battery life is awesome these days which last for complete full day with heavy usage like calls, whatsapp and browsing. No lag nothing


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Nov 6, 2014
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I've found interesting thing, not sure if it proves anything but at least it could be a potential reason for this scroll jitter. I've looked at how WP work with touch and find out that they actually differentiate scrolling by dragging finger across the screen which they call simply DRAG, and just flicking the screen to scroll which they specify as FLICK. That's a fact so there is actual difference between dragging and flicking which some of us see. Now remember that this micro stutter looks like a content of the screen that is being scrolled sort of jumps number of times. Well Microsoft specify that when people start moving finger across the screen manipulation event called ManipulationStart occurs and than during drag ManipulationDelta event occurs number of times until movement stops, to notify system where exactly users finger is. Did you see this certain similarity there? System deals with touch by firing delta event multiple times like screen jumps multiple times, but when we just flick the screen and lift our finger from screen no delta event occurs as same as there is no jumping of content that has been scrolled. I know it could be nothing and I really don't understand how WP work and how rich works but it sounds pretty concurrent to me. Also if that's how it is, it would mean that this phenomenon is actually how system itself works and thus all windows phone devices as well. And that would mean that some of us are seeing things or others doesn't see this thing that is clearly there :D. Otherwise power of placebo effect ;). What do you thing could this be proof that this scrolling jitter affects all Lumia phones and possible source of this "issue"?


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Dec 8, 2014
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In few days I will be saying bye bye to my Lumia 830. Really started encountering issues of lag from past 3 months specially when whatsapp usage has increased it is not able to coup up with. Also recently upgraded to windows 10 official, look is very good but the phone has become terribly slow many times any app it keep saying resuming or loading. Really the processor and 1GB RAM is not able to handle the things. Many times many places no signal where all your fellow mates keep working on phone peacefully, this is really annoying thing for sure. Finally decided to bid bye to the phone and will buy Redmi note 3 very soon..

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