WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Oh, I know. I know my lefty side is showing here and being brought up in a poor family (sort of upper tier poor 'working poor') doesn't help but I get tired of the political spin that's being going on. There are many people who play the system, that tells me something, the system is broken. But to fix things is not easy. Especially when you have generational benefits. You need to not think in just terms of 'lazy people' you need to revamp their entire way of thinking.

Also, I noticed recently on some channels they've really made a big point of the Romanians and Bulgarians coming over to rote the system. Again, I blame the system, not them.

The system is definitely broken! Also im speaking from experience my mum raised me from the age of 11 by herself (due to my father dying) im sure she had government assistance. The system needs an overhaul to ensure those that need help are getting it, while those who are cheating the system are weeded out.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The system is definitely broken! Also im speaking from experience my mum raised me from the age of 11 by herself (due to my father dying) im sure she had government assistance. The system needs an overhaul to ensure those that need help are getting it, while those who are cheating the system are weeded out.

Would be brilliant if it was that easy....
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Nobody is poor if it's measured by the richness of their heart ❤
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Isn't poor also just a frame of mind? If you can get food in your stomach, even if you had to travel and suffer.. If it's more than what you had, you're not as "Poor" right?

I just think that people get one life. Instead of focusing on what you don't have all the time, work with what you have to enrich that life.

I'm sorry, I guess after struggling so hard to get where I am. I can't just let myself wallow. If you aren't happy, fight to change it. Even if you can't change it today, tomorrow is a new day...

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

sounds something mia would say ._.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Isn't poor also just a frame of mind? If you can get food in your stomach, even if you had to travel and suffer.. If it's more than what you had, you're not as "Poor" right?

I just think that people get one life. Instead of focusing on what you don't have all the time, work with what you have to enrich that life.

I'm sorry, I guess after struggling so hard to get where I am. I can't just let myself wallow. If you aren't happy, fight to change it. Even if you can't change it today, tomorrow is a new day...

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

Keep in mind here. I'm not arguing with you. LOL!

I believe there is only one life. I'm also not religious to boot. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs in my life and a lot of changes. Everything I have is because I wanted it. Nothing was ever handed to me, ever.

But I was brought up to work. I was motivated by my single mother and my desire to have more in life. If I didn't have either I could see me struggling. That's is the difference. I can understand you because you're like me in a way.

I had trouble understanding those in long term unemployment before I met my wife. It was through her that I began to understand the complexities. Those who worked the system vs those who felt trapped vs those who were trying to get out of it. It really opened my eyes a lot to the issues. You start to realise that the systems in place are the issue and the people are a mix bag.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

not to sound like a youngster but I think you are one of the oldest one here ;P
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Its mature cus of the ages of those in the room, i mean N_LaRue is ancient and im not far off it lol

I am old, but I'm not contributing. Just for that reason, I don't want the discussion to be too seasoned. Also, I don't have much to contribute. I know little about these problems in other countries, and I grew up in a healthy middle class family.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am old, but I'm not contributing. Just for that reason, I don't want the discussion to be too seasoned. Also, I don't have much to contribute. I know little about these problems in other countries, and I grew up in a healthy middle class family.

yeah you are not as hip as me ;)
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm the only ancient one. You are in charge of your life, no one else is. What you do with it is your decision. You can't go looking to blame anyone else. You can do whatever it takes to provide and live your dreams. Or you can look for the easy way out or make excuses. Bottom line, it's up to you.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My coworker is Japanese and for a while he had a intern from Japan. Whenever they were speaking I felt like being in an epic Asian movie. It was great.

It's a cool language to speak indeed...

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