W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

hey friends, is anyone experiencing any microphone issue with line in this build? im getting a microphone error when i try to make a phone call.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Yep... i mentioned it earlier... the problem is celluar data...

It's not only cellular data. My L930 drains battery with cell data on or off. It only helps a little bit.
In fact there were some similar issues with older builds but this has been happening for only 1-2 days after update. Now this issue is a consistent problem.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Battery on my Lumia 640 XL is getting drained heavily on this build too and it is also getting warm even if I don't do anything on it.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I`ve switched temporarely to my Android CubotP12 and noticed the lower battery drain (SIMCard removed) - possible cellular data Problems if ist even switched to off?

Hardreset, no backup restored, L830

- DISCHARGE RATE (% / hour)
Recent: -4.7%
Daily: -2.5%
Weekly: -5.2%

+17.0% / hour

Recent: 1 day 3 hours
Daily: 1 day 1 hours
Weekly: 18 hours 6 minutes
MAX: 1 day 15 hours

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lockups and random reboots are happening with increased frequency on my 950 and my wife's 950. In one case I observed it happening while it simply sat on the table on the charger. Sad, very sad.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Which maps app is available with the production build of Win 10 on the L950, can I still get Here maps?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Maybe they'll get it right in the next 500-700 builds. There have been some bugs since last August that I keep on stumbling upon every day on both my phones, but instead of fixing them, they work on bugs that occur once in a lifetime.
Way to go, Microsoft.
Stay classy!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

They will never go right. It is shame that company with this amount of money and programmers cannot do properly one thing. There is no single proper working thing. The same W10 PC as well.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Which maps app is available with the production build of Win 10 on the L950, can I still get Here maps?

I believe Here Maps is only available on 8.1 (could be wrong), and Here will no longer be supported for windows phones soon.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Noticed today, that while on a website in Edge; even though the cursor was in the text box, the keyboard was not activated/present, 9 out of 10, or so, times. 950XL
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

You are correct, the brightness does not work at all... it's useless cause it's there but not usable. Now battery life is keeping your phone plugged in at all times cause if you don't it will die within 1-2hrs. I know it's only a preview OS but how the f**k you take 2 steps forward then 10 steps back. I have this theory that no one at Microsoft knows how to make a phone OS. I am only saying this cause they have not only fired all the remaining Nokia employees, but also almost half their own phone division and merged it with the Surface division.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I feel the same way you do, they have no competition in the PC OS market... and then they do have competition in the phone OS market yet still f**k up both. This company has no drive even when they are failing or doing good, they are like a useless lazy teenager with no motivation or skills that just spends all day in their rooms and do nothing!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Yes I have, it's the phone app. All you can do is close the app and reopen it.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Yes my 1520 is always on fire and it's not even doing anything cause I am not using it!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Same problem I am having too, I try to go back but it would not let me even with my backup I had saved!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)


I am not sure if anyone else is having this issue. I am unable to see the lower part of any application on this latest built. Looks like the navigation bar at bottom is overlapping the screen. For example when I open the Camera app, the video recording button and the three dot settings button (...) does not show up, the capture image button shows half only as if the navigation bar is overlapping. This is not only in Camera, but all apps. I tried doing a factory reset to see if that helps but that did not correct the issue.

I am using Nokia Lumia 638, using 14342.1003 built.
Could someone help me with this please?

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)


I am not sure if anyone else is having this issue. I am unable to see the lower part of any application on this latest built. Looks like the navigation bar at bottom is overlapping the screen. For example when I open the Camera app, the video recording button and the three dot settings button (...) does not show up, the capture image button shows half only as if the navigation bar is overlapping. This is not only in Camera, but all apps. I tried doing a factory reset to see if that helps but that did not correct the issue.

I am using Nokia Lumia 638, using 14342.1003 built.
Could someone help me with this please?


Change Text scaling in Phone Settings, put it to Recommended
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Hello all Redstone- users!
I have been using 950XL since it showed up in last November and here is my opinion:

1. The specs are fabilous!
2. Camera functions are the best (I have been using Nokia N8; Lumia 920 and 1520 up till now and since last update on my 1520 and windows map my big and dearest 1520 has gone into my Saab as GPS navigator!)
3.Of course the roadmap of WM 10 has been an up- and downhill experience but for me it has improved a lot since last update ....342.1003.
4. Not one single restart and battery lasts for two whole days with quite intensive use!

When reading about all that are complaining about their phones I hardly can't imagine why they don't trade in or get an example that works(esp. 950 and XL). No one shall tell me that I am a loner for my experience! So folks; focus and get another example of your phone! If you do instead of complaining the road ahead will improve for sure!:smile:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Noticed today, that while on a website in Edge; even though the cursor was in the text box, the keyboard was not activated/present, 9 out of 10, or so, times. 950XL

I have noticed this quite a bit on my 930 in the last build. Find I have to close the page and try again :(
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