WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

University senate proposed to held all exams online. That's new to me... and kind of weird. Like, how do they make sure no one's cheating? Should we all have our cameras and mics on?

That sounds like it could be challenging. I think ensuring that no one cheats would be hard to do.
That sounds like it could be challenging. I think ensuring that no one cheats would be hard to do.

Almost impossible, and that's not the only issue. Most of the exam, like 90% of it, are problem solving tasks, not a simple theory, like question and answer, but rather complex problems.

There was this idea to have them all held sometimes in September. But that's so far away from now. I have no idea how's this going to unfold.
Haven't logged here in a few days.
Been locked down at home. One long trip on Saturday to stock up on groceries that we were running low. Had to go to three stores to get stuff. Still running low on TP and nowhere to be found. I might have to venture out again Friday or Saturday.

Work has been very busy as well.
These are interesting and trying times for everyone.
Stay safe people.
So we've got snow here. A lot of snow. So much that the roads a temporarily blocked and it keeps on snowing.

Based on my virus knowledge gained from playing Plague Inc., these aren't the best conditions for it.
This particular virus spreads by droplets. Cold weather makes them stay active longer in the air. That's why 2m / 6ft is recommend.

That's why they're hoping the warm weather helps. Humidity pushes droplets down quicker. But hot climates have it as well, so...?

It's one nasty virus that spreads very easily. The more people who get it the more likely it has a chance to mutate as well.

I've heard there's possibly two strains running already but I've yet to see a confirmation on that.

Let's just hope some of these meds they're trying out work so we have time to get a vaccine sorted.
As for working from home. It's trying. It's interesting but not something I'd want to do all the time in this field. It's too difficult.

Well this company systems and this project doesn't help either.
Hey gang, just making my rounds and checking in. Still working although I had to lay off my entire wait staff a couple days ago. Those were NOT fun phone calls to make...
Good to hear from you. Sorry about your situation. Nothing worse than having to do that.
That's what got Italy, people didn't obey orders and look how many have died. I'm just waiting for something similar to happen in my country. Even though authorities were, surprisingly, quick and coordinated in their responses, it's the people that are making the mess.

GF's dad work in Italy and has been self-isolated for the last 18 or something days. He's saying that the major companies are calling people back to work, and that many are still walking on the streets, going to caffes and restaurants, like nothing's happening. I just don't get it.
We have similar issues in France.

Though the UK is probably the bigger issue now.

I won't comment on the USA response. It's going to be unpleasant there. They're most likely going to out do everyone else. They do like being number one of course...
This particular virus spreads by droplets. Cold weather makes them stay active longer in the air. That's why 2m / 6ft is recommend.

That's why they're hoping the warm weather helps. Humidity pushes droplets down quicker. But hot climates have it as well, so...?

It's one nasty virus that spreads very easily. The more people who get it the more likely it has a chance to mutate as well.

I've heard there's possibly two strains running already but I've yet to see a confirmation on that.

Let's just hope some of these meds they're trying out work so we have time to get a vaccine sorted.
That's what I find so unusual with this virus. It spreads so fast, like no other virus in recent years. General rule was that cold is bad for them, but now it's not, and neither is warm weather, like what?

I feel like many things we "know" about it are mostly educated guesses and very little confirmed facts. Not to mention a sea of false claims and informations that sure doesn't help.
As for working from home. It's trying. It's interesting but not something I'd want to do all the time in this field. It's too difficult.

Well this company systems and this project doesn't help either.

That's what I feel about college right now. CS/SE students, I can see this working out for them, but as an Electrical Engineering student, yeah, online materials just can't compare to actual classes.
We have similar issues in France.

Though the UK is probably the bigger issue now.

I won't comment on the USA response. It's going to be unpleasant there. They're most likely going to out do everyone else. They do like being number one of course...
In the parody spirit of the video below:

" If you ain't happy cuz of COVID, clap your hands." (clap twice)

If you ain't happy cuz of COVID, clap your hands." (clap twice)

If you ain't happy, boy we know it, but the govt don't want you show it,

If you ain't happy cuz of COVID, clap your hands."

If you ain't happy cuz you know you're ****ed, stamp your feet, (stamp twice)

If you ain't happy cuz you know you're ****ed, stamp your feet, (stamp twice)

If you ain't happy, boy we know it, but the govt don't want you show it,

If you ain't happy cuz you know you're ****ed, stamp your feet, (stamp twice)

If you ain't happy with the govt, nod your head,

If you ain't happy with the govt, nod your head,

If you ain't happy with the govt, and you REALLY want to show it,

If you ain't happy with the govt, VOTE 'EM OUT!

As for working from home. It's trying. It's interesting but not something I'd want to do all the time in this field. It's too difficult.

Well this company systems and this project doesn't help either.
Yeah, same here. Our place is small so I'm flip-flopping between two areas, really.

More trying times.
We have similar issues in France.

Though the UK is probably the bigger issue now.

I won't comment on the USA response. It's going to be unpleasant there. They're most likely going to out do everyone else. They do like being number one of course...
BeBest is what the First Lady calls it over here.
Good to hear from you. Sorry about your situation. Nothing worse than having to do that.
I, and a few select others are considering ourselves fortunate to be still working and receiving our salaries while doing limited take out only. I do feel bad for those we had to lay off indefinitely.

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