W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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If Microsoft decides to do something tomorrow, it would be 10586.107 since it's already pushed out to 950's. 107 has been stable, but it still bugs me that they can't get the little things right, like the Outlook Calendar live tile doesn't show the date. It just feels like the product just isn't finished - The desktop Windows 10 also feels this way. Windows Phone 8/8.1 on the other hand, were more stable/complete when released.
MS mexico can't lie... It should be out tomorrow

Of course not... but apparently you don't understand how this works...

Imagine two MS employees talking on the phone. One tells the other that they have a release candidate that looks good and if everything goes well, will be distributed on the 29th. The other guy is regularly pummeled by impatient customers so he mentions the 29th using an anonymous corporate twitter account. Meanwhile, back in Redmond, the Windows Mobile team discovers an issue that they can't ignore, so the release candidate is thrown out and replaced with something else. Of course that delays the release plan, but the anonymous tweet mentioning the 29th is now considered ancient history and has been long forgotten by everyone... everyone except by some of the people on this site that is...

It's very unlikely a lie. It's just not trustworthy because the source is not trustworthy. The MS employee managing the twitter account is neither in a position to know what is going on in the Windows Mobile development team, nor are they in a position to promise anything in the first place.

If it had been a tweet by Gabe Aul who personally put his name to it... that would be a whole different story.

I'm not saying it's impossible for some people to start receiving W10M on the 29th. I just definitely wouldn't bet on it.
I hope something happens soon, this thread is so last year! Take out all the meaningless posts out and this thread would be 3 pages. It gets here, when it gets here. Anyone would think this thread is full of expectant fathers.

As for the, it will be released incomplete and need constant updates posts, isn't that what the vision for windows 10 is anyway. It was said this is the last windows release, and rather than a new OS every few years, this was a long term project, with continual updates. When win 10 Was released in July 15, it wasn't a complete OS. Updates have come along regularly and it is getting better. Rome wasn't built in a day, babies don't always wait 9 months, were are all going to pass over someday, it's just a matter of when! For those spend all day playing with the update page, few things are certain...your born, you pay taxes and then you die. OS software releases do not fall into ANY of those catagories!

One more thing, you guys waiting (im)patiently, have the option to roll back to 8.1. I bought a 950xl and my roll back is 10586.036!! Screwed in both directions!! I wanted to see if 8.1 would go on, but alas, it wouldn't. I wanted to see how much better this phone would be. :-)
I ... you guys waiting (im)patiently, have the option to roll back to 8.1. I bought a 950xl and my roll back is 10586.036!! Screwed in both directions!! I wanted to see if 8.1 would go on, but alas, it wouldn't. I wanted to see how much better this phone would be. :-)

Sounds like you were being a little to impatient. >:)

Ha, I'd like to see the "official" official release too.. but for now content with insider .107 build; probably the one to be released anyways. But build .122 is 'probably' on the way for insiders to test.. and could well be no release to public until .122 is released. But all speculation in the end.
I don't think that you guys need to wait since it looks like the development branch has moved on the Redstone/14267. You can get on the insider release preview ring to get the official releases, early.
It's the last day of February and MS has failed again to deliver.This should raise an important question mark! They are not capable of delivering this mobile OS, they seem to be incapable of fixing the bugs. Just noticed yesterday that the last firmware on the 950XL makes the phone restart randomly! WTF? instead of fixing they broke things even further. I do not expect win10mobile to be delivered to the 8.1 devices sooner than late summer.How pathetic. I have not seen either Google nor Apple to do such embarrassing things, to be incapable of delivering a working OS!
still, Feb 29th is still almost 9 months since the Desktop Version of Win 10 Launched. I agree with and share mariusmuntean 's disappointment.
29 Feb they said

Today is 29 Feb. As promised by MS Mexico today will finally be the day for windows 10 rollout. Has any of my Mexican friend got the official update?
Re: 29 Feb they said

It wasn't promised by MS Mexico, they got it wrong (you'll see that Facebook announcement was quickly taken down).

This isn't the first time that a regional office has announced something that turned out to be untrue.
I don't think delaying update is a problem...at least Microsoft is giving support to old phones also.. In android most of the phones still is not getting updates I meant old phones.. In all versions taking in to the consideration also majority are using the 2013 & 2014 released kikkat & lollipop...something is better than nothing lets wait for ms to rollout update

I still mention. Even if android doesn't get update, its pretty much good with features and updated apps in terms to functionality, features and design. Unlike dead 8.1 OS and apps that doesn't receive update and 10 is far from being functional
When are people going to realise that 29 Feb For MS, is NOT the same!! Those of us already there are hours ahead. When Gabe gives flights to insiders, it is usually a couple of hours into the working day. For me, UK, that is more often than not, 1800 - 2000 in the evening, which is 8 hours behind GMT.

Moan, whine, it's not fair, I'm jumping ship, blah blah.... Please don't continually fill these boards with hate, lack of understanding and somewhat childish comments. If you leave the OS, then do so, and the majority of us will wish you well. Just remember, it isn't always greener on the other side. Those who probably came here from android or iOS ask yourself why?
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