WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Still trying to wrap my head around the new LG UX on Android 10, especially the camera layout. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

On the plus side, the dirty installed worked and I've switched over. Actually running on the April 2020 patches to boot. Guess we will make do with this Korean unit after all.

No movements for the V40. That was expected, honestly.
Keep in mind when I say left I don't mean communism. Though what we've known as communism is not correct either.

I mean more socialist ideas.

Communism doesn't equal socialism. Pretty much every country has socialism of some sort in it. Unfortunately the two are often put together, purposely, to confuse people.

There has never been as pure socialist society.

I am more left leaning because I grew up in a time and a country that has strong socialist ideas. I don't agree with everything that is left and I try not to be fully left bias.

I don't agree with a lot of what is on the right and very little with the far right. That doesn't mean that some of their ideas are not good.

I believe in more socially based help and a more community minded society. A lot of what has happened over the course of just my lifetime has removed a lot of that thinking. We've become far too judgemental and self centred.

When I say that. I don't necessarily mean local based community (though important) but community as a whole society.

Without the nationalistic nonsense.

If we can create that life could be a bit better. We can never have a perfect society but we should strive to have a better one.

I should add environmental aspects are just as important in all this.

Confusing people with socialism and communism is the most prominent in the US I'd say. But as everything else, it's present everywhere.

It reminds of Jordan Peterson, who debated a marxist on a theme of Das Kapital, while not actually having read the book. And admitting to it.
Confusing people with socialism and communism is the most prominent in the US I'd say. But as everything else, it's present everywhere.

It reminds of Jordan Peterson, who debated a marxist on a theme of Das Kapital, while not actually having read the book. And admitting to it.
People don't confuse socialism to communism here as easily.

Unfortunately what's happened is that there is a certain group of people who continue to control the narrative in the same old same old way. The general populous is still educated not to read too far beyond certain things. Information is a big money maker here, as what you don't know will cost you a ton of money. It's often how people exploit people here and developing networks where information sharing communally that's beneficial really makes a difference.

All propaganda is the same - distortion of information for purposes that are never good.
Still trying to wrap my head around the new LG UX on Android 10, especially the camera layout. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

On the plus side, the dirty installed worked and I've switched over. Actually running on the April 2020 patches to boot. Guess we will make do with this Korean unit after all.

No movements for the V40. That was expected, honestly.
Different isn't always better, really. Maybe it's because I've been so used to that look under UX8 for so long, I'm feeling very indifferent about the new UX on LG. It's the same feeling I had when I played with the G8 in stores...software was "eh". Cannot say it's better or worse, it just inspires a ton of indifference so far.
I've been watching quite a few historical documentaries recently. Santayana was correct in that, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". This entire series of events in recent years looks exactly like that from a century ago, with rise of nationalism, "us vs them" mentality, global pandemic.
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I've been watching quite a few historical documentaries recently. Santayana was correct in that, "Those who cannot remember the past are concerned to repeat it". This entire series of events in recent years looks exactly like that from a century ago, with rise of nationalism, "us vs them" mentality, global pandemic.
It seems as though a century passes between "events" in the US. Stock market crashes in 1893, we get the mini crash of 1987. Stock market crashes again in 1907, we get the bubble bursting in 2009. Flu pandemic in 1918, Coronavirus in 2020. Hitler becomes the head of the Nazi party in 1921, we can't afford a repeat of this one.
Americans, particularly those who are whites in the upper classes that control the politics and economy, always say the USA is a bastion of freedom. However, the USA is really no different from the UK and other European countries in terms of exploitation and racism in the name of greed and empire-building.
It seems as though a century passes between "events" in the US. Stock market crashes in 1893, we get the mini crash of 1987. Stock market crashes again in 1907, we get the bubble bursting in 2009. Flu pandemic in 1918, Coronavirus in 2020. Hitler becomes the head of the Nazi party in 1921, we can't afford a repeat of this one.

As Trump follower of 35 years from business perspective, I've often wondered of this since Putin in 2000s. I believe the reality is that we're always mired in the crap. Sometimes having the biggest ahole on your side is a necessary evil as the last a$$$hat proved. The only way to stay on top is to always remember others are looking to knock off #1 and the reasons don't matter.

Don't forget the crash of '29 and other almost pandemics that we've had. The cold war didn't really stop, just all the idealism let dumbing of education with all the political correctness leading people to believe it all went away.
As Trump follower of 35 years from business perspective, I've often wondered of this since Putin in 2000s. I believe the reality is that we're always mired in the crap. Sometimes having the biggest ahole on your side is a necessary evil as the last a$$$hat proved. The only way to stay on top is to always remember others are looking to knock off #1 and the reasons don't matter.

That's the problem. Politics and war aren't games. Neither should be about being on top.
Man, it was nice outside. There wasn't as much people outside in the park as I anticipated. But, the day is still nice, so people will flood it.

That's why I went in and out quickly.
That's the problem. Politics and war aren't games. Neither should be about being on top.

While they shouldn't be, the inescapable truth is they always have been and will be since jealousy and envy will always be human traits.

I remember supporting the free Mandela cause back in high school and disbelief in the existence of apartheid when I learned it was alive in South Africa in 1985 or so. Watching the fall of apartheid then watching the people taking advantage of their own reminded me of the ironies of the slave trade as blacks sold blacks and 2,000 years before Jews were enslaved and sold.

The Irish, the Italians and now the Hispanics too also fall victim to a kind of enslavement by whatever defacto incumbents are currently around.

I'll take ANY leader that wants our country to have the advantage over any other country for whatever self interests he or she has.
We still have almost a decade, sit tight.

I was referring to biggest crash of 1929 and I'm holding my breath on the reopening of the economy as it pertains to jobs. I'm expecting some jobs will have eliminated themselves in the $15/HR or whatever other unrealistic price was proposed. This was fascinating to watch as every nation on planet was subjected at some level.

I suppose in 20 years we could look back and possibly include this as part of some greater 20-30 year war that we've all been a part of...
No such leader has ever existed, especially in 'Murica. To truly make this work, the leader would value ALL people within his country first. Even from an economic level, it would be cheaper to fully get everyone in that country onboard to build a sustained advantage vs other nations.

Biden ain't it. Trump even less so.

Western European based capitalism has yet to prove consistently that it values people who aren't white in the same way that it does well off white folk.

The pandemic has exposed very clearly all the social ills that an economy with a high GDP like the US has papered over. $15/hr federal wage is realistic, but not attainable under the current mindset.

With all the money in the world, it's still finite. No one literally makes money (it's illegal), what we do is trying to concentrate it into the few hands possible and hope that we're in that group through the system of "wealth".

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