W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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So I guess what you are telling me is my 930 on the Rogers Network will not see W10 as the 930 was never launched by this carrier or any other carrier in Canada?
So I guess what you are telling me is my 930 on the Rogers Network will not see W10 as the 930 was never launched by this carrier or any other carrier in Canada?

No. The carrier your device is currently registered to is irrelevant.

What matters is your device's ROM. For example, if you bought your device from a carrier in Taiwan, meaning your 930 has a Taiwanese and carrier specific ROM, then you'd get the update whenever the Taiwanese carrier greenlights the update, even if your device is currently registered with a Canadian carrier.

If you have an unbranded ROM (country variant that isn't specific to a carrier), then it's MS that greenlights the update rather than a carrier (this tends to happen a bit after the first carriers successfully distribute the update).
It took you so long to achieve this but BRAVO, Microsoft. God bless you :-/

You're getting upset over nothing. As is stated in the very first post (for months already), there is no specific date on which we can expect WP8.1 devices to be updated to W10M.

While we are likely to learn when MS releases the update to carriers, that tells us absolutely zilch about when those updates will reach our devices. That's up to carriers. For WP8.1, it's always been up to carriers. This is absolutely nothing new.
January 12th is the date windows 10 mobile would be released to masses.

Source : Techradar.com comments as per the official statement from Redmond ao far.
January 12th is the date windows 10 mobile would be released to masses.

Source : Techradar.com comments as per the official statement from Redmond ao far.

Yeah... right... and in the sentence directly below it Techradar states:

"That 12 January date may or may not be accurate..."

Basically, Techradar is throwing this piece of unverified information out there to get clicks from people who are too eager to be critical and prefer garbage information over no information at all (the other way around is usually better BTW).

Anyway, any statement that doesn't take into consideration the fact that carriers have a lot to say about the release date is basically just spreading FUD! Just like Techradar. Even if it does turn out to be true for some people, it won't be true for everyone with a WP8.1 device looking to upgrade.
I installed w10m from Insider yeasterday and it work ok at my Lumia 925. A little bit slow...so i will buy a new Windows Phone soon...maybe surface phone or the phone from HP.

I recommend those who cant wait any longer for the release to do the same...
I installed w10m from Insider yeasterday and it work ok at my Lumia 925. A little bit slow...so i will buy a new Windows Phone soon...maybe surface phone or the phone from HP.

I recommend those who cant wait any longer for the release to do the same...

I bbeleive it still requires a hard reset that compromises all your apps in the phone after the update and may screw up the camera and video, resulting in flashing your device back to 8.1? It would be like having visited a planetarium and come back.
I bbeleive it still requires a hard reset that compromises all your apps in the phone after the update and may screw up the camera and video, resulting in flashing your device back to 8.1? It would be like having visited a planetarium and come back.

Hi, thank you for your feedback. Please explain, i dont have too much experience with this...
I bbeleive it still requires a hard reset that compromises all your apps in the phone after the update and may screw up the camera and video, resulting in flashing your device back to 8.1? It would be like having visited a planetarium and come back.

You believe... well, you are wrong.

I also first put W10 on my Lumia 925, and even after a hard reset, I can still install almost all my previous apps, even if they are listed as not compatible with W10.
Last week I've put W10 on my daily driver (Lumia 930) and didn't "hard reset / back to factory settings" the device at first, but it was having some bugs.
Then after factory reset, which cleared the device (I don't mind, I have office 365, with 1TB onedrive) my 930 is working nice, including the few know bugs, which I have accepted.
Even the Here apps are reinstalled after the reset.
We have to realise what "As A Servce" actually means.
Even if it's important to know the public release of the first or some stable editions, the really important is that we can see the Ecosystem of W10 growing by following our needs.
You believe... well, you are wrong.

I also first put W10 on my Lumia 925, and even after a hard reset, I can still install almost all my previous apps, even if they are listed as not compatible with W10.
Said the same thing,. Your apps installed earlier will be ERASED/DELETED and you will again need to DOWNLOAD all the apps again after recovering to 8.1. Such wastage of data when particularly 10 isn't a daily driver yet. Unlike 8.1 TP which was far better.
We have to realise what "As A Servce" actually means.
Even if it's important to know the public release of the first or some stable editions, the really important is that we can see the Ecosystem of W10 growing by following our needs.

As a service means, it is always BETA. Previously only MS apps for WP were BETA. Now the whole OS is.
As a service means, it is always BETA. Previously only MS apps for WP were BETA. Now the whole OS is.

No. I means there will be many small changes to the OS delivered to the users using Windows Update rather than a few large OS version updates. The Windows Insider participants are doing the Beta testing on the changes.
Yeah... right... and in the sentence directly below it Techradar states:

"That 12 January date may or may not be accurate..."

Basically, Techradar is throwing this piece of unverified information out there to get clicks from people who are too eager to be critical and prefer garbage information over no information at all (the other way around is usually better BTW).


W10M update rrumoured to be OTA on January 12th along with the launch of Lumia 850 phablet which MS is expected to launch on jan-12.

Source: Ibtimes.com
W10M update rrumoured to be OTA on January 12th along with the launch of Lumia 850 phablet which MS is expected to launch on jan-12.

Source: Ibtimes.com

so you found more trash, most likely copying off the original Techradar quote... so I say again... yeah... right.

If you still don't understand the underlying point of what I've been saying here, you likely never will.
I saw several websites related to Windows Phone news who mentioned Jan 12 date for W10M upgrade. But all of them are just copy-paste some source, which I don't personally believe. I won't believe even if MS says W10M is coming on Jan 12 until my Lumia gets upgraded :D
According to most of the 950 and 950xl reviews and my experience wp10 is still in beta . And I think those phones are good phones Microsoft really should have stated on the box or something this is experimental software be prepared for bugs , apps not being compatible, extreme changes in battery life and long load times .
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