WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Thanks! Life's much better than it was a couple of years ago. College's going really good, cleared 4/5 courses last semester, we'll see about this one, it's a bit of a mystery for everyone.

So the general state's pretty similar to what we've got right now. It's just a tiny bit more restricted here I'd say. We've even got police hour going on from 18:00 to 5:00 in Federation.

So you've finnished your, master's degree ? I hope that's what it was, I know you went back to school, but can't quite remember which level it was.

I'm glad to hear that life has improved for you. It sounds like you're on a roll! Considering the situation, I hope all goes well or at least as well as it can for you.

Wow, a police hour sounds very serious and intense.

You remembered correctly. I'm almost there, this is my last semester. Having my graduation ceremonies (I have 2, due to the size of the school) canceled is a bummer. With everything going on, I'm really trying to power through to finish strong.
Am I the only one missing sports on TV? I was all geared up for a Bayern - Chelsea rematch and then it all got canceled.
Been watching esports since there's nothing else out there, but it's just not the same.

Nope, you're not alone. I forgot to say that all of the sports here (I don't know about American football) have either canceled or delayed their seasons. I'm guessing that you heard this already though.

I miss getting news about my favorite baseball team. Opening day/week was supposed to happen a week and some from now but that's off for a while. The last reports I heard was it possibly happening in May, which is so long.
I'm glad to hear that life has improved for you. It sounds like you're on a roll! Considering the situation, I hope all goes well or at least as well as it can for you.

Wow, a police hour sounds very serious and intense.

You remembered correctly. I'm almost there, this is my last semester. Having my graduation ceremonies (I have 2, due to the size of the school) canceled is a bummer. With everything going on, I'm really trying to power through to finish strong.

Thanks. Faculty administration's doing their best to make the most of the situation, so things should be fine.

Congratulations on your degree! Was the study like you expected it to be?
Nope, you're not alone. I forgot to say that all of the sports here (I don't know about American football) have either canceled or delayed their seasons. I'm guessing that you heard this already though.

I miss getting news about my favorite baseball team. Opening day/week was supposed to happen a week and some from now but that's off for a while. The last reports I heard was it possibly happening in May, which is so long.

Similar story here. Didn't realise it was that serious until they started postponing whole seasons and competitions.

Some have said they'll loose the summer break to catch up, but that creates so many more issues that I think it's going to affect future seasons as well.
Oh I have more choice words to teach but I don't want to end up in Laura's casa de perro. BTW, it's cabeza.
Blame my Puerto Rican coworker for the choice spelling. Told you, I need that traditional Spanish woman to help with the yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah...
Am I the only one missing sports on TV? I was all geared up for a Bayern - Chelsea rematch and then it all got canceled.
Been watching esports since there's nothing else out there, but it's just not the same.
it's better to be safe than sorry. Suspension of the prem league made absolute sense.
I was shaking my head in when the CL Liverpool-Alt Madrid game went ahead, the health risks was too high, with thousand of travelling Athletico fans while Madrid was in the midst of shutting down.
Does video of footballers juggling toilet rolls count as news??
Thanks. Faculty administration's doing their best to make the most of the situation, so things should be fine.

Congratulations on your degree! Was the study like you expected it to be?

That's good then.

Thanks! I'll let you know in 2 months. I'm currently at the halfway point of the semester. So far, I can say yes and no. Yes because it gives context to what I do at work and no because group projects are so annoying. I didn't expect to have two of those. One of my classes this semester assigns us 5 to 7 readings every week, which I also didn't expect.
I've been following the news up until recently, I just got fed up with the same old bs I hear on an everyday basis.
I was kind of cheering for Bernie, he even had a good start to it if I recall correctly, don't know how or where it all went wrong.

I guess U.S. is going for the Balkan recipe, senile, incapable old men running the state.
Bernie screwed the pooch because his delivery of his message is inflexible. What's needed is the ability to convert lofty ideals into pragmatic outcomes that benefit people. Lots of good ideas have died in life because the devil is always in the details. Lots of his stuff I liked but his details weren't to my taste. He wanted the bludgeon the party into submission so they came to him. He's weak with black voters the same way Biden is weak with Latinos and youth. I can pull articles talking about this all day long.

