WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have a presentation of the first part of my project today, and guess what, not only do I have no internet, I don't have any power.

I had to buy 3G (yes, 3G) and hope that 20% of battery on my laptop will do.

This is crazy! I hope both return soon.
Lockdown has ended here. Out of the blue. No indications or whatsoever. Nothing. They had a 30min meeting and decided. Their explanation was that the epidemiologists and doctors insisted, which turned out to be a lie.

Another Balkan episode.
The guy who ended the lockdown (chief of civilic protection service) was filmed on a private party with guests, music and everything that goes with it. During the lockdown itself. Paints a picture.
Lockdown has ended here. Out of the blue. No indications or whatsoever. Nothing. They had a 30min meeting and decided. Their explanation was that the epidemiologists and doctors insisted, which turned out to be a lie.

Another Balkan episode.
Sigh. I'm hoping there won't be a second wave but it's looking very likely...

Last couple of days it's been a lot more active on the roads and more people out.

Not looking good at all.
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So I'm still a bit obsessed with Tool at the moment. I think it suits how I currently feel. That's my only explanation I have. I'm not normally this obsessive with a band. I typically listen to one group for a period of time then switch. It's just the way I am or I find a Spotify playlist.

What I found interesting is this video of the drummer. They did a drum cam of a new song. I never realised how big he was! And in damn good shape for 58. He also appears to enjoy drumming.

He is a very good drummer.

Anyway if you're at all interested. This gives you an idea of the complexities of Tool"s music and the great musicians behind the band. Progressive rock at it's finest. The timings on this song are all over the place.

Another interesting thing I found out on one of the new songs is that the basist does a solo on it. I thought it was the guitarist. The basist users two amps to get different sounds and of course pedals.

It's pretty cool.

A bit like Royal Blood (music group). The lead guitarist is actually a base player. There's only two people in the group.
So I finally broke down and got myself a new phone.
An iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB Midnight Green. Woohoo!

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