WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Microsoft's Defender does the job but if you want a good third party solution try avast.

I'm not keen on 3rd party solutions myself as I find most are annoying so I only use Defender. So I think I'll try the refresh option and see what happens.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm not keen on 3rd party solutions myself as I find most are annoying so I only use Defender. So I think I'll try the refresh option and see what happens.

I hear you there - if they weren't so intrusive and resource hungry then they would be great. Have used Norton, McAffee and AVG before - the constant pop ups and prompts telling me I need to check something are infuriating
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hear you there - if they weren't so intrusive and resource hungry then they would be great. Have used Norton, McAffee and AVG before - the constant pop ups and prompts telling me I need to check something are infuriating

I found AVG the least intrusive of the bunch before Defender.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Maybe I'm weird because I actually like Windows 8 on a non-touch computer (and like the Metro apps).

A friend of mine bought a lower end Windows 8 laptop sight unseen. She called and asked if I could come over and help her learn to use it. I really was expecting this huge, massive, over the top, beat all to end all learning curve due to her not being tech savvy (understatement) and it not being a touch device. I had a true blast helping her learn the gestures and commands. It was a lot more fun then I thought it would be, mouse only.

Of course Laura, this doesn't mean you are NOT weird.... only that you are not alone!! :excited:
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't think so, different people have different opinions and that's a good thing :)

I think I was just often working with software that offered an enormous amount of options and needed them (AutoCAD for example) and I just can't stand all this wasted space on a big screen. Metro works beautifully on a phone and I think it works also very well on a tablet, but on a productive computer I just don't need or want it.

You know I forget that AutoCAD is used in science, though completely different than how I use it.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You know I forget that AutoCAD is used in science, though completely different than how I use it.

If you think about the software that Autodesk pumps out every year its amazing what you can do with there packages.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

If you think about the software that Autodesk pumps out every year its amazing what you can do with there packages.

Yes. I've only used a small percentage of the capabilities of AutoCAD, let alone any other package. However, AutoDesk and Betnley are slowly being pushed out of the industrial engineering environment. At least in the large oranisations. They won't completely go but they don't seem to be doing anything to keep themselves there.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Maybe I'm weird because I actually like Windows 8 on a non-touch computer (and like the Metro apps).

i am on the same boat here. Use the metro side for non-work stuff. The desktop side for work stuff.

My PC is like Two Face!!! Where is my scarred coin now 😁
You know I forget that AutoCAD is used in science, though completely different than how I use it.

Personally I don't use it in science. I used it before my career switch as an architectural draftsman, I just thought it is a example more people know than for example some specialized cloning software :-)
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Personally I don't use it in science. I used it before my career switch as an architectural draftsman, I just thought it is a example more people know than for example some specialized cloning software :-)

Ah. So you switched from careers. Good for you. I assume you have a passion for science? Otherwise I'm not sure why you would take the pay cut...
Ah. So you switched from careers. Good for you. I assume you have a passion for science? Otherwise I'm not sure why you would take the pay cut...

After my apprenticeship I was studying architecture at a technical university for a few semesters while working next to it. I didn't love the job and I have neither the passion nor the talent for architecture.

So I decided university would be great. I didn't know what to study then, I just did an additional one year course required for admission. Then I decided biology could be great, started to study it and fell in love :)

Actually first I thought I would never go into molecular biology, how things change over time...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

After my apprenticeship I was studying architecture at a technical university for a few semesters while working next to it. I didn't love the job and I have neither the passion nor the talent for architecture.

So I decided university would be great. I didn't know what to study then, I just did an additional one year course required for admission. Then I decided biology could be great, started to study it and fell in love :)

Actually first I thought I would never go into molecular biology, how things change over time...

