What is Nokia's answer to iPhone 5s and Nexus 5 this holiday season?

Same with my friends. One got a 5S and one ordered a Nexus 5. I didn't even have anything to suggest to them because neither the windows phone OS nor the hardware has evolved since 12 months ago. Admittedly the 920 was an awesome choice 12 months ago, but now it's not worth buying on a 2 year contract. They should have announced a 930 and kept the 1520 under wraps till Windows 8.1 released with a more productive OS. As it stands, the 1520 doesn't do anything more, and it'll limit their sales since it's so damn huge. I can't imagine what Nokia or Microsoft must be thinking. It's ridiculous not to compete with the 5S and nexus 5 when the support for the flagship hardware is here in GDR3!
I have to agree with just about everyone on this thread. The phones Nokia just introduced are really nice; BUT they are not what most people are buying. If they would take the 925 and do some upgrading of the insides (more memory, removable battery, SD card slot, quad core cpu etc) it would be a good alternative to the phones Google, Apple and LG (Samsung's was already out) are pushing. I have a 820 which I got because of the things it had that the 920 did not (same insides), SD card slot, removeable battery etc. Same thing with the 520, it is responsible for much of the WP8 market gains. Why not improve it and give it a minor price hike. My wife and I are on a AT&T plan but my wife cannot upgrade to the 520 from her feature phone even though the 520 works on AT&T because it is only available on their non plan deal. How dumb can things get?
A more interesting question is, from my point of view: what will be the HTC, Samsung, and Huawei WP answer to the iPhone 5s and the Nexus 5 this holiday season?
I think its pretty clear HTC and Samsung do not care much for their support in WP which is unfortunate....especially HTC who isnt doing too well overall.
Same with my friends. One got a 5S and one ordered a Nexus 5. I didn't even have anything to suggest to them because neither the windows phone OS nor the hardware has evolved since 12 months ago. Admittedly the 920 was an awesome choice 12 months ago, but now it's not worth buying on a 2 year contract. They should have announced a 930 and kept the 1520 under wraps till Windows 8.1 released with a more productive OS. As it stands, the 1520 doesn't do anything more, and it'll limit their sales since it's so damn huge. I can't imagine what Nokia or Microsoft must be thinking. It's ridiculous not to compete with the 5S and nexus 5 when the support for the flagship hardware is here in GDR3!

I often wish MS had rolled GDR3 into WP 8.1 and released it this year. Just imagine what a better situation we would be in now:

The 929 would be rechristened the Lumia 930, successor to the 920 and available internationally
Delay the 1020 slightly and release it as the Lumia 1030 instead, with updated internals to match that 41 mp powerhouse
Also release the 1520 as the Lumia 1530

This way Nokia/MS would have a comprehensive portfolio entering the holidays and can stand toe-to-toe with the competition. Sigh...
Jesus Christ people. When I said fad, I didn't mean it will die out soon. I don't deny that they sell millions of these, and that iDiots would line up for days to buy those phones. I mean iDiots would follow whatever apple tells them is important.

Look, we all know that a 64 bit processor doesn't do you any good if your RAM is not more than 4gb. Look at me in the eyes and tell me the 5s has more than 4gb of ram.

I'm not saying wp or android is better. If you like the retina display, then god bless you. I don't care. What I'm saying is it's a fad because people (iDiots) feel the need to line up for days to get it even though they are broke as a joke. I know a dozen people who live in crappy apartments, work at fast food for minimum wage, etc. and they always have to have the latest iPhone.
That fingerprint scanner is a revolution in that it is the first known implementation of biometrics on a mobile device that is reliable, secure and consistent. I had an Atrix and a few laptops, and this was ALWAYS hit and miss. Scanner wouldn't recognise my thumb half the time. We got a 5S in for a test device and I tried it - amazingly reliable. It always worked, regardless of dirty thumb (intentionally stained with chocolate), orientation of finger, etc.

About retina display, I don't know about you, but I thought exactly the same until I got an iPod Touch 4G for 50 euro. After that, and my current Retina MBP, I can tell you that the difference is very noticeable when you use a screen with a lower PPI.

And finally, fad or not, they sold 9 million of the damned things.

