When are people going to realise that 29 Feb For MS, is NOT the same!! Those of us already there are hours ahead. When Gabe gives flights to insiders, it is usually a couple of hours into the working day. For me, UK, that is more often than not, 1800 - 2000 in the evening, which is 8 hours behind GMT.
Moan, whine, it's not fair, I'm jumping ship, blah blah.... Please don't continually fill these boards with hate, lack of understanding and somewhat childish comments. If you leave the OS, then do so, and the majority of us will wish you well. Just remember, it isn't always greener on the other side. Those who probably came here from android or iOS ask yourself why?
but it still bugs me that they can't get the little things right, like the Outlook Calendar live tile doesn't show the date.
still, Feb 29th is still almost 9 months since the Desktop Version of Win 10 Launched. I agree with and share mariusmuntean 's disappointment.
I'm waiting for the main review sites, including wincentral to say their thoughts about this 3rd delay.
lumia maxiko was the one who give the date of 29 feb. so the first atleast they should stop giving fake release dates...because when the date comes they delay it which hurts very much.
sorry for not trusting Microsoft anymore)) I could trust more a tree frog than Microsoft right now.
sorry for not trusting Microsoft anymore)) I could trust more a tree frog than Microsoft right now.
And here I am... with my W10 technical preview on my Lumia 1020, tired of waiting and bad performance, wondering why 3 years later there is no real replacement for my smartphone, the OS is still unfinished and the APP gap it's still a thing.
I'm seriously considering hibernating from WP other 3 years with the new iPhone SE... and then come back to see if something has really changed...
I'm still not sure why any of you want W10M when I have a 950XL and would love to be able to run 8.1 on it! At least it was a functional OS; .
Reason - NO OS UPDATES FOR 8.1