W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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When are people going to realise that 29 Feb For MS, is NOT the same!! Those of us already there are hours ahead. When Gabe gives flights to insiders, it is usually a couple of hours into the working day. For me, UK, that is more often than not, 1800 - 2000 in the evening, which is 8 hours behind GMT.

Moan, whine, it's not fair, I'm jumping ship, blah blah.... Please don't continually fill these boards with hate, lack of understanding and somewhat childish comments. If you leave the OS, then do so, and the majority of us will wish you well. Just remember, it isn't always greener on the other side. Those who probably came here from android or iOS ask yourself why?

Yea I came from Android at least 3 years ago and it was a bad experience ( I had a low cost device ) Windows phone has been much better for about the same price point.
Anyone, remember this information? It was posted all over the web: And it says clearly! Mid to Late February!! Read here. And you will find the same info on dozens other websites! It's time to finally stop defending them with no reason. I completely agree that the OS must be ready before release, but announcing a release date and skipping it three times now it's embarrassing!
seems like waiting is killing me...
im waiting since december when they announcrd first.
and now today feb. is gone but there is no windows 10.
lumia maxiko was the one who give the date of 29 feb. so the first atleast they should stop giving fake release dates...because when the date comes they delay it which hurts very much.
but it still bugs me that they can't get the little things right, like the Outlook Calendar live tile doesn't show the date.

And if you add 1 fake appointment today, doesn't this "wake up" the live tile?
Worked for me!
I'm still not sure why any of you want W10M when I have a 950XL and would love to be able to run 8.1 on it! At least it was a functional OS; W10M is so unstable and even core features do not functioning properly and occasionally even refuse to function at all. It's a terrible OS and it doesn't seem to be progressing at all. I'm actually pretty disgusted that MS would allow customers to buy hardware with this OS running on it and it has really put a big question mark for me as to whether I'll stick with MS in the future. If anyone knows a way to return this pile of crap even for store credit send me a message please.
still, Feb 29th is still almost 9 months since the Desktop Version of Win 10 Launched. I agree with and share mariusmuntean 's disappointment.

Which would be completely incomprehensible if W10 and W10M were both one and the same OS, which is unfortunately how MS' marketing department and some editors here at WCentral are trying to spin it.

This huge gap between W10's and W10M's releases should be more than enough proof that both OSes are being developed on different timelines, and have a lot of differences which MS must contend with separately.

I think MS' technically inaccurate way of marketing both OSes as being the same thing is understandably part of what is causing the huge disappointments here.

If these were truly the same OS, it would make perfect sense to expect the finished OS to be available on all devices it is expected to run on at around the same time. Otherwise it's just not finished...
I'm waiting for the main review sites, including wincentral to say their thoughts about this 3rd delay.

lumia maxiko was the one who give the date of 29 feb. so the first atleast they should stop giving fake release dates...because when the date comes they delay it which hurts very much.

You two are way too gullible for the internet. There is simply no way an anonymous person managing MS' Mexican twitter account can be considered a reliable source for release dates relating to development projects in Redmond.

If you believe anything posted by an anonymous source, you have only yourselves to blame for the disappointment when it turns out to be wrong.

It's not that an anonymous tweet can't possibly be right every once in a while, but there's at least a very large chance it won't be. Just the fact that none of the people actually working on W10M confirmed that date should already make you highly suspicious.

Anyone treating this is though MS just broke another one of their official release dates is just laughable.
sorry for not trusting Microsoft anymore :))) I could trust more a tree frog than Microsoft right now.

In a perfect world, we could trust anything tweeted from any corporate account. The world just isn't perfect. Half the time tweets are just BS marketing or intentionally misleading.

You're making the mistake of thinking you're trusting MS, when you're not! Who you're actually trusting is some anonymous twitter account manager, who's in an entirely different country than the W10M team, and who's been pressured into mentioning a release date.

It's very well possible that the person who tweeted that has since been fired. We don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. They are ultimately just people. They aren't perfect, and generally shouldn't be trusted if you don't know at least something about their track record, which you can't given that this person is anonymous.

Like I said, if that tweet actually came from somebody directly involved with W10M, and who signed their name to it, then your position would have merit and I'd agree with you.
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And here I am... with my W10 technical preview on my Lumia 1020, tired of waiting and bad performance, wondering why 3 years later there is no real replacement for my smartphone, the OS is still unfinished and the APP gap it's still a thing.

I'm seriously considering hibernating from WP other 3 years with the new iPhone SE... and then come back to see if something has really changed...
And here I am... with my W10 technical preview on my Lumia 1020, tired of waiting and bad performance, wondering why 3 years later there is no real replacement for my smartphone, the OS is still unfinished and the APP gap it's still a thing.

I'm seriously considering hibernating from WP other 3 years with the new iPhone SE... and then come back to see if something has really changed...

Waiting too for the SE, my wife does not stand the higher screen of the 6 and I have to buy here a new phone for her birthday. the SE will do perfectly.
I'm still not sure why any of you want W10M when I have a 950XL and would love to be able to run 8.1 on it! At least it was a functional OS; .

Reason - NO OS UPDATES FOR 8.1
The Lumia Icon, the crowning jewel of why I am leaving Windows mobile at contracts end. This whole debacle has been so frustrating for me that I have no patience left for Windows Mobile.
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