Hello been awhile.
Recap... Me and wife completed our 2nd dose couple of weeks back. We're good, just mild reactions, sore shoulders....
Malaysia hit the millionth infection today which for a nation of 33 million is really bad. They screwed up on getting the rollout til late, too slow and too little...
Its faster now, but what a mess. There were numerous incidence at vaccination centres of people receiving "empty" jabs i.e. jabbing in and pulling without pushing the vaccine out of the syringe into the body" - it smell of a syndicated wide-spread theft.
We have so many variations of MCO, travel restrictions, scewy SOPs - people are just frustrated and the numbers just kept peaking and peaking.
Parliament has been suspended for months and set to resume on Monday. As usual, we get MPs falling sick and getting Covid this few days and going into self-quarantine. Bunch of cowards.
Man, I miss going to the farm. There is a restriction on interdistrict travel. Its almost a year since I last visited. There is not one working on the land, it must have revert to a jungle by now... I miss seeing the land and the jackfruit, durian, pineapple and durian fruit trees

Stay safe, ya all