Not saying Biden is not without his flaws. The voters have nominated candidates in the last two elections.
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That's easy to say for someone who already has someone. And by someone, I don't mean a warm body but someone you're actually attracted to and you want to be with.
I never cared if men have hair or are bald. Many men who are bald are more attractive than those who have hair.
Man my English is so bad at the moment. I totally forgot how to spell most words and putting sentences together doesn't come any easier either.
Your English is fine.

Nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well and fully recovered from that horrible illness you had.
So no strict measures in France yet?
We're on lockdown. I'm working from home for the first time in my career.

You need a honour pass to go outside and there's specifics to what you can do. Groceries, pharmacy, exercise and to see family in need. They've limited the distance you can be out to 2km.

Without this pass you get fined. If caught without it.

First it's €135, then €1500, then €3700.

We're not that different than Italy which is now €5000. I believe Spain has a similar system.
We're on lockdown. I'm working from home for the first time in my career.

You need a honour pass to go outside and there's specifics to what you can do. Groceries, pharmacy, exercise and to see family in need. They've limited the distance you can be out to 2km.

Without this pass you get fined. If caught without it.

First it's €135, then €1500, then €3700.

We're not that different than Italy which is now €5000. I believe Spain has a similar system.
Stay safe Rue, and all of you guys
it's better to be safe than sorry. Suspension of the prem league made absolute sense.
I was shaking my head in when the CL Liverpool-Alt Madrid game went ahead, the health risks was too high, with thousand of travelling Athletico fans while Madrid was in the midst of shutting down.
Does video of footballers juggling toilet rolls count as news??

I guess they too didn't realise the full threat back then, they sure have now. I've heard the virus came to Bergamo from Atalanta's fans returning from Milano. I think Serie A wanted to do even more match days, somewhat gives you an image as to why Italy got so screwed.
That's good then.

Thanks! I'll let you know in 2 months. I'm currently at the halfway point of the semester. So far, I can say yes and no. Yes because it gives context to what I do at work and no because group projects are so annoying. I didn't expect to have two of those. One of my classes this semester assigns us 5 to 7 readings every week, which I also didn't expect.

Not a fan of group projects either. Have one going on right now, I have yet to start working on it. Thankfully, my part in it isn't that dependant of others, so that's a bit of a relief.
Bernie screwed the pooch because his delivery of his message is inflexible. What's needed is the ability to convert lofty ideals into pragmatic outcomes that benefit people. Lots of good ideas have died in life because the devil is always in the details. Lots of his stuff I liked but his details weren't to my taste. He wanted the bludgeon the party into submission so they came to him. He's weak with black voters the same way Biden is weak with Latinos and youth. I can pull articles talking about

Not saying Biden is not without his flaws. The voters have nominated candidates in the last two elections.

I have some family in the US that doesn't like him at all (Bernie), they're afraid of the increased taxes. They're all around 50 though, so not really his targeted audience.

And what's up with black voters? Didn't catch up on that one.
Your English is fine.

Nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well and fully recovered from that horrible illness you had.

Thanks Laura! I'm pretty much 100% recovered, there's just some minor damages that have left as a consequence, other than that, all is fine.
We're on lockdown. I'm working from home for the first time in my career.

You need a honour pass to go outside and there's specifics to what you can do. Groceries, pharmacy, exercise and to see family in need. They've limited the distance you can be out to 2km.

Without this pass you get fined. If caught without it.

First it's €135, then €1500, then €3700.

We're not that different than Italy which is now €5000. I believe Spain has a similar system.

It's good to hear there's a system in place. I'm all for fines and actually fining people who misconduct. We've got fines here as well, but this is a wild west, so everyone's breaking the rules regularly without being punished for it. Just a bunch of irresponsible idiots.
Not a fan of group projects either. Have one going on right now, I have yet to start working on it. Thankfully, my part in it isn't that dependant of others, so that's a bit of a relief.
It sounds like you're kind of spared for the moment. Hopefully, you'll be done with them for a little while.

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