what have you done to this site?


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Dec 6, 2012
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I've been coming here every day since WMExperts days, but these days the adverts slow it down terribly, the layout is confusing and I have stopped using the site. I wrote a long post detailing all the issues, but when I went to submit it, it said token expired and I lost the whole thing! That's just the icing on the cake.

Dan, there's few people who like Microsoft these days, I'm one of them, I love your and the other writers passion for technology, but the site is no longer user friendly. It feels designed by committee - please look at it as a viewer - it's cluttered, there's too much going on, that's when it eventually loads as the adverts have been bogging it down more and more the last couple of years. Plus the menu doesn't work in Chrome, it's almost like you are trying to put people off.

I wish you all the best, I wish I was still coming here every day but I have to go to sh!t sites like The Verge & Engadget instead where the writing is appalling just because they load quickly and aren't overwhelming in their design. I hope you take this feedback well and can do something to make WindowsCentral fun again.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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I'm sorry you're experiencing so many difficulties using Windows Central. I've moved your thread to the Site Discussion forum, so that tech staff will be better able to see it.


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Nov 30, 2015
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For the last 10 days, I have not had any of the threads I have added comments to show up in my "Participated" selection:( Is this just me... or is this a glitch of some sort?

Using Edge.


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Jun 2, 2017
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It ain't just Windows Central from what I'm seeing, I've been having issues on-n-off with Android Central, CrackBerry and iMore as well. So IMO it's a Mobile Nations thingy.

One thing I'd like to see is standardization across sites like page formats and menus, some sites feel way too busy and have a definite clunky feel to them when navigating. So out of the four mentioned above Android Central is the clear winner for me and the most joy to use.


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Apr 6, 2013
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I just use mTalk just for WC forums... and that's it. Once in a while I'll use Edge to browse the site. The news has just been too depressing for months...
Oh dear...

... !


Oct 8, 2013
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Both windows central and android central have become un-useable in the last few days. Full screen ads keep popping up and require multiple taps on the close button before they'll actually close. And this happens on every single page.

You've destroyed your website. Off to neowin and onmsft until you fix it


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Jun 2, 2017
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Noticing after my post yesterday Android Central and iMore basically took on the face of WC. :eck: Am finding AC still retains a wee bit of its original home page layout but suspecting that'll be changing here shortly too, more exercise for my eyes I guess. :winktongue: Yup you got it, new design(s) IMO makes it confusing when scanning for content.


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Sep 3, 2013
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Since I'm here...

Yep. The quality that all Mobile Nations' properties once had has suffered quite a bit over the last few years or so. The sites themselves perform very poorly from a technical view and just as poorly from a usability view.

The quality of articles is the other issue. In an effort to increase ad revenue, the percentage of "fluff" articles has risen to ridiculous levels. But, I understand that...it's the price to be paid for the current economics of the ad-driven web. It's a system that I hope dies a miserable death in the near future. Or, at the very least, becomes reasonable. When it does, I'll gladly turn off my ad-blocker

But, I'm just one user....


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Aug 15, 2011
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I am in complete agreement with the OP. The current home page design is a complete mess. The layout is horrible and unorganized. When I'm browsing a site (keyword here being 'browsing') I want to quickly scan through and see whats new, whats interesting, etc. The new design does not allow for that. There are articles EVERYWHERE. Its information overload with no clear layout.

I no longer use your site and instead head on over to MS Power User instead. They may have fewer articles, but its a hell of a lot easier to read than the mess WC has become. Their layout is quite simple and effective - vertical 1 article after the other with short summary.

I'm not sure who the genius is over here that came out with your current layout which I cannot even begin to understand how its 'supposed' to work.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
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I'm not sure who the genius is over here that came out with your current layout which I cannot even begin to understand how its 'supposed' to work.
Lighten up Francis. No need to insult the person who designed the webpage. Could've been his/her first assignment, you never know. I'm sure you weren't so perfect when you started your career.


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Aug 15, 2011
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Lighten up Francis. No need to insult the person who designed the webpage. Could've been his/her first assignment, you never know. I'm sure you weren't so perfect when you started your career.

Lighten up genius? Thats your response? And youre a retired moderator? Now i know why i dont visit this site anymore.


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Oct 4, 2013
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I am on a beast machine at this site lags behind putting one letter at a time up.
To type something simple and short chops and lags to the point that I literally hate mobile nations with a passion.
I won't share a story from any of your sites. and I won't ever recommend mobile nations until you guys wake up and make a good site.
I keep saying it, and you guys just keep making the site worse and worse and worse.... it's amazing...


Nov 8, 2010
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I've stopped visiting Windows Central regularly because of the mobile website. From full-screen ads to hijacked ads for false security alerts it's just a terrible mobile experience now :/.

This is on Android using Edge btw.

Andy Roberts2

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May 4, 2018
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My problem is that every time I come to this site I get a huge popup saying I have an ad blocker and would I whitelist them. I don't have an ad blocker nor would I want use one. People don't work for nothing.
I'm using Firefox and I've looked all through for some signs of an ad blocker, but nothing. I often use this site and would like to carry on but now I can't. Shame.

Robert Paulsen

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Jan 31, 2013
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I too have been following since the wmexpert days. I've suffered since the last major redesign for as long as I could. I was finally so fed up with the ads *on this site* that I installed an ad-blocker for the first time. I find it hilarious that when I now come to the site it now asks for me to turn my ad-blocker off -- yet it's because of this site I even have the ad blocker installed. This site in particular loads faster, scrolls smoother and renders better when ads have been turned off.

Without ad blocking: 480 requests, 32 seconds to load.
With Ad blocking: 210 requests, 12 seconds to load.

PS: Android Central also has this issue -- as I'm sure their other properties also have.

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