WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

All this sitting at home has made me pretty unfit. I haven't gained much weight (thankfully) though I could lose a bit again.

But I'm just unfit in general.

Went to our favourite boulongerie yesterday. It's about a 1/2km one way to it. We're very French in that we have a favourite... And a backup, several actually.

Legs are sore today.

Also installed a ceiling fan. Drilling into concrete isn't fun at the best of times, even worse when you need to hold up a drill.

Arms are very sore today.

If you're wondering, AC isn't common here but it does exist. However, you can't easily install it in a rental unless you get one of those portable ones. Which aren't that great.

Also most people's windows can't take an AC unit.

Thankfully we have airflow with double aspect balconies and lots of windows. Still going to be interesting when the heat climbs.
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Monday, eh? You missed me so much you brought me remote access IT issues as a present? NO, you REALLY shouldn't have.
All this sitting at home has made me pretty unfit. I haven't gained much weight (thankfully) though I could lose a bit again.

But I'm just unfit in general.

Went to our favourite boulongerie yesterday. It's about a 1/2km one way to it. We're very French in that we have a favourite... And a backup, several actually.

Legs are sore today.

Also installed a ceiling fan. Drilling into concrete isn't fun at the best of times, even worse when you need to hold up a drill.

Arms are very sore today.

If you're wondering, AC isn't common here but it does exist. However, you can't easily install it in a rental unless you get one of those portable ones. Which aren't that great.

Also most people's windows can't take an AC unit.

Thankfully we have airflow with double aspect balconies and lots of windows. Still going to interesting when the heat climbs.
That sucks. I've noticed the last few times when I go into the city, the first sets of stairs I take to get to the subway - my current home stop is on an elevated platform - it gets me winded. But once I started moving around, that goes away.

Guess that doesn't help when all I keep doing is going on flat ground and not getting enough cardio style exercises. Gotta fix that.
We have rain! Finally.

It's been some time so I'm appreciating it.

It's been very dry and low humidity for a long time now.

It's suppose to rain for the next few days which is good though I can see myself getting sick of it...

Such is being human...
With the restricted movement (MCO) in place, I cant drive beyond a 10km radius from the house. There are road blocks on the highway and heavy fines will be given unless I have a special permit from the police. There is a limit to one person per vehicle ie no passengers. But for driving round the block, my wife follows to nearby shops for takeaways or for groceries & essential stuff.
I miss visiting the farm which is about 40km away. Without anyone working there, I can imagine it has reverted to thick underbrush. Expect the MCO to last for at least til mid-May ... I'm sharpening the machete and cleaning the motorised grass-cutter for some heavy duty action then.
Pet shops are open thrice a week, which is a relief. Replenished a bag of clay beads for the litter box. The kittens are moving about, too frenetic at times. Started feeding them to supplement what the mummy couldn't.
I have totally fallen off the IT/tech trail. If it wasn't for your post, I would barely know which new phones are out. Not that I want to change phones now, I guess priorities are elsewhere.
Stay safe, people!!
With the restricted movement (MCO) in place, I cant drive beyond a 10km radius from the house. There are road blocks on the highway and heavy fines will be given unless I have a special permit from the police. There is a limit to one person per vehicle ie no passengers. But for driving round the block, my wife follows to nearby shops for takeaways or for groceries & essential stuff.
I miss visiting the farm which is about 40km away. Without anyone working there, I can imagine it has reverted to thick underbrush. Expect the MCO to last for at least til mid-May ... I'm sharpening the machete and cleaning the motorised grass-cutter for some heavy duty action then.
Pet shops are open thrice a week, which is a relief. Replenished a bag of clay beads for the litter box. The kittens are moving about, too frenetic at times. Started feeding them to supplement what the mummy couldn't.
I have totally fallen off the IT/tech trail. If it wasn't for your post, I would barely know which new phones are out. Not that I want to change phones now, I guess priorities are elsewhere.
Stay safe, people!!

