WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I still would like to go ahead and try something new. Actually, I want a day off from work to be able to just take a few of the devices I have out on some camera runs. There are tons of people capturing how starkly lifeless the city looks in the daytime. While I'm not as interested in shots like those, I still want to test out and get more familiar with the cameras I have access to.
Hey gang, just making my rounds and checking in. Still working although I had to lay off my entire wait staff a couple days ago. Those were NOT fun phone calls to make...
Hey gang, just making my rounds and checking in. Still working although I had to lay off my entire wait staff a couple days ago. Those were NOT fun phone calls to make...
Good to hear from you, Ed. Sucks to hear you had to lay people off. Hope you can bring people back.
I had forgotten to post this. This store was close to the whole paycheck I went to on Sunday. The photo I wanted to post was too hard to take with how the store is laid out. It was telling to show that the store was in darkness, save the one security guard on duty with his lunch, water and hand sanitizer.

Normally, this location would be packed, lights on, awash with shoppers and staff. Very stark indeed. 20200322_100527.jpeg
Past few days there were many markets packed with people in scramble to buy daily groceries. It defeat the whole purpose of social distancing. Fortunately, good sense prevailed, and they authorities are doing something, and the people are cooperating.

People can't stop using their phones even in queues
Well for the first time I'm having to work from home. Luckily we have recently moved to an online-based system so its pretty much business as usual. I had to raid my bank to upgrade my computer to make sure I could do the work I needed to, but at least its done now.

Trying to stay in and stay safe! We're not on lockdown in the UK yet but with the amount of people ignoring the social distancing it's just a matter of time until we're in the same situation as Rue.

That's what got Italy, people didn't obey orders and look how many have died. I'm just waiting for something similar to happen in my country. Even though authorities were, surprisingly, quick and coordinated in their responses, it's the people that are making the mess.

GF's dad work in Italy and has been self-isolated for the last 18 or something days. He's saying that the major companies are calling people back to work, and that many are still walking on the streets, going to caffes and restaurants, like nothing's happening. I just don't get it.
So we've got snow here. A lot of snow. So much that the roads a temporarily blocked and it keeps on snowing.

Based on my virus knowledge gained from playing Plague Inc., these aren't the best conditions for it.
University senate proposed to held all exams online. That's new to me... and kind of weird. Like, how do they make sure no one's cheating? Should we all have our cameras and mics on?

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