WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hey fatclue, I never got to ask (provided that you feel comfortable with the question?), why anti-revolutionary? What I mean is, is it just because of the nature of Castro's way of ruling or is it from an ideological point of view?

Now that were there, since I have very little touch in that regard, how's Cuba doing now? Always wanted to visit Habana.
Hey fatclue, I never got to ask (provided that you feel comfortable with the question?), why anti-revolutionary? What I mean is, is it just because of the nature of Castro's way of ruling or is it from an ideological point of view?

Now that were there, since I have very little touch in that regard, how's Cuba doing now? Always wanted to visit Habana.
That's a legit question. Those who fled after the Revolution were seen as excoriates who weren't worth scraping off the bottoms of your shoes. It became a punch line in the exile community but to be honest, we really didn't give a hairy rat's a** what Fidel thought of us. It's not easy to condense 62 years of history into one paragraph but suffice it to say, US policy toward Cuba has been an abject failure from both political parties. The Embargo Act of 1964 has decimated the island especially since the fall of the Soviet Union. I'm sure there are many countries in Eastern Europe still feeling the effects of such.

As for today, it's funny you mention it. Since this weekend there have been multiple protests across the island nation (believe me, that would never have happened during Fidel's rule). The internet got knocked out by the state on Monday so there has been precious little information going in and out except for some TikTok videos that have made their way out. The exile community in Miami has also taken to the streets and just yesterday they blocked a major highway as part of the protests. S**t's starting to get real, stay tuned.
That's a legit question. Those who fled after the Revolution were seen as excoriates who weren't worth scraping off the bottoms of your shoes. It became a punch line in the exile community but to be honest, we really didn't give a hairy rat's a** what Fidel thought of us. It's not easy to condense 62 years of history into one paragraph but suffice it to say, US policy toward Cuba has been an abject failure from both political parties. The Embargo Act of 1964 has decimated the island especially since the fall of the Soviet Union. I'm sure there are many countries in Eastern Europe still feeling the effects of such.

As for today, it's funny you mention it. Since this weekend there have been multiple protests across the island nation (believe me, that would never have happened during Fidel's rule). The internet got knocked out by the state on Monday so there has been precious little information going in and out except for some TikTok videos that have made their way out. The exile community in Miami has also taken to the streets and just yesterday they blocked a major highway as part of the protests. S**t's starting to get real, stay tuned.

Well, can't say its too far off from what I thought. Restrictions imposed on countries hardly affect those in power, it really only hurts the ones who haf been suffering already.

There's an agency here that had tours to Cuba just last year I think. Crazy to think how much things can change so quickly.

Do you miss Cuba?
1 more exam until graduation. I have around a month to prepare, which is a good part. The bad part is that it's the toughest course of the 1st cycle.
1 more exam until graduation. I have around a month to prepare, which is a good part. The bad part is that it's the toughest course of the 1st cycle.

Wow! I wish you good luck with the exam and the best with the studying.
Hello. I used to post on these forums a lot when I still used a Windows Phone (RIP). I was going through my old phone and found a WC Forums app, so I thought that I might as well take a nostalgia trip lmao. Good to see the forum is still alive, although I dont remember anyone I used to talk to. Oh well, just thought I'll come in and say hi as I luckily remembered my password (got it right on the 4th try). Hope everyone is good and well. Cheers.

Edit: Read some of my older posts and has a cringe attack.
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Hello. I used to post on these forums a lot when I still used a Windows Phone (RIP). I was going through my old phone and found a WC Forums app, so I thought that I might as well take a nostalgia trip lmao. Good to see the forum is still alive, although I dont remember anyone I used to talk to. Oh well, just thought I'll come in and say hi as I luckily remembered my password (got it right on the 4th try). Hope everyone is good and well. Cheers.

Edit: Read some of my older posts and has a cringe attack.

In that case, it sounds like you have had growth. Growth is good. I don't think we have crossed paths, but hopefully you find this to be helpful.
Troubles in Balkan once again. High Representative imposed a law that forbids negation of 1995. genocide and well, one side didn't quite take it well. We're back to same old same old, who wants to break up from the country and who won't let them go.