Wow, this sounds very intense.
With the restricted movement (MCO) in place, I cant drive beyond a 10km radius from the house. There are road blocks on the highway and heavy fines will be given unless I have a special permit from the police. There is a limit to one person per vehicle ie no passengers. But for driving round the block, my wife follows to nearby shops for takeaways or for groceries & essential stuff.
I miss visiting the farm which is about 40km away. Without anyone working there, I can imagine it has reverted to thick underbrush. Expect the MCO to last for at least til mid-May ... I'm sharpening the machete and cleaning the motorised grass-cutter for some heavy duty action then.
Pet shops are open thrice a week, which is a relief. Replenished a bag of clay beads for the litter box. The kittens are moving about, too frenetic at times. Started feeding them to supplement what the mummy couldn't.
I have totally fallen off the IT/tech trail. If it wasn't for your post, I would barely know which new phones are out. Not that I want to change phones now, I guess priorities are elsewhere.
Stay safe, people!!
Know the feeling. We were hoping to get to our farm at Easter. No idea when we'll get to it now. I wish it was only 40km away! It's 655km (406 miles).

We luckily have a local guy that comes by to keep things in check once a month with the grass etc.

We'd like him to weed as well but he wants to use Roundup and we're not into that.

We have all the same issues with fines etc here. They do road blocks on the weekends.

Though we don't seem to have the problem with how many people in a car.

Though overall everything seems to be slack now. There's this push to get back to 'normal'.. whatever that means.

There shouldn't be normal. It should be a learning time and a reflection of change but we're not the ones in power. We're the serfs.

If anyone is interested in knowing. Yes I see work as a form of slavery. In the USA especially. Here in France they have different traps but it amounts to the same thing.
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Seeing the video made me realize I'm good on my basic device setup of my S10e, and iPod touch.

The SE doesn't add anything, in fact it takes away by presenting a new issue for me that isn't worth the trade off. I'll deal with returning it later as I no longer have interest in trying it out fully.
We have rain! Finally.

It's been some time so I'm appreciating it.

It's been very dry and low humidity for a long time now.

It's suppose to rain for the next few days which is good though I can see myself getting sick of it...

Such is being human...
I hope it helps some.
Seeing the video made me realize I'm good on my basic device setup of my S10e, and iPod touch.

The SE doesn't add anything, in fact it takes away by presenting a new issue for me that isn't worth the trade off. I'll deal with returning it later as I no longer have interest in trying it out fully.
Well at least you now know. There's no wondering, at least.
I hope it helps some.
The low humidity has been the biggest issue. It makes everything so dry, including us. Luckily we have moisturizer! We've been around 20 to 35% for the last few weeks.

The other issue is static electricity.

A quick lesson about static electricity. Lightening is basically static electricity on as bigger scale.

Static electricity likes corners, edges and points. That's why lightning rods are usually a long point. However, lightening will also hit edges of buildings.

Reason I'm saying this is because petting my cat had become slightly hazardous. Especially around her ears tips I've zapped her and myself numerous times.

Typically you discharge about 500V to 3000V when zapping someone or yourself but it can be a lot higher. Up to 21,000V. This is why static electricity is damaging to electronics. It's very low current though.

It's been a painful time around here lately....

Keep in mind voltage hurts but doesn't kill. Higher current kills but needs voltage to penetrate the skin or for your skin to lose resistance at lower voltage. That's why being wet around electricity is a bad idea at anything over 50V. Your skin loses resistance.

Electricity is voltage and current together. Which is why it's deadly.

Anyway there's my safety talk for the next 6 months...
The low humidity has been the biggest issue. It makes everything so dry, including us. Luckily we have moisturizer! We've been around 20 to 35% for the last few weeks.

The other issue is static electricity.

A quick lesson about static electricity. Lightening is basically static electricity on as bigger scale.

Static electricity likes corners, edges and points. That's why lightning rods are usually a long point. However, lightening will also hit edges of buildings.

Reason I'm saying this is because petting my cat had become slightly hazardous. Especially around her ears tips I've zapped her and myself numerous times.

Typically you discharge about 500V to 3000V when zapping someone or yourself but it can be a lot higher. Up to 21,000V. This is why static electricity is damaging to electronics. It's very low current though.

It's been a painful time around here lately....

Keep in mind voltage hurts but doesn't kill. Higher current kills but needs voltage to penetrate the skin or for your skin to lose resistance at lower voltage. That's why being wet around electricity is a bad idea at anything over 50V. Your skin loses resistance.

Electricity is voltage and current together. Which is why it's deadly.

Anyway there's my safety talk for the next 6 months...

The more you know...thank you for the safety talk haha

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