W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Seems like Torsten Heins got hired by Microsoft...
This all feels very much like Blackberry. BB10 had been delayed several times before it eventually appeared. The big difference is, that MS is much bigger and (at least in theory) should have much more resources to pour in. Nowadays, BB produces Android phones.
^ You can't always speed up development just by throwing more money and people at it. More often than not, that ends up slowing things down!
It's a common misconception that large scale software development is similar to a factory floor, were adding another assembly line scales production proportionally. Software development isn't anything like that.

The problem is not resources, but the type and number of changes being dealt with in a single release. Unfortunately, MS has no choice but to power through. Everything Windows 10 will be a bit rough for the next while.
All this waiting is killing me lol. I mean its been in early access for a year and windows pc 10 full non insider update has been out months. The 950xl has a finished version of wp10 so i mean why won't they push that build to all compliant phones??

Registering as an Insider on the slow ring gives you the .36 build those 950s are using. May need a hard reset, but still.
Registering as an Insider on the slow ring gives you the .36 build those 950s are using. May need a hard reset, but still.

Ah I was under the impression that they are running a final build of the OS. One thing I cant understand how did they have an "unfinished" OS on board a new phone out the box?? Infuriating as I had the insider release in my Lumia 520 at the beginning of the year and I loved it buggy as anything but beautiful. I'm not going to put it on my L640XL until its official and bug free. Cant stand the wait though lol
I wanted a firmware upgrade for my lumia 640 due to -
-poor image capture. The camera appears to fine but processed photos appear dull and washed out after being clicked.
-blurry text -present on all windows phone 8.1 (update 2) + denim phones.
But now I have lost all hope.. I dont think that they are going to fix device specific issues even if an update comes... Still no news of new firmware from the devices division (formerly nokia).
The nokia/lumia specific firmware used to come with specific names...cyan, denim..what happened to that???
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I wanted a firmware upgrade for my lumia 640 due to -
-poor image capture. The camera appears to fine but processed photos appear dull and washed out after being clicked.
-blurry text -present on all windows phone 8.1 (update 2) + denim phones.
But now I have lost all hope.. I dont think that they are going to fix device specific issues even if an update comes... Still no news of new firmware from the devices division (formerly nokia).
The nokia/lumia specific firmware used to come with specific names...cyan, denim..what happened to that???

Wait for a few days, it may come

Div D

Commented via Windows Central for Android
I wanted a firmware upgrade for my lumia 640 due to -
-poor image capture. The camera appears to fine but processed photos appear dull and washed out after being clicked.
-blurry text -present on all windows phone 8.1 (update 2) + denim phones.
But now I have lost all hope.. I dont think that they are going to fix device specific issues even if an update comes... Still no news of new firmware from the devices division (formerly nokia).
The nokia/lumia specific firmware used to come with specific names...cyan, denim..what happened to that???

And you can also try out free camera apps from the wstore and check it

Div D

Commented via Windows Central for Android
The nokia/lumia specific firmware used to come with specific names...cyan, denim..what happened to that???

That was something Nokia did to promote their devices and stuff.

If you look at a Lumia with 10 installed it'll just say "Lumia Windows 10" so it's probably going to move away from the separate labeled firmware thing. (like most everyone else)
iOS 9 released, Marshmallow already rolling out to devices, Apple already working on budget phone . And MS to wp users are like Cortana now says 'fine' instead of 'i m fine' in the latest 'preview' build update and the known issue is, once u do that, u have to reset ur OS to make Cortana work the next time. WP10 will be ready by late 2016 on 'Select' windows phones when iOS 10 wud be rolling out. Great news you know!
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There is no latest news. In regard to the time frame for the W10M update being released officially, the best info I'm aware of is "early 2016".

The first post has been updated accordingly.
I think MS is on a strategy to sell out as many 950's and 550's as possible so that current users who are willing to upgrade will buy new phones and gain a fair amount of share. Impatient users will shell out credits to get their hands on first official w10m phones. I hope MS will iron out other storage and standby time issues on all phones incl. non lumia's.
I think MS is on a strategy to sell out as many 950's and 550's as possible so that current users who are willing to upgrade will buy new phones and gain a fair amount of share. Impatient users will shell out credits to get their hands on first official w10m phones. I hope MS will iron out other storage and standby time issues on all phones incl. non lumia's.

Good point. The same happened when ddevices with 8.1 was launched, and how the upgrade to windows 8 users was delayed
So can we except W10M update anytime from tomorrow since all kinds of holidays are done currently?

Yes, in the same way you could expect it for the 1st of March, or much later, depending on how quickly your carrier decides to validate it. If you're expecting it every day starting from tomorrow, you're likely in for many days of consecutive disappointments.
Yes, in the same way you could expect it for the 1st of March, or much later, depending on how quickly your carrier decides to validate it. If you're expecting it every day starting from tomorrow, you're likely in for many days of consecutive disappointments.

Well, we dont have any carrier restrictions here in India, but, isn't mobile roll out gonna be as quick as desktop was? And does early 2016 means anytime before JUNE? :-/
I thought the carriers had nothing to do with the release anymore. Is Microsoft not releasing this independent of the carriers like Apple? I have an unlocked 930 on the Rogers network.
I thought the carriers had nothing to do with the release anymore. Is Microsoft not releasing this independent of the carriers like Apple? I have an unlocked 930 on the Rogers network.

MS itself is acting like third party developers. Just coz they dont have enough market share meaning, they dont need to consider W10M release a priority. More than one year of an insider beta build and still a half baked OS. Seriously?
I thought the carriers had nothing to do with the release anymore. Is Microsoft not releasing this independent of the carriers like Apple? I have an unlocked 930 on the Rogers network.

Wrong. The currently accepted notion is as follows:

  1. MS has redesigned W10M so those parts that carriers insist on testing/verifying are very small, localized and independent of everything else. As a result, with W10M, MS should be able to update most things independently, i.e. without carrier involvement. There will be exceptions though, namely when MS makes changes to the radio stack, or possibly firmware.
  2. To gain these W10M update freedoms, your device already must have W10M on it however. If your device is on WP8.1, getting it to W10M still requires that MS goes through the traditional carrier approval process, meaning nobody but the carriers can tell you when to expect the update from WP8.1 to W10M.

And does early 2016 means anytime before JUNE? :-/

It means anything the folks at MS want it to mean. It certainly doesn't imply you should be expecting it in the first week of January. The end of February is still "early 2016".
It took you so long to achieve this but BRAVO, Microsoft. God bless you :-/
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