W10M User Reviews and Impressions!

wndows 10 bugs

I upgraded my Lumia 640 recently.
And I have few bugs:
-when I'm in the Facebook app, sometimes the app just close herself, same thing happens in WhatsApp.

-when I'm taping on WhatsApp it's sometimes don't let Me write more then one word, I'm Taiping a word and after that I'm just pressing on words and it's not writing anything on the massage.

- when scroll down on Microsoft edge sometimes therein go crazy and show the page very unclear

Sorry for my bad English, I've tried my best,
I'll love for some help, thank you!
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Re: wndows 10 bugs

it happen when you are running out memory or you did not clear history of browser . Secondly I will suggest you take backup and reset your phone and then scan your memory card your all issue will be resolve
Re: wndows 10 bugs

Thanks for your advice.I was having the same typing problem with whatsapp on W10 535DS and had been looking for anyone else facing the same problem .Problem was solved with clearing of browser history .
Hi everyone.

I bought my first Windows Phone even though I already knew it's an almost dead plattform. It didn't matter to me; I come from Android (Sony Xperia M) and I was sick and tired with the internal memory shortages in low- and mid-range Android phones. Plus, the asking price for the Lumia 535 was unmatched on the price/quality rate and I fell in love with the front-facing camera. No, the lack of apps was not a problem, either. I'm used to install few due to the litle memory on the Android devices I used before.

Windows Phone 8.1 left a very positive impression but I always like to try new things so I pdated to Windows 10 when it was offically available. I like most of the changes (I don't know the full changelog from 8.1 to 10). Although I like WIndows 10 (and I'm using it on my notebook too), I felt Microsoft tricked us into "upgrading" to a half-baked, half-@$$ed OS. Most notably, dictating and text-to-voice seem to rely now on Cortana. Otherwise I dont understand why it's not available anymore for me (Cortana is not available here).

Bing Search has lost any funcionality other than text search. no music search nor Bing Vision. The app looks uglier too. Foll screen background are gone forever.

The lock screen seems to have lost some functionality. On WP 8.1 I could have a wather image related to the current weather status. Now this is gone. Most of the information available on the lock screen is useless because text is abruptly cut out at the end of the screen (no text wrap).

It seems some of the settings don't work at all. For example, text mesage reading is neabled but it doesn't work. Also, I try to download a language pack for the voice and it always end in errors thus I'm unable to install it.

On the plus side, I like the new full screen background for the Start screen, tile transparency and double-tap-to-lock and double-tap-to-unlock features. Also, I lik the new Settings screen, even though I think the old one with big text was better for the visually impaired.

I know Windows 10 will be updated over time and thereare new builds and an Anniversary Update coming, but still, whywould Microsoft strip a good OS of some of its cooler features in an "upgrade"?

In case you are wondering, my OS version is 10.0.10586.164. Does it mean that this is Build 10586, right? I haven't received any build update lately even though I search for updates from the phone every day. Should I install Upgrade Advisor (again) for that? I used it to "upgrade" to W10.
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Hi everyone.

I bought my first Windows Phone even though I already knew it's an almost dead plattform. It didn't matter to me; I come from Android (Sony Xperia M) and I was sick and tired with the internal memory shortages in low- and mid-range Android phones. Plus, the asking price for the Lumia 535 was unmatched on the price/quality rate and I fell in love with the front-facing camera. No, the lack of apps was not a problem, either. I'm used to install few due to the litle memory on the Android devices I used before.

Windows Phone 8.1 left a very positive impression but I always like to try new things so I pdated to Windows 10 when it was offically available. I like most of the changes (I don't know the full changelog from 8.1 to 10). Although I like WIndows 10 (and I'm using it on my notebook too), I felt Microsoft tricked us into "upgrading" to a half-baked, half-@$$ed OS. Most notably, dictating and text-to-voice seem to rely now on Cortana. Otherwise I dont understand why it's not available anymore for me (Cortana is not available here).

