W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Guys latest news -:

Vodafone ltaly says Windows 10 Mobile OTA update could launch the week of March 7.
Now situation arrived such that no new rumoured date create interest or hopes.
Any one suggest background download and 3rd party notification centre control feature in insider preview.
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Yet that means nothing if you count the past.. other carriers announced the roll-out and none happened. Even if it happens it doenst mean it will be worldwide. Also there is a note there in red "Please note that the date of the test is completed, the date of issue, there may be a gap of 1/2 weeks." A more reliable info would be from Microsoft itself in official website and not in social pages.
Just relax and enjoy your time to wait until it goes release, if you can't wait just go to insider, things simply

At least for me, this is not suitable. It's my work phone. As such, I don't want to play around with unstable software.
I don't understand why MS doesn't give out a new release date. Building software is something that can be planned, isn't it? Not doing so is damaging the image of a the biggest software company on earth. A lot of negativity and doubt is brought about by this ominous silence.

Or they could come out in the open that they have ran into big issues that need more time to resolve. And that they wil need an other two months, whatever. And that they can give an estimate after those two months. Why the silence?
I don't understand why MS doesn't give out a new release date. Building software is something that can be planned, isn't it? Not doing so is damaging the image of a the biggest software company on earth. A lot of negativity and doubt is brought about by this ominous silence.

Or they could come out in the open that they have ran into big issues that need more time to resolve. And that they wil need an other two months, whatever. And that they can give an estimate after those two months. Why the silence?
Like I said in my other posts, no company should be allowed such arrogant and lazy attitude without suffering consequences.
In my country, MS has a TERRIBLE reputation. And, to be fair, MS deserves it. At this point, while WP 8.1 was brilliant and running flawlessly, W10M seems to be a typical MS product - a mess where things just stop working for no reason when you need them the most.

I don't want to play on such a negative note, but I can't help it. I really love the platform but I think I'm starting to really dislike Microsoft as a company for their attitude which seems to lack any effort, passion and thought on the average user.
I don't understand why MS doesn't give out a new release date. Building software is something that can be planned, isn't it? Not doing so is damaging the image of a the biggest software company on earth. A lot of negativity and doubt is brought about by this ominous silence.

Or they could come out in the open that they have ran into big issues that need more time to resolve. And that they wil need an other two months, whatever. And that they can give an estimate after those two months. Why the silence?

Well to play Devil's Advocate here...

No release date means one can take their time, no expectations are created to smash and unpredictable things can happen with code as there has been a couple times where testing canceled a build release after a serious underlying issue was discovered.

But then again, MS doesn't talk, it took suspiciously long to even handle the OneDrive fiasco.

I don't even know, W10M doesn't look like its really a priority.

Is there any news about windows 10 releaing date for Lumia... 640 xl

Please read this discussion here:

Like I said in my other posts, no company should be allowed such arrogant and lazy attitude without suffering consequences.
In my country, MS has a TERRIBLE reputation. And, to be fair, MS deserves it. At this point, while WP 8.1 was brilliant and running flawlessly, W10M seems to be a typical MS product - a mess where things just stop working for no reason when you need them the most.

I don't want to play on such a negative note, but I can't help it. I really love the platform but I think I'm starting to really dislike Microsoft as a company for their attitude which seems to lack any effort, passion and thought on the average user.

I wouldn't call it arrogance. If you are the worlds leading software provider, and, you have recently offered a massive upgrade to virtually every Windows user around the globe, your priorities would have to lie there. Do you risk alienating billions, or do you divert all your resources into a small sector?

I believe the delays in the mobile release could have been down to the, somewhat unexpected, take up by OEM's. I'm sure HP wouldn't release such a great looking, fully spec'd device with a half ars*ed, buggy OS. I also believe that the insider program,on mobile, may have bitten them on the butt as well. How many actually provide proper technical feedback. What is the percentage of preview build users who do report back? Mostly you find whinging and moaning on the various WP forums and a plethora of threads full of doom mongers arguing about other OS's, instead of taking an active role in the development of W10M. You then have the blog, thread and news skimmers who just see a headline, take it as gospel, and then shout long and hard if it proves to be, using WC's new favourite saying, 'taken with a pinch of salt'. As for W10M stopping for no reason, well, I'll reply as most people have. "It's a preview", and by studying the legal requirements / warnings when you sign up for insider, it says don't use it if you need your device to operate as it should.

MSFT may not have the best reputation, and there are some markets where the reputation is lower than a rattlesnakes butt, but they are a global company, expected to earn money/show a profit, for the investors/shareholders, and that means the most profitable markets.

As for the title of the thread, it's a damned sight easier to find 'Wally'.
Well to play Devil's Advocate here...

No release date means one can take their time, no expectations are created to smash and unpredictable things can happen with code as there has been a couple times where testing canceled a build release after a serious underlying issue was discovered.

But then again, MS doesn't talk, it took suspiciously long to even handle the OneDrive fiasco.

I don't even know, W10M doesn't look like its really a priority.

Please read this discussion here:

I think it is a 'priority, just not an immediate one. I also think the mobile OS is a lesser concern when it comes to the 'man on the street' or personal user. The business market is where MS is putting some sort of effort. There must be something of use otherwise the slew of OEM's wouldn't have bothered, and taken the easy route to android. It must show some form of confidence in the enterprise market when you have HP offering up an amazing device for the mobile OS. Even MS have the 650, a budget enterprise device.

It will come. Who knows when? In the meantime all of our company devices are running .122 very happily indeed :-)
Ever since Joe Belfiore took time off from Microsoft it looks like most of the Windows 10 mobile division took one too.
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