W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Crickey, talk about going round in circles! If you think the 'vague' W10m, is fogging people's ideas / judgement / worry etc...try putting up with Android, especially OEM versions. Your device has only got to be a year old and the chances of getting updates, from OEM's who have nice shiny new devices to sell, is fairly remote, or sometimes taking months to appear.

We are in a good position with MS, as they are 'officially' updating a very large quota of devices, which in android, would would be down to the OEM's to decide who is worthy, unless of course, you go custom.

Most of the devices will run it. As mentioned, if not officially, then a preview. There have also been threads confusing the issue of RAM and storage. You will need more than 4gb, as it looks like W10M will be a large OS, and reliability etc will be affected. You don't really want to use an OS on an SD card due to speed restrictions, and the fact that SD cards can only be written / read, a finite amount of times.

October / November is looking likely for release. I say that because the TP is still some way off finished yet. It runs on my boys 435 with just minor lag issues. haven't tried it on my 640xl yet
I'm aiming October/November. However im sure updates would roll out in waves and will take some time. It's normal.
Did anyone else receive an email from Microsoft inviting them to view a special event announcement by Microsoft about w10m, it's says October 6, I wonder if that's when they are gonna officially release windows 10 mobile?
Did anyone else receive an email from Microsoft inviting them to view a special event announcement by Microsoft about w10m, it's says October 6, I wonder if that's when they are gonna officially release windows 10 mobile?

Got the same email, but nothing specific has been indicated. Examining the source code of the page reveals a few comma-separated keywords: "Windows 10 devices, Windows devices, Microsoft Band, Microsoft Surface, Lumia, Live stream, Windows announcement, Windows Phone" - these are the exact keywords which can be found (as of the date and time of this post). Then again, those don't really tell us anything. Will they be showing us new [list the first five and the eight keywords here] through an official [seventh keyword] via [sixth keyword, gerund form]? Possibly.

I guess the best we can do is actually wait for October 6 and then watch their event/presentation.
I really wonder why "everybody" is talking about release of w10m in october. So I check back here and really wonder where people got the idea from. The latest build is not even beta status I would say. And judging by the progress with every build we have seen so far I not expect a release within this year anymore.
Likely we will see some new devices at the october event, yeah. But completely different story when they will become available (with w10m).
I really wonder why "everybody" is talking about release of w10m in October.

Everything in the first post is sourced from articles that were published on WCentral, for example this one:

Windows 10 Mobile could launch for manufacturers in late September or October | Windows Central

That's where the statement comes from that W10M is expected to ship to OEMs in October (I've added that source to the first post).

You can take it or leave it, that's up to you. If you want to speculate otherwise then you can do so here to your heart's content, but at least in the first post, I'll be sticking to what WCentral has published so far.

I wouldn't be surprised if everything is moved back by about a month either, but there is no way the releases will be postponed to next year. The L950/XL will likely ship with a preview build of W10M before that happens.
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I'll be sticking to what WCentral has published so far.
Well I not see much reliable evidence in these articles. WC has been wrong on many things in the past as well.

wouldn't be surprised if everything is moved back by about a month either
At least a month. Keep in mind that the new devices have features relying on the new hardware (continuum, windows hello etc.) which could not be tested with the current devices that running the perview builds. That doesn't make things easier / faster.

there is no way the releases will be postponed to next year
What makes you so sure about that?

The L950/XL will likely ship with a preview build of W10M before that happens.
Bad decision if they do so. Flagship phones with half-baked software that maybe lacks some of the new features they announced and only the vague promise that things will get better with later builds. A word given by a company that has long tradition in abandoning platforms / devices rather quickly.
Well I not see much reliable evidence in these articles. WC has been wrong on many things in the past as well.

Ehm... yes, no evidence. That's why you may have noticed the word "could" in the title, as in "could launch for manufacturers". If there was evidence the title would have been "will launch for manufacturers".

I know WCentral has made mistakes in the past, but with few exceptions (at least those I'm aware) they have all been technical details. Nothing very many people would care about or even notice.

I doubt you could reproduce even three articles to backup your claim that "WC has been wrong on many things in the past". I think it's far more likely that you just misunderstood what was being said. Overall, I think WCentral has an outstanding track record of fact checking their information before publishing it as fact.

In this case WCentral can't be wrong, as they only said what could happen rather than what will happen. Even if it doesn't happen, it's likely MS at least once intended to release W10M in October. That's all we can really glean from that article anyway. An intent. Either way, I think I'm better off sticking to WCentral's publications rather than our own personal speculations on what is or isn't likely to be released and when.

At least a month. Keep in mind that the new devices have features relying on the new hardware (continuum, windows hello etc.) which could not be tested with the current devices that running the perview builds. That doesn't make things easier / faster.

There are a million things that make OS development difficult and slow. Considering prototype devices with Qualcomm S810 and S808 SoCs have been circulating for ages, as have the cameras required for facial recognition, I doubt this is a significant stumbling block. There are far more difficult issues to overcome than this.

there is no way the releases will be postponed to next year
What makes you so sure about that?

Multiple reasons, of which I'll only mention a few.

  • We already have multiple precedents of MS releasing OSes + firmware early. The early release of W10 is one example. Releasing the L830 with a pre-release version of Denim is another.
  • The holiday season is getting close and MS obviously intends to have their devices on the market by then.
  • Multiple websites reporting that MS intends to release W10M in October. There is no way MS will allow the team to push an October deadline into January or February.
  • It's entirely possible for W10M to run poorly and/or with errors on a 535 while doing just fine on a L950/XL. The later is all that's necessary to launch W10M. The rest MS can fix later before distributing it via carriers.
  • etc.
All I know is that I want it soon. :)

The battery on my Lumia Icon is so bad right now that it only lasts about 6 hours with normal use. I need to get a new phone soon and I want it to be the 950XL!

I would hope that it will come out no more than 4-5 weeks after officially announced.

Of course, I'm in the US and who knows how it will be sold here, or even if it will be sold at all. :(

It has been supplanted by the insider preview program. I'd say it's rather apparent even without a blogger on the internet confirming this however, since MS hasn't released a PfD build in ages...

I remember reading about this rebranding at the time, but I can't remember where. Sorry. You'll have to find it yourself.
It has been supplanted by the insider preview program. I'd say it's rather apparent even without a blogger on the internet confirming this however, since MS hasn't released a PfD build in ages...

I remember reading about this rebranding at the time, but I can't remember where. Sorry. You'll have to find it yourself.

Interesting, cause I think Ive heard something different and that Technical Preview is far more diferent than Preview for developers so the final product would still be Preview for developers when the OS is ready but not officially released. Like 8.1 was
^ I think the situation on W10 is another good indicator of what to expect. No PfD there either.
Do Lumia 520 (512mb ram) will able to get RTM build?

Look at the list of excluded devices in post #2. Your L520 is not listed! That means it is currently expected to receive the update to W10M final (provided your carrier distributes it).
Any updates on 950/950XL release dates? We're getting close to Nov and I'm getting excited (ok, anxious).

I'm not aware of anything that isn't already in the first post. If somebody else is I hope they make themselves heard!
Can we assume/expect, from your first table, that UNLOCKED international version phones would be included in the "RTM (W10M final released to OEMs)"?

As with Windows 10, the final technical preview build 10240 was essentially the RTM build.

Unlocked purchased from ms will likely get them quicker. Unlocked purchased else where is still subject to the carrier the device was unlocked from. Unlocked simply means someone paid to allow other carrier usage. But device is still programmed to get updates from original carrier. My brother gets his updates on unlocked 925 from Italian carrier.
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