Just 2 more years without a war so I can get my Master's degree and leave.
Hello been awhile.
Recap... Me and wife completed our 2nd dose couple of weeks back. We're good, just mild reactions, sore shoulders....
Malaysia hit the millionth infection today which for a nation of 33 million is really bad. They screwed up on getting the rollout til late, too slow and too little...
Its faster now, but what a mess. There were numerous incidence at vaccination centres of people receiving "empty" jabs i.e. jabbing in and pulling without pushing the vaccine out of the syringe into the body" - it smell of a syndicated wide-spread theft.
We have so many variations of MCO, travel restrictions, scewy SOPs - people are just frustrated and the numbers just kept peaking and peaking.
Parliament has been suspended for months and set to resume on Monday. As usual, we get MPs falling sick and getting Covid this few days and going into self-quarantine. Bunch of cowards.
Man, I miss going to the farm. There is a restriction on interdistrict travel. Its almost a year since I last visited. There is not one working on the land, it must have revert to a jungle by now... I miss seeing the land and the jackfruit, durian, pineapple and durian fruit trees
Stay safe, ya all
after a couple of months,finally had a pic line pulled out of my arm and stopped taking about three types of antibodies because of a bone infection. was finally able to get the covid vaccine. I was going to wait until it was actually approved by the fda but cases in the county I live in when from three a couple of weeks ago to almost a hundred and still rising. At my age and the weaken immune system, I decided not to wait. Two days later, my arm still hurts just to touch it. Hope the second shot will be better.
Hello been awhile.
Recap... Me and wife completed our 2nd dose couple of weeks back. We're good, just mild reactions, sore shoulders....
Malaysia hit the millionth infection today which for a nation of 33 million is really bad. They screwed up on getting the rollout til late, too slow and too little...
Its faster now, but what a mess. There were numerous incidence at vaccination centres of people receiving "empty" jabs i.e. jabbing in and pulling without pushing the vaccine out of the syringe into the body" - it smell of a syndicated wide-spread theft.
We have so many variations of MCO, travel restrictions, scewy SOPs - people are just frustrated and the numbers just kept peaking and peaking.
Parliament has been suspended for months and set to resume on Monday. As usual, we get MPs falling sick and getting Covid this few days and going into self-quarantine. Bunch of cowards.
Man, I miss going to the farm. There is a restriction on interdistrict travel. Its almost a year since I last visited. There is not one working on the land, it must have revert to a jungle by now... I miss seeing the land and the jackfruit, durian, pineapple and durian fruit trees
Stay safe, ya all
Wow it sounds like there’s a lot going on there. I’m glad to hear that y’all are doing okay and was able to get that second dose. I didn’t realize that it has been that long since you have been able to go to your farm. :(
I hope that y’all stay safe too. Thank you for the update.
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after a couple of months,finally had a pic line pulled out of my arm and stopped taking about three types of antibodies because of a bone infection. was finally able to get the covid vaccine. I was going to wait until it was actually approved by the fda but cases in the county I live in when from three a couple of weeks ago to almost a hundred and still rising. At my age and the weaken immune system, I decided not to wait. Two days later, my arm still hurts just to touch it. Hope the second shot will be better.

That’s scary about the cases rising. I’m sorry to hear about the pain from the shot. I hope that the second shot and that the pain from this first shot will subside soon.
after a couple of months,finally had a pic line pulled out of my arm and stopped taking about three types of antibodies because of a bone infection. was finally able to get the covid vaccine. I was going to wait until it was actually approved by the fda but cases in the county I live in when from three a couple of weeks ago to almost a hundred and still rising. At my age and the weaken immune system, I decided not to wait. Two days later, my arm still hurts just to touch it. Hope the second shot will be better.

Oh boy, if you thought the first one hurt your arm wait till you get the 2nd one (DO IT!!). I’m pretty tough with aches and pains considering all the surgeries I’ve had and the resulting RA, but that sumbitch hurt for days.

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