The fingerprint reader on the 5S is extremely unsecure as has been proved by tech people, it can be easily hacked and overridden. Also the higher end Nokia Lumias have screens with a higher resolution than the retina display, retina is 640 x 960 whereas Lumia is 768 x 1280
Jesus Christ people. When I said fad, I didn't mean it will die out soon. I don't deny that they sell millions of these, and that iDiots would line up for days to buy those phones. I mean iDiots would follow whatever apple tells them is important.

Look, we all know that a 64 bit processor doesn't do you any good if your RAM is not more than 4gb. Look at me in the eyes and tell me the 5s has more than 4gb of ram.

I'm not saying wp or android is better. If you like the retina display, then god bless you. I don't care. What I'm saying is it's a fad because people (iDiots) feel the need to line up for days to get it even though they are broke as a joke. I know a dozen people who live in crappy apartments, work at fast food for minimum wage, etc. and they always have to have the latest iPhone.

I feel sorry for all these people under apples spell
Jesus Christ people. When I said fad, I didn't mean it will die out soon. I don't deny that they sell millions of these, and that iDiots would line up for days to buy those phones. I mean iDiots would follow whatever apple tells them is important.

Look, we all know that a 64 bit processor doesn't do you any good if your RAM is not more than 4gb. Look at me in the eyes and tell me the 5s has more than 4gb of ram.

I'm not saying wp or android is better. If you like the retina display, then god bless you. I don't care. What I'm saying is it's a fad because people (iDiots) feel the need to line up for days to get it even though they are broke as a joke. I know a dozen people who live in crappy apartments, work at fast food for minimum wage, etc. and they always have to have the latest iPhone.

Probably the word "fad' wasn't great for your point, then, which I mostly agree with. I sure went a different direction then what you meant. "Fad" gives the impression that something is the mobile version of the mullet. That wasn't what you were saying at all.
I don't deny that they sell millions of these, and that iDiots would line up for days to buy those phones. I mean iDiots would follow whatever apple tells them is important...

Almost 40 million people purchased an iPhone in the last quarter. iPhones account for over 30% of US smartphone sales. They are a legitimate choice when an ordinary person wants to buy a new phone. Yes, you read that right – Apple isn't selling to some cult, they are selling to ordinary people. You're completely out of touch with reality.

EDIT: I also want to address this:
Look, we all know that a 64 bit processor doesn't do you any good if your RAM is not more than 4gb. Look at me in the eyes and tell me the 5s has more than 4gb of ram.
There's more to moving to 64-bit than addressing more memory. Have a read of this page.

People tend to make bigger purchases around the holiday buying season (yeah it's a shocker I know)… I can't help but see a void there, and I really think it's a missed opportunity for Nokia/MS that they are not putting up a compelling option during this critical time.
Nailed it.
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Almost 40 million people purchased an iPhone in the last quarter. iPhones account for over 30% of US smartphone sales. They are a legitimate choice when an ordinary person wants to buy a new phone. Yes, you read that right – Apple isn't selling to some cult, they are selling to ordinary people. You're completely out of touch with reality.
Again, I don't deny that they sell millions of these devices, just like I don't deny that trillions of flies love feces.
Probably the word "fad' wasn't great for your point, then, which I mostly agree with. I sure went a different direction then what you meant. "Fad" gives the impression that something is the mobile version of the mullet. That wasn't what you were saying at all.

Forgive me. English isn't my first language.

But my main point remains. Look, I do not deny that the iphone is a legit choice for people as far as mobile devices go. I also do not deny that they sell millions of these units. What I'm saying is too many people allow apple to tell them what they should have.

You can spend hundreds of dollars for marginal upgrades. It's your money. That said, if you work minimum wage, live in crappy apartment, and you sell your liver to buy an iphone or you wait in line for a week to buy the latest iAnything, isn't it time you evaluate your priorities?

The fact remains. These are mobile devices. IF you stare at your mobile device's screen long enough to have the NEED for an ultra HD display, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to line up for a week to get a gold phone to look like Kardashian's phone, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to unlock your phone via fingerprint even though pattern is just as fast and more secure, (fill in the blank here).