Nice story. :) If life would have been different I may have taken a different course in what I do with my life now. I can't complain really because my life took turns I would never have thought possible a mere 10 years ago. On the whole I just 'work' I do my best not to take it home with me. I use my job to get what I want out of life and that's about it. :) That's at this stage anyway. I'm hoping in the future it will be different and I'm hoping that future isn't too far away but one step at a time. :)
Nice story. :) If life would have been different I may have taken a different course in what I do with my life now. I can't complain really because my life took turns I would never have thought possible a mere 10 years ago. On the whole I just 'work' I do my best not to take it home with me. I use my job to get what I want out of life and that's about it. :) That's at this stage anyway. I'm hoping in the future it will be different and I'm hoping that future isn't too far away but one step at a time. :)

As long as you can go to work without hating to get up in the morning I think that is okay :)

I always think if I just had dropped out of the architectural study and had chosen to work as a draftsman, I'd weight 150 kg now and my only social contacts would be over Teamspeak while playing World of Warcraft, or something along the lines. I probably would also take pills against depression...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

As long as you can go to work without hating to get up in the morning I think that is okay :)

I always think if I just had dropped out of the architectural study and had chosen to work as a draftsman, I'd weight 150 kg now and my only social contacts would be over Teamspeak while playing World of Warcraft, or something along the lines. I probably would also take pills against depression...

I don't hate my job and I think exercise is a way to combat depression over pills. Would I prefer doing something else? Yes I would. I lived in Australia in beautiful surroundings and still thought that same thing. So though my job isn't exciting or thrilling, it pays the bills and gives me a lifestyle I enjoy. The other issue is I have no idea what else I'd like to do. It's an issue I've always had. I like computers and technology but I don't have the skills to take up a position in the field and I don't necessarily have the creativity (well I possibly do) to think of something new or do something better. To enter the IT field at this stage may not be a good choice. I heard recently the job market was good but I don't know how much of that was startup and how much of it was good paying work.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks.

It is amazing to see how each person's life course plays out. A dear friend and I were talking recently - he's a pilot - about how if during high school someone came up to us and told us we were where we both are now, we'd laugh and mock them. Still, some places we end up in are scripted, some detours are necessary.

I ended up in social service because sometimes you cannot put a value on helping someone. It is often thankless, but there are those moments that come along and remind you why you do what you do. We all can't be lawyers, doctors, businessmen, scientists and politicians. That's just plain boring if we all did that.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks.

It is amazing to see how each person's life course plays out. A dear friend and I were talking recently - he's a pilot - about how if during high school someone came up to us and told us we were where we both are now, we'd laugh and mock them. Still, some places we end up in are scripted, some detours are necessary.

To give you an idea of how quickly my life changed. If you would have told me in January 2003 that in November 2003 I'd be living in Australia I would have thought you were mad. Then if you would have said, you're going to live there for about 7.5 years and then move to the UK I would have though you were talking to the wrong person. Though that's what's happened and that's where I am.

I ended up in social service because sometimes you cannot put a value on helping someone. It is often thankless, but there are those moments that come along and remind you why you do what you do. We all can't be lawyers, doctors, businessmen, scientists and politicians. That's just plain boring if we all did that.

I don't think there's much of a push to be scientist these days but other than that you're right. Variety is good. You've chosen a rewarding occupation. :)
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't think there's much of a push to be scientist these days but other than that you're right. Variety is good. You've chosen a rewarding occupation. :)


That's a hell of a move, from the UK to Australia and back. I left Jamaica right after college, with all my most prized possessions in 3 suitcases. Nearly 10 years later in the US, I don't regret the move. We all have to go wherever it is that we need to go in order to be successful. I probably have 1-2 more moves left in me. While I would have liked some things to be different, things sometimes work out when and how they are supposed to.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

As long as you can go to work without hating to get up in the morning I think that is okay :)

I always think if I just had dropped out of the architectural study and had chosen to work as a draftsman, I'd weight 150 kg now and my only social contacts would be over Teamspeak while playing World of Warcraft, or something along the lines. I probably would also take pills against depression...

Haha that's funny - there are around 30 draftsmen sitting around me at the moment - 80% of them are seriously overweight, almost all of them like to drink a bit too much, over half are gamblers, at least 50% are either on their second or third marriage or are separated with kids.

Were all pretty sociable I'm the biggest gamer in the office at the moment at 35 and the ages range from 23 to 55.

No one is on anti-depressants though even with all our collective problems. We all talk and sympathise and advise as weve all been in the same boat at one point or another when someone has a problem. At the end of the day the job gets done and we all get paid.

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