Bing Search has lost any funcionality other than text search. no music search nor Bing Vision. The app looks uglier too. Foll screen background are gone forever.

The lock screen seems to have lost some functionality. On WP 8.1 I could have a wather image related to the current weather status. Now this is gone. Most of the information available on the lock screen is useless because text is abruptly cut out at the end of the screen (no text wrap).

It seems some of the settings don't work at all. For example, text mesage reading is neabled but it doesn't work. Also, I try to download a language pack for the voice and it always end in errors thus I'm unable to install it.

On the plus side, I like the new full screen background for the Start screen, tile transparency and double-tap-to-lock and double-tap-to-unlock features. Also, I lik the new Settings screen, even though I think the old one with big text was better for the visually impaired.

I know Windows 10 will be updated over time and thereare new builds and an Anniversary Update coming, but still, whywould Microsoft strip a good OS of some of its cooler features in an "upgrade"?

In case you are wondering, my OS version is 10.0.10586.164. Does it mean that this is Build 10586, right? I haven't received any build update lately even though I search for updates from the phone every day. Should I install Upgrade Advisor (again) for that? I used it to "upgrade" to W10.

You don't have nothing to install for updates. Last official released build is .164, (digits after dot are important) so you got that already. Others are Insider
Re: wndows 10 bugs

Thanks for your advice.I was having the same typing problem with whatsapp on W10 535DS and had been looking for anyone else facing the same problem .Problem was solved with clearing of browser history .

Welcome . If you guys are having any issue you can tag me so i can help out ASAP :smile:

Having used Windows 10 mobile off and on since summer 2015 and reverting back to 8.1, I have been using the OS religiously since December and it is amazing.

Yes there are some bugs and glitches and crashes. Nothing too major for me and besides it is not like the other OSes(Android and IOS) aren't prone to it so why does Windows 10 mobile get crucified?

My devices used are
- Lumia 1520 (Now benched because it is broken)
- Lumia 640 XL (Partially broken due to shattered glass)
-Alcatel OneTouch fierce XL

I am using 3 distinct devices with varying specs and the experience is great.
I cant see myself ever using WP 8.1 again simply because it feels so dated to what we have and each build is amazing.

I strongly recommend you all try it if you haven't. though I may revert my 640 XL back to 8.1 just to test it out.
Using W10M on my 930 for some weeks now (non-insider) and facing battery drain and random reboots (4 so far), even after hard reset without restoring backup.... Anyone else?
Using W10M on my 930 for some weeks now (non-insider) and facing battery drain and random reboots (4 so far), even after hard reset without restoring backup.... Anyone else?

Follow the checklist:

1 - log out video skype
2 - disable all background apps you don't need (leave Messages, Phone, Alarms, ect)
3 - Disable Edge sync
4 - Disable Onedrive video upload
5 - Disable in Photo "Show Onedrive pics "
6 - In Settings -> Diagnostic, set level to base
Follow the checklist:

1 - log out video skype
2 - disable all background apps you don't need (leave Messages, Phone, Alarms, ect)
3 - Disable Edge sync
4 - Disable Onedrive video upload
5 - Disable in Photo "Show Onedrive pics "
6 - In Settings -> Diagnostic, set level to base

Already tried some of those, will try the others. Thx
i hate circle icons for people contacts. They are so much in contrast to rectangle tiles. Also in Belarus circle icons of people are used when person dies to put it on his grave. So skype and contacts looks so ugly.
My phone wasted around 50% of battery within barely one hour of browsing last night. Don't know what else to try.
What really impressed me was how my phone did not let me in the Update setting to check the download progress. Then it would not turn off gracefully, I had to force the shutdown. It's not that I wanted something obscure, it's a pretty mainstream thing I'd say. So yes, I am impressed how they manage to pack in so many bugs.
This seems like the appropriate place to post my impressions on Windows 10 Mobile.