Every upgrade of the 5s is a gimmick. I don't deny that they sell millions of these because of their gimmicks. Doesn't make them any less gimmicky.
iPhone 5C - $100-200 on AT&T
iPhone 4S - $1-50 on same

Sadly, those are more likely to get the lion's share of such sales...

while I agree, sales show that there is a GREAT interest in the 520/521 because of the price point AND not using an upgrade. I agree that those prices on contract are competitive, but everyone isn't going to be able to just upgrade to a new line by the holidays, and like I said in my post, the 520 is attractive to parents who don't want their kids to have an expensive device that they might break

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk
And labeling the supporters of the competition a name like iDiots makes is look bad

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk
Wait a minute. So, a few people in this forum are going to unremittingly exclude the thought of the 1520 & Note1/2/3 being flagship devices, because it's for a "niche market" & THEY/SOME PEOPLE PREFER smaller phones? In 2013? Really?
The fingerprint reader on the 5S is extremely unsecure as has been proved by tech people, it can be easily hacked and overridden. Also the higher end Nokia Lumias have screens with a higher resolution than the retina display, retina is 640 x 960 whereas Lumia is 768 x 1280

It is of course not 100% secure. But you clearly are intentionally spreading FUD, or have no idea what you are talking about.

It was fooled, not hacked or overridden. That process involves getting a good print of the phone owner from somewhere, cleaning that up digitally, printing it on thin film with a modified inkjet printer using wood glue or similar instead of ink, then carefully wrapping that around a finger.

So, if this is a problem, you work in the CIA and someone is explicitly targeting your phone to steal America's next generation of weapons or something. For the average consumer and the average thief, this is not an issue since the latter will not have the knowledge or ability to do this sort of thing.
Forgive me. English isn't my first language.

But my main point remains. Look, I do not deny that the iphone is a legit choice for people as far as mobile devices go. I also do not deny that they sell millions of these units. What I'm saying is too many people allow apple to tell them what they should have.

You can spend hundreds of dollars for marginal upgrades. It's your money. That said, if you work minimum wage, live in crappy apartment, and you sell your liver to buy an iphone or you wait in line for a week to buy the latest iAnything, isn't it time you evaluate your priorities?

The fact remains. These are mobile devices. IF you stare at your mobile device's screen long enough to have the NEED for an ultra HD display, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to line up for a week to get a gold phone to look like Kardashian's phone, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to unlock your phone via fingerprint even though pattern is just as fast and more secure, (fill in the blank here).

Every upgrade of the 5s is a gimmick. I don't deny that they sell millions of these because of their gimmicks. Doesn't make them any less gimmicky.

Yes, and you are an economist who has analysed the lifestyle of the umpty-million 5S owners, qualifying you to comment on their lifestyle? Get outta here.
while I agree, sales show that there is a GREAT interest in the 520/521 because of the price point AND not using an upgrade. I agree that those prices on contract are competitive, but everyone isn't going to be able to just upgrade to a new line by the holidays, and like I said in my post, the 520 is attractive to parents who don't want their kids to have an expensive device that they might break

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk

Do you have a link to these sales numbers or sales interest ?
But my main point remains. Look, I do not deny that the iphone is a legit choice for people as far as mobile devices go. I also do not deny that they sell millions of these units. What I'm saying is too many people allow apple to tell them what they should have.
I take issue with labelling people as idiots for choosing a brand of smartphone. But more importantly, I don't understand why you're singling out Apple in this situation as if they are some outlier. Every vendor in the smartphone market plays the game of marginal upgrades and high prices. Only a few companies offer certain models at prices to disrupt this, like Nokia with the 520 and Google with the Nexuses. And that doesn't mean they are angels, Nokia will still charge you $750 for its latest device and Google's Motorola hasn't been particularly competitive on price.

Wait a minute. So, a few people in this forum are going to unremittingly exclude the thought of the 1520 & Note1/2/3 being flagship devices, because it's for a "niche market" & THEY/SOME PEOPLE PREFER smaller phones? In 2013? Really?
They are a different class of device and do not directly compete. Yes, some people prefer phablets, but as it stands today, the market for smaller devices is larger. As an example, while Samsung has the Note 3 as its phablet, it also offers the Galaxy S4 (and some variants like the Active). And even though the S4 is not brand new, it's still a generation ahead of the 920/925/1020, which use a hardware chassis built to compete with the S3.

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