There are way too many threads going on about the Nokia-MS thing. I wish people would get over it and move on. It wasn't that big of a surprise.
So why bring it here then?
It was a surprise to me but nothing that excites me in any way.
I haven't eaten cake or ice cream for a while, trying to eat healthier again. Healthier means the same with less ice cream and cake ;-)
There are way too many threads going on about the Nokia-MS thing. I wish people would get over it and move on. It wasn't that big of a surprise.
My favourite is the rather dramatic
"Im Heartbroken"
Please fella - grow up...
Im so tempted to add to the comments with something like.
I'm heartbroken... Someone has used my favourite coffee cup...
Carries about the same emotional weight as not seeing a Nokia brand logo on a phone
Have you seen my stapler?
Have you seen my stapler?
Have you finished your TPS Report?? I'm gonna need that by Friday
Yeah, and if you could go ahead and come in on Saturday, that'd be great.
sinime was referencing the film Office SpaceToilet Paper Supply?
sinime was referencing the film Office Space
well I think he was - if not ive just dragged the thread off on a tangent all of my own design
That was a messed up movie. Sadly close to the truth but still messed up.