WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just realized why things are feeling so hectic because work is still going full bore but now we are trying to get things done in 4 days versus 5 before.
Some days I think I speak Greek.

I ask for people to do one thing and what I need done to get the task completed is still left unanswered.

Using the OP7T today.
How's that Pixel Slate treating you? My only complaint so far is actually regarding the G-Brydge not the tablet, it's awesome. It takes sometimes 20-30 seconds to connect after it's been asleep for a few hours. Overall though I much prefer to the Google keyboard and that flimsy-*** build.
How's that Pixel Slate treating you? My only complaint so far is actually regarding the G-Brydge not the tablet, it's awesome. It takes sometimes 20-30 seconds to connect after it's been asleep for a few hours. Overall though I much prefer to the Google keyboard and that flimsy-*** build.
The Slate + Brydge is too freaking heavy. I haven't used it in a week. I mainly use it to watch something on Netflix or Prime Video.
The peacocks are everywhere especially near Biscayne Bay. They’re semi-native now like us Cubans. The chickens, well let’s just say the community doesn’t give a fat baby’s a$$ about the county’s farm animal restrictions. They are ALL OVER THE PLACE. In light of the egg price gouging, they’re even more prevalent now. Like Checker’s says “hey, ya gotta eat”.
Wow! I had no idea that peacocks are now Miami natives.

Lol at the chickens. I wouldn't mind having a few hang out here if I could get some eggs. You're right about egg prices increasing a lot.
I'd rather go swimming in it, the way how chaotic this and today especially is going. 84 regress of cluster****.
Local brew..
A friend of mine from NYC said that there's a church called St John the Divine that has peacocks on its premises. They just roam about the outside of the church property but don't wander off. He said that one peacock is albino.

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