I joined Insider on my Lumia 640, and went for the Release Preview. That has been (mostly) nice. So far, my battery life has matched 8.1 just about (a day and some; yesterday was the first time I charged my phone since early Saturday evening). It's really cool that there's finally a timer built into the clock. The start screen customization really allows for so many options (you can really do 8.1 style setup or full image wallpaper). GroupMe is so much better, Twitter is really nice looking! I am finding out the importance of good third-party apps because bad ones are just annoying.

Pinned sites are so ugly, I really wish that it was better looking. The camera seems to be decent. I also reinstalled Lumia Camera Beta to see if there's a difference in picture quality on auto but it seems hard to find said difference.

It's cool that it feels like a new phone! However, I am missing a social app, and it's kind of driving me nuts. Unfortunately, all of the apps in the Store for it crash and aren't really good in general. For this app, I noticed that I use it way more on the weekdays, especially at work. I have pinned the site for it but that comes with it's own annoyances, like not updating.
Hi guys,

using a Nokia Lumia 730 for about 18 months, was using a 800 (WP7) for 3 years before that.
3 or 4 days ago bought a MS 650 DS for my wife, and my initial impressions of W 10 M were very positive, so I decided to upgrade my own 730 to the new platform. It is not an Insider build, but rather the official version.

However, trying for 3 days is pushing me to revert to the old WP 8.1, and here are the reasons (things I DON'T like):

1. The QR reader, that was natively built in the OS is gone, and this was one great advantage over other OS... now it seems I have to rely on 3rd party apps...
2. Certain apps, like Here maps and Here drive are not supported and cannot be used any longer... and these were probably the best map and navi apps I have seen... They are still good on the WP 8.1. The MS maps service is way lower in quality and service. 3rd party apps again it seems...
3. Long pressing the "Windows" button doesn't bring the voice assistant anymore. Instead, it cuts the screen vertically in two, making only the lower half usable.Why would I possible need half a screen???
4. When in an app - game, mail, camera, etc., - pressing the Back button would go one step back each time and finaly exit and close the app. Ithought it was the same with W10M, until I decided to see all open apps. Much to my surprise, all apps I had browsed, were still open - just like in the abyssmal Android OS, which always drives me mad!!! Why, on Earth, did you do that??? If I want to leave an app open, I will simply exit without closing...
5. Another "Android-like" feature is the change of keyboards - instead of the dedicated button, now I have to swipe the space, just as it is in Android. Not a good idea.
6. Pressing the WiFi button used to bring up the list with available networks... now it simply turns WiFi connection on and off. Phew...
7. Viber was "updating" for 3 days, and I finally had to uninstall and reinstall it in order to use it...
8. The new FB skin is much worse (OK, that's subjective) than the older one and barely refreshes news feeds... I get to see the same content every time I open it.
9. Some apps, when started, just bring up a black screen, and nothing happens, until I exit and start them again...
10. Skype is now integrated in messaging. I was not able to find a way to separate both, and I don't like the OS to decide whether I want Skype to mess with my SMSs...
11. Overall the speed of the OS is slower than the WP 8.1 one.

Playing a bit with the 650, which came with W10M, makes me think there is a difference between whether W10M is genuine, or upgraded from WP 8.1. I will probably give the 10 a couple of days more, to prove me wrong, or else I would definitely go back to what I know is good.

Thanks, just my 2 cents.
Windows 10 ruined my 1520, even when I installed it after a factory reset.

1.) Battery drain spiked up, aside from overheating problems.
2.) My phone will suddenly go off after using mobile data, taking shots for consecutive moments and playing Doodle God and other similar games.
3.) Now the wireless modem's also not functioning.
4.) Phantom touches now appeared.
I am using windows 10 on Lumia 430 and it works like a charm. No resuming and loading screens between apps. Apps are very fast and open just instantly on such a low end device.

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