W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Forum rules do not allow me to put to text what I feel to be the reaction of most Windows Phone users that have impatiently waited for this upgrade when Microsoft releases it into the wild.
Giving new meaning to the words "Software release".
Oddly, Gabe Aul hasn't replied to any tweets today. I wonder whats up.... normally he's posted a response to someone by now. Maybe something good or maybe he's not in today.
Gabe is either not in today or, based on the time difference between the coasts, has headed out to lunch and won't be back for a while to share the infamous "no new builds today" post.
But that once again means Insider and not a stable release in line with what is out on the 550, 950, etc. Then again, what is stable?
Sadly, they already are, and long, long time, devoted fans at that.

I was a day-one adopter of the iPhone. It was a game-changer, no arguing with that. However, I was also a day-one adopter of Windows Phone. By that time I was already fed up with Apple and some of their decisions/handling of the iPhone.

I've been a software developer for over 20 years, and for a large portion of my career have been specializing in the Microsoft suite of tools/technologies. I know many developers, just like me, who have tried to stick by with Windows Phone and the promise of the amazing stuff coming up, just around the corner, just wait a bit more, etc. etc. Well, over the past year, these people have been falling off. Some going to Android, most to iPhone. I'm holding out for the next iPhone release to make the switch off my beloved 1520. Confirmation bias, I know, but when the die-hards are jumping ship, the game is up.

Die-hard fan here, from Lumia 800 to Lumia 930. Hardware issues meant I had to replace the 930, I thought I'd get it repaired hoping W10m was imminent but I went for an S6 Edge. Sorry to report but Android is solid, the apps are superb and its interface is now as good if not better than W10m. Doubt I'd switch back now, I've got Office, Here Drive/Maps, Onedrive, Onenote, Skype and they all work and look better than on Windows Phone.
Used to be a die-hard fan here, from Lumia 800 to Lumia 930. Hardware issues meant I had to replace the 930, I thought I'd get it repaired hoping W10m was imminent but I went for an S6 Edge. Sorry to report but Android is solid, the apps are superb and its interface is now as good if not better than W10m. Doubt I'd switch back now, I've got Office, Here Drive/Maps, Onedrive, Onenote, Skype and they all work and look better than on Windows Phone.

There I fixed your grammar. I switched from Android to Windows mobile; at least I can have a decent battery, good performance, and dynamic home screen. Most of the Androids I had wouldn't last 16 hours of minimal-moderate phone usage, freeze up, low storage, bloatware (except on unlocked phones), static home screens, etc.
Die-hard fan here, from Lumia 800 to Lumia 930. Hardware issues meant I had to replace the 930, I thought I'd get it repaired hoping W10m was imminent but I went for an S6 Edge. Sorry to report but Android is solid, the apps are superb and its interface is now as good if not better than W10m. Doubt I'd switch back now, I've got Office, Here Drive/Maps, Onedrive, Onenote, Skype and they all work and look better than on Windows Phone.

Android is solid? With or without acore and UI errors?? And what apps are you talking about?? i have a ****load of great apps on my WP and i use only 5% of them...and why did you write here...these awaiting days, if you are so happy with ur Android...
msft is trying to refine win 10 mob like 8.1 . and apparently msft has no timeline on this. they are feeding off insiders with a build evry 2 weeks. and every new build is labeled as much stable and fluid* .to infinity and beyond till the official rollout. god bless msft.
The big issue with MS and their mobile policy is the lack of info on their future timescedule with the Mobile OS. As a long time user both on PC and phone (950XL); I am a bit tired of the constant update to a new beta. I am often asking myself why I bother; it seems that MS don't care about us users and obviously take us as granted. Perhaps Android- and IOS-users have the same feeling about their manufacturers; I don't know. One thing is for sure; if something "great" don't happens soon there will be a united escape from the MS mobile system.
yeah so?? that update is old. and dont try to fool us by saying its the official as you already have win10 on that device. enjoy the preview

Not trying to fool anyone. I was on Window insider and so I know how insider builds are notified. Every insider build I've received up until the time I left it (moved to production-threshold build) had insider written on it. This update had no insider build written anywhere on it. Its just Windows 10 mobile.
This is what I saw in the morning. And so shared it for everyone to see.
Given the hype around Win10 produced by MSFT, the situation ridiculous. Constantly shifted release dates (or rumors), no announcement of a firm release date.
The current WM 8.1 can't compete with current Android releases (functionalities, features etc.). It feels like Android 4 something.
I can't comment on WM10, but eager to find out. However, MSFT supposed to act faster.

To me this goes back to management. The root cause of this situation lies in poor planning and bad resource management. MSFT FAILED to
  • Estimate efforts in the beginning of the project
  • allocate the necessary resources in the beginning and throughout the project
  • crappy status management - this massive delay must have been foreseeable in summer last year

In short, I find it very surprising that Gabe still has a job. On the upside, business schools will get a good case study for failed projects.
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Android releases? For pretty much each Android device I've had, I've had to wait years for the next major version to be released. Sometimes the only way to get a new version of Android is to buy a new device.

I'm not sure how you can criticise Gabe - no one else in the history of Microsoft has pressed that red button more often than him.
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