WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!


That's a hell of a move, from the UK to Australia and back. I left Jamaica right after college, with all my most prized possessions in 3 suitcases. Nearly 10 years later in the US, I don't regret the move. We all have to go wherever it is that we need to go in order to be successful. I probably have 1-2 more moves left in me. While I would have liked some things to be different, things sometimes work out when and how they are supposed to.

LOL! Well I have a shock for you. It was Canada - Australia - Finland - (return to Australia) - UK. I left Canada with two suitcases. I have no regrets.

I had a friend back in Canada from Jamaica. Really nice guy. I heard that he got sick, I think it was cancer but I don't know how he's doing. For whatever reason keeping in touch with people I knew for years seemed to become difficult. I thought people would like to keep touch but they can't seem to take the 1 minute out of their lives to type a short email to say 'hi'.
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Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Haha that's funny - there are around 30 draftsmen sitting around me at the moment - 80% of them are seriously overweight, almost all of them like to drink a bit too much, over half are gamblers, at least 50% are either on their second or third marriage or are separated with kids.

Were all pretty sociable I'm the biggest gamer in the office at the moment at 35 and the ages range from 23 to 55.

No one is on anti-depressants though even with all our collective problems. We all talk and sympathise and advise as weve all been in the same boat at one point or another when someone has a problem. At the end of the day the job gets done and we all get paid.

Sounds like most engineering offices I've been in. :P
Haha that's funny - there are around 30 draftsmen sitting around me at the moment - 80% of them are seriously overweight, almost all of them like to drink a bit too much, over half are gamblers, at least 50% are either on their second or third marriage or are separated with kids.

Were all pretty sociable I'm the biggest gamer in the office at the moment at 35 and the ages range from 23 to 55.

No one is on anti-depressants though even with all our collective problems. We all talk and sympathise and advise as weve all been in the same boat at one point or another when someone has a problem. At the end of the day the job gets done and we all get paid.

That's a nice coincidence but to my defence I was more referring to my personal situation back then. ;-)

Back then I was overweight, had only very few friends and often felt very unhappy. And I played a lot of World of Warcraft. All of that changed after I decided to give my life a second try.

Except of World of Warcraft, I only played it in semester breaks and just for fun, but I still enjoyed it :)
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

One says to the other

"there's not a lot of people about is there"
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wish I had some good jokes to tell. I've forgotten the ones I knew. Sigh.

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