So I put this link on top first here because I like how critical Flossy is about the SE2. I think his criticisms are quite valid. It IS a "cheap iPhone". Make no bones about it. It isn't for folks who can afford, or are willing to finance the higher end models just because. It is a very specifically targeted offering, which the carriers can drop the hammer on to move units aggressively.
One thing I can say for me as an enthusiast - I don't finance my stuff. The last time I financed a phone, HTC was the Android Market leader, Oneplus was a concept idea, and you could still easily get a Blackberry and a Windows phone. There are a TON of people I see walking around with high end Apple devices who pay for their stuff outright - and even more who finance their gear.
So if you're willing to pay to play, that's fine. I don't praise the SE2 blindly because it's the new Pixel 3A response, I respect it because it is a solidly packaged piece of hardware sold to hook people into getting abroad the Apple ecosystem.