W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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I'm not mis-understanding anything, nor do I need to re-read your posts.

Call it what you want "abandoning" or "not committing to". If certain "older devices" (as per recent articles) cannot upgrade from WP8.1 to W10M, then they are being LEFT BEHIND.

My point is, how many times can even us die-hard MS/WP users accept that? In a span of 3 years?
^ I don't care whether you call it "abandoning", "not committing to" or being "left behind" either. That's not the point. You stated:

But Microsoft should realize that annoying dedicated WP users a second time is likely to be the nail in the coffin.

MS does realize that! That's the point. As previously mentioned, they are ensuring that every Nokia/MS device can technically run W10M. What MS can not do is force carriers to distribute updates they don't care to distribute. This has absolutely nothing to do with MS not realizing how important those updates are. That's what you at least appear to be misunderstanding.

If you're going to point your finger at somebody, at least point it in the right direction.
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Granted, if carriers stop updates from getting to certain PHONES, MS can't do anything about that.

That is different from a MS/Nokia DEVICE being able to be upgraded from W8.1 to W10M.

I have all international unlocked versions of L920, L1020, L930. I expect MS to be providing an upgrade to everyone of them, if I choose to upgrade. Also, to all other devices like L520 which my family has used in the past, and many other older models out there that users are still very happy with, and want W10M.

Therefore, I am back to my argument of whether MICROSOFT is going to provide an upgrade for all W8.1 devices.
^ If they truly are international unlocked devices, then you have nothing to worry about. We've already seen the W10MIP running on all of those, and MS can and will update them without carrier interference.
^ If they truly are international unlocked devices, then you have nothing to worry about. We've already seen the W10MIP running on all of those, and MS can and will update them without carrier interference.


Yes, purchased through Nokia/MS resellers in Asia. They are TRULY international unlocked devices.

I have tried W10M TP on all, some more successfully than others. I am referring to the other and "older devices" which MS has not "committed to". Anyway, while I am a MS/WP supporter, I done beating this dead horse as you will continue to defend whatever MS does.
Care to update your thread after the recent articles posted on Windows Central and elsewhere?
Care to update your thread after the recent articles posted on Windows Central and elsewhere?

I've updated what I'm aware of. If you think something is missing please feel free to be specific and mention it or link to it in one of your own posts. I'll aggregate the contents of this thread in the first two posts, as far as is reasonable.
MS promises that every WP8.x device will technically be ABLE to run W10M. There's just a difference between the ability to do something and actually doing it!

As Ron White eloquently puts it "I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability".
As stated in the second post, you will be able to get it via the Windows Insider program.

That does not address his post.

He is referring to an "official" release of W10M for the Lumia Icon.

Being able to put W10M on it through the Insider program is NOT an official release.
That does not address his post.

He is referring to an "official" release of W10M for the Lumia Icon.

Being able to put W10M on it through the Insider program is NOT an official release.

We know already...

The only way your distinction matters, is if what is distributed via preview channels differs from what is distributed officially. At this point we just don't know, but I think chances are good the Icon will end up running the exact same software as every officially updated L930, in which case all this crying is just much ado about nothing.

Until we actually do know, I see no point in stoking the fire. It's just fake drama we could all do without.
That does not address his post.

He is referring to an "official" release of W10M for the Lumia Icon.

Being able to put W10M on it through the Insider program is NOT an official release.

Yes, it addresses Fearl0rd's post directly on point. The user stated if his Icon didn't get W10M, official or NOT, he would buy an iPhone.
When windows 10 mobile technical preview will get update? I have lumia 640

This thread is not about the insider preview builds. It's about release dates for the final/official release.

Nobody knows when or how often preview builds will release, not even MS. The fastest way to find out is to subscribe to Gabe Aul's twitter feed. He'll be the first to announce the availability of a new preview build. There are some threads discussing this in the 'Windows 10 Insider Preview' forum. You're welcome to take a look if that interests you.
We know already...

The only way your distinction matters, is if what is distributed via preview channels differs from what is distributed officially. At this point we just don't know, but I think chances are good the Icon will end up running the exact same software as every officially updated L930, in which case all this crying is just much ado about nothing.

Until we actually do know, I see no point in stoking the fire. It's just fake drama we could all do without.

Fake drama? I guess you not aware of the terms and conditions that come with joining the insider program. No official support and also might void warranty.
If it's so simple like you say that the software that the insiders will get is the same as the officially updated phones - why not make it official? Because it also takes much effort to take care of the device-specific features / firmwares. And they won't provide it for sure. Phones with 4GB are out of luck already, thats almost sure. Even with 8GB I don't know how well this works and how much userspace is left. The specs state a partition of at least 1GB for userdata.
Pretty funny that fanboys always underlined how stable and smooth WP is compared to its competitors. Now nobody seems to have a problem in running half baked software on their phones. I guess whatever MS does will be praised. :confused:
Fake drama? I guess you not aware of the terms and conditions that come with joining the insider program. No official support and also might void warranty.
If it's so simple like you say that the software that the insiders will get is the same as the officially updated phones - why not make it official? Because it also takes much effort to take care of the device-specific features / firmwares. And they won't provide it for sure. Phones with 4GB are out of luck already, thats almost sure. Even with 8GB I don't know how well this works and how much userspace is left. The specs state a partition of at least 1GB for userdata.
Pretty funny that fanboys always underlined how stable and smooth WP is compared to its competitors. Now nobody seems to have a problem in running half baked software on their phones. I guess whatever MS does will be praised. :confused:

I realize you haven't been very active here. If you had been, you'd know I've provided my fair share of MS criticisms. It's a matter of what is legitimate and what isn't.

As for the rest, you really need to read my posts more carefully. I didn't say anything was simple. I didn't say insiders are guaranteed to get the same software that is distributed officially. I think it was pretty clear what I was referring to with "fake drama", and it had nothing to do with MS' ToS or warranties. If you don't like the ramifications of the insider preview, then DON'T USE IT! Simple as that. Nobody is forcing it on you.

Finally, I do have issues running half baked software on my phone, which is why I don't run W10M on my main phone.

I'm glad to debate you, but nothing you've said in any way represents what I actually think, nor do I understand what you're trying to say. Sorry.
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