What is Nokia's answer to iPhone 5s and Nexus 5 this holiday season?

I would say there will be a new flagship device when windows phone 8.1 is released. Sadly its too late, WP 8.1 should have been released this holiday. Android kit Kat and iOS 7 is pulling ahead and MS can't work fast enough to keep up. I'm seriously thinking of taking a break from WP when I'm up for an upgrade in March.
I would say there will be a new flagship device when windows phone 8.1 is released. Sadly its too late, WP 8.1 should have been released this holiday. Android kit Kat and iOS 7 is pulling ahead and MS can't work fast enough to keep up. I'm seriously thinking of taking a break from WP when I'm up for an upgrade in March.

Let's rephrased the question: What's Microsoft's answer to iOS7 and KitKat this holiday season? Sadly the answer is GDR3...
And labeling the supporters of the competition a name like iDiots makes is look bad

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Ok. I will start calling the minimum wage people that wait in line for a week to get the latest iAnything iSupporters. Happy?

I'm just glad my boyfriend isn't an iSupporter anymore. Minimum wage, loaded with debt, and he had to always have the latest iGimmick by waiting in line for days.

I'm not against apple or their gimmicks. I'm against the brainwashing that gives status symbol to iSupporters that wait in line for a week.
Probably the word "fad' wasn't great for your point, then, which I mostly agree with. I sure went a different direction then what you meant. "Fad" gives the impression that something is the mobile version of the mullet. That wasn't what you were saying at all.

I love the phrase "mobile version of the mullet"! Of course, I'm sure that's what some iphone/android users think of the 1020...

Heck, I'm sure some WP fans think that! I know some think that way about phablets! I like both... guess I'm a mullet phone fan ;-D I'm waiting for the next version of 1520 to get the 1020s camera...
Ok. I will start calling the minimum wage people that wait in line for a week to get the latest iAnything iSupporters. Happy?

I'm just glad my boyfriend isn't an iSupporter anymore. Minimum wage, loaded with debt, and he had to always have the latest iGimmick by waiting in line for days.

I'm not against apple or their gimmicks. I'm against the brainwashing that gives status symbol to iSupporters that wait in line for a week.

Right, there are many things wrong here but let me try and set a few right:

Everybody has an iPhone. It's available on contract for $200, just like every other manufacturer's flagship. It is not a status symbol any more. It is also not prohibitively expensive unless you buy off-contract. $200 every 2 years is not bad, even for minimum wage.
Forgive me. English isn't my first language.

But my main point remains. Look, I do not deny that the iphone is a legit choice for people as far as mobile devices go. I also do not deny that they sell millions of these units. What I'm saying is too many people allow apple to tell them what they should have.

You can spend hundreds of dollars for marginal upgrades. It's your money. That said, if you work minimum wage, live in crappy apartment, and you sell your liver to buy an iphone or you wait in line for a week to buy the latest iAnything, isn't it time you evaluate your priorities?

The fact remains. These are mobile devices. IF you stare at your mobile device's screen long enough to have the NEED for an ultra HD display, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to line up for a week to get a gold phone to look like Kardashian's phone, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to unlock your phone via fingerprint even though pattern is just as fast and more secure, (fill in the blank here).

Every upgrade of the 5s is a gimmick. I don't deny that they sell millions of these because of their gimmicks. Doesn't make them any less gimmicky.

The 5S offers an easy to use OS with thousands of high quality apps and gets tons of 3rd party support. Yes, how could anyone find those appealing?

Most people don't upgrade every year and the group of people you're hating on are a small minority. I have no evidence, but I'm going to wager that no more than 5000 people per year wait in lines every year. More people buy blackberries than that.

Also, "Apple tells people what they should have"??? What the hell do you mean by this? I realize they're incremental upgrades, but you expect too much from Apple if you want them to start a revolution every time a product comes out. Or do you mean that Apple simply makes what they think is a good phone and ignores what some people want? If that's the case, then I have a long list of things that I would like to tell Nokia, LG, Samsung, and HTC what I would like to see from their phones.

Call these things gimmicks all you want, but people in the forums are freaking out over Cortana, which probably wouldn't happen if not for Siri.
Right, there are many things wrong here but let me try and set a few right:

Everybody has an iPhone. It's available on contract for $200, just like every other manufacturer's flagship. It is not a status symbol any more. It is also not prohibitively expensive unless you buy off-contract. $200 every 2 years is not bad, even for minimum wage.

I agree. The iPhone is not a status symbol anymore. I think for WP users to call iPhone users iSheep is the pot calling the kettle black. Look at it from their perspective. iPhone is what they know, it does what they need to do, and it's not any more expensive than getting a flagship WP or Android. Why switch? They probably look at WP users who keep waiting for whatever is "coming soon" that should have come a long time ago, and rejoicing over getting rotation lock, and waiting for GDR3 which will get them caught up to 2011, and say that they're blind loyalists who are out of touch with reality. Really, what's the difference? Users from both camps are essentially doing the same thing.
Let's rephrased the question: What's Microsoft's answer to iOS7 and KitKat this holiday season? Sadly the answer is GDR3...

and what was their answer to Windows Phone 8 last year?

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Yes avoid the point which is competition rotates as far as new updates or features. IOS was being DRAGGED by the tech community for the same ol for seven years, and before IOS 7, they WERE the oldest looking platform out there.

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk
WP8 was probably answer to android 2.3 or IOS5 in terms of functionality.

Ha this was exactly my first thought when I saw the challenge, even those very versions!

As if they need to provide an answer? Apple and Google are not the ones playing catchup

Exactly! It was more like WP8 was Microsoft's attempt at an answer to Apple and Google.
vague ftw.
How in the world is the headlining/featured article about Nokia gaining marketshare, and today, being the 4th largest US phone manufacture in the US being