Weird noises while charging wirelessly

Weird. I have an 830 with two DT900s (work and home) and neither one makes noise. It gets warm, but no noise.
I' ve got an 830 and dt901 in a Fatboy pillow and I have to stick my ear really close to hear it. By moving the 830 off centre the noise will increase.
Mines the same, off centre is loud but if I put it in the centre I have to put my ear next to it to hear. I have it on charge overnight next to my bed and it hasn't disturbed me...and I'm very sensitive to high pitched electrical noises.
It sounds like some people have it louder than others. The first time I put mine on the DT900 it was so loud it was unmistakable. I adjusted the positioning which helped a little but it is still very audible. So much so that I cannot use wireless charging by my bedside with this phone. I have ordered another back cover to see if that will help. Will post the results this week.

cool, thank you. So according to docholliday in the reply section extra thickness of sintered ferrite increases shielding and reduces backscatter and coil vibration and the noise.

may be worth trying to buy this:
Flexible Sintered Ferrite Sheet WE-FSFS - Wurth Electronics | Mouser
a 6x6cm, 0.2mm sheet costs $22 (or $26 for 0.3mm)

I may have something at work that could work. See if that reduces the noise on my Energizer qi charger.

That is the very page where I read it was normal. I am simply confused as to why some 830 make the loud noise and others don't ( and I don't think it is because of our healthy hearing).
Hearing the noise with the DT 903 is trully a dissapointment, I will have to give up wireless charging for good, at least untill I buy the next Microsoft flagship which I will find out if it makes the noise before buying. I'm not falling again for that one.
Today I plugged in my L930 on Blackberry charger and I got the same strange noises from my phone. This is the first time that i hear this, since I already use to charge my phone on this charger. On original charger there was not stupid noises.

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