What if Whatsapp Never returns

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there's literally at least a dozen alternatives to whatsapp. i mean its my primary app for messaging, but let's be honest, the notifications have always been terribly unreliable, even going back to wp7.5, and it doesn't do anything that tons of other apps couldn't do.

-> there's fb messenger which is now owned by the same people and does a very very similar thing, there's viber, chaton, snapchat instagram messages and i dont even know what else. get on facebook tell your friend "hey whatsapp is ****ed on my phone, wanna switch to [insert chat name]" [yeah, cool] done.

it's really not at all hard to find an alternative

The problem isn't the lack of alternatives. There's no point in using Viber when all your friends are on Whatsapp. And you need all your friends to be die-hard fans of yours to change platforms just for your sake.
But I seriously don't know why WhatsApp can't come up with a decent app on WP when there are so many smaller companies that can do it.
Whatsapp is the standard in Switzerland. Everybody uses it, alternatives are sometimes used, but not as consistent as Whatsapp.

When Whatsapp doesn't come back, I'll buy another phone.

The problem isn't the lack of alternatives. There's no point in using Viber when all your friends are on Whatsapp. And you need all your friends to be die-hard fans of yours to change platforms just for your sake.

I agree. But here it's not only friends. It's just everybody. I could convince my friends to use an alternative, I can't convince my entire address book.
some people say their circle of friends use viber, some say whatsapp, personally, my friends and i use whatsapp, even our older family members use whatsapp, its really widespread and is almost the defacto name/tag for instant messaging where i am, i doubt FB bought them to lose that reputation
you asked a wrong question.

The real question - how long Whatsapp takes to return on WP again?
half year
Millennium ( ok, I think I gone too far now)

and those user(mostly new users) who doesn't have whatsapp and want it their phone.
"Happy waiting"

After all in WP ,actually "W" stands for "Waiting" .
you asked a wrong question.

The real question - how long Whatsapp will take to return on WP again?
half year
Millennium ( ok, I think I gone too far now)

and those users(mostly new users) who doesn't have whatsapp and want it their phone.
"Happy waiting"

After all in WP ,actually "W" stands for "Waiting" .
you asked a wrong question.

The real question - how long Whatsapp takes to return on WP again?
half year
Millennium ( ok, I think I gone too far now)

and those user(mostly new users) who doesn't have whatsapp and want it their phone.
"Happy waiting"

After all in WP ,actually "W" stands for "Waiting" .

I guess I give them until my phone has a problem that requires a hard-reset. At the moment I care not much about the situation as my Whatsapp is running pretty well on 8.1.

Microsoft should care a whole lot more.
I still can't believe this is not even OUT yet? Whatsapp should've been taken down and be back in a few hours, it's been almost 3 days!! What about all these people trying to buy the Lumia 630 in Asia? Not able to download the #1 app for Instant Messaging? These things only happen with WP !! So annoyed, it's like a complot!!
There are a few alternatives to Whatsapp. Microsoft Rooms, Voxer, WeChat, GroupMe, Line all can do group chats
People will NEVER understand that no matter how you want to picture it, they're gonna need Whatsapp, Whatsapp, stop WE CHAT and Line happen, people need whatsapp... who wants to have a "smartphone": that can't even run Whatsapp, I mean.. even Asha phones have it...
Short answer: WP will die fast here in Germany. A phone without whatsapp is nearly worthless.

Facebook literally has Windows Phone by the gonads. This is unacceptable. If I were Satya Nadella I would cut Facebook's throat like Gates would do in the old days.
Fine by me. I never installed it because they treat WP as a second class citizen and since Facebook bought them never will. Telegram for me.

Sucked for a brief moment for those who use it but it has already been mentioned that it will come back. No biggie then.
...I think "second class citizen" is a little harsh. I don't think we can equate WhatsApp priorities to the inequality faced by immigrants, gays, people of color, and women...
If it doesn't come back then you know the big A check they got from google cleared the bank.
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