WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I suspect it will simply provide initial adapter free and then offer replacements for sale @ $19 or $29 as usual.


Apple is fighting to keep the first part of the option you've offered viable. The second part of your option doesn't make sense for Apple because people keep their phones longer and that would mean retrofitting all older models that get brought in for repairs, or forcing people to upgrade. We all know how cheap they are. It took eons for iPad to get USB-C, so it's not like they don't know how to do it.

What the EU wants is ONE STANRDARD PORT ON the phones (and eventually other mobile devices). So if you don't offer Qi, offer USB-C, for example. I'm fine with that but not all USB-C cables are equal yet. Some OEMs that offer custom charging (OPPO, I think) support dual standards - so you can use a USB-C PD cable for slower charging speeds. It's the VOOC setup with the USB-C port that's exclusive to BBK devices.
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What's up gang. This whole situation gave me some additional free time so I decided to stop by and see how you're all doing.

Are there any government measures being inflicted to combat the virus or anything similar going on where you live?

Hope you're all safe and sound.
Man my English is so bad at the moment. I totally forgot how to spell most words and putting sentences together doesn't come any easier either.
What's up gang. This whole situation gave me some additional free time so I decided to stop by and see how you're all doing.

Are there any government measures being inflicted to combat the virus or anything similar going on where you live?

Hope you're all safe and sound.

Wow, it's nice to see you! How's life going for you?

In the US, there's general measures but each state has it's own governance. In my own state, K-12 schools are closed for 2 weeks. Universities have been pushed to cancel graduation ceremonies and all classes will be online starting tomorrow. As someone that works in an academic library, we have to be open. Gatherings of more than 10 aren't allowed. Gyms, movie theaters, restaurants (unless for takeout and delivery) are all closed. It's a lot.
That's easy to say for someone who already has someone. And by someone, I don't mean a warm body but someone you're actually attracted to and you want to be with.
Attracting someone is the easy part, hair or not, keeping someone is the tricky part for some. I've always disagreed with those who say you have to work at relationships or work at becoming a better person. It's not work to be yourself. It's work to try to be someone you're not for the sole purpose of acceptance or to try to appease someone. Like Wanda Sykes said "Ima be me".
Wow, it's nice to see you! How's life going for you?

In the US, there's general measures but each state has it's own governance. In my own state, K-12 schools are closed for 2 weeks. Universities have been pushed to cancel graduation ceremonies and all classes will be online starting tomorrow. As someone that works in an academic library, we have to be open. Gatherings of more than 10 aren't allowed. Gyms, movie theaters, restaurants (unless for takeout and delivery) are all closed. It's a lot.

Thanks! Life's much better than it was a couple of years ago. College's going really good, cleared 4/5 courses last semester, we'll see about this one, it's a bit of a mystery for everyone.

So the general state's pretty similar to what we've got right now. It's just a tiny bit more restricted here I'd say. We've even got police hour going on from 18:00 to 5:00 in Federation.

So you've finnished your, master's degree ? I hope that's what it was, I know you went back to school, but can't quite remember which level it was.
Man my English is so bad at the moment. I totally forgot how to spell most words and putting sentences together doesn't come any easier either.
Chin up, you're doing great. There are plenty of native speakers doing a lot worse with the Queen's English. Just look at MIA's uncle Donny John.
Chin up, you're doing great. There are plenty of native speakers doing a lot worse with the Queen's English. Just look at MIA's uncle Donny John.

Thanks. It used to be a lot better, at least high school made me speak and write English 2-3 times per week, that's gone now. Only time I speak English these days is with Russians online, so you can imagine how much I try with the pronunciation and stuff.

MIA's uncle? What's up with that, can't remember.
Inside joke. It's a reference to our fearless leader in Washington, DC.

Ooh, that guy. Don't know what to say about him that hasn't already been said. I just hope someone else gets elected, just not him.

Ok, maybe not Biden as well, but just these two.
Chin up, you're doing great. There are plenty of native speakers doing a lot worse with the Queen's English. Just look at MIA's uncle Donny John.
His wife does the Spanish/Korean "no speak English" bit well. She sure does speak trophy wife well though...
Ooh, that guy. Don't know what to say about him that hasn't already been said. I just hope someone else gets elected, just not him.

Ok, maybe not Biden as well, but just these two.
You must be rolling in the females offline to miss the fact that the US General election will likely be between Biden and the incumbent as choices...
Thanks! Life's much better than it was a couple of years ago. College's going really good, cleared 4/5 courses last semester, we'll see about this one, it's a bit of a mystery for everyone.

So the general state's pretty similar to what we've got right now. It's just a tiny bit more restricted here I'd say. We've even got police hour going on from 18:00 to 5:00 in Federation.

So you've finnished your, master's degree ? I hope that's what it was, I know you went back to school, but can't quite remember which level it was.
Good to see you resurface. Now we need Sports Driver to pop in to have a grand old time.
Chin up, you're doing great. There are plenty of native speakers doing a lot worse with the Queen's English. Just look at MIA's uncle Donny John.
And here I thought you'd have taught us how to say dumbass en Español already...

I must admit I use "no usas tu cabesa" a lot at work, especially when dealing with management...
You must be rolling in the females offline to miss the fact that the US General election will likely be between Biden and the incumbent as choices...

I've been following the news up until recently, I just got fed up with the same old bs I hear on an everyday basis.
I was kind of cheering for Bernie, he even had a good start to it if I recall correctly, don't know how or where it all went wrong.

I guess U.S. is going for the Balkan recipe, senile, incapable old men running the state.
And here I thought you'd have taught us how to say dumbass en Español already...

I must admit I use "no usas tu cabesa" a lot at work, especially when dealing with management...
Oh I have more choice words to teach but I don't want to end up in Laura's casa de perro. BTW, it's cabeza.
Am I the only one missing sports on TV? I was all geared up for a Bayern - Chelsea rematch and then it all got canceled.
Been watching esports since there's nothing else out there, but it's just not the same.

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