The low humidity has been the biggest issue. It makes everything so dry, including us. Luckily we have moisturizer! We've been around 20 to 35% for the last few weeks.
The other issue is static electricity.
A quick lesson about static electricity. Lightening is basically static electricity on as bigger scale.
Static electricity likes corners, edges and points. That's why lightning rods are usually a long point. However, lightening will also hit edges of buildings.
Reason I'm saying this is because petting my cat had become slightly hazardous. Especially around her ears tips

I've zapped her and myself numerous times.
Typically you discharge about 500V to 3000V when zapping someone or yourself but it can be a lot higher. Up to 21,000V. This is why static electricity is damaging to electronics. It's very low current though.
It's been a painful time around here lately....
Keep in mind voltage hurts but doesn't kill. Higher current kills but needs voltage to penetrate the skin or for your skin to lose resistance at lower voltage. That's why being wet around electricity is a bad idea at anything over 50V. Your skin loses resistance.
Electricity is voltage and current together. Which is why it's deadly.
Anyway there's my safety talk for the next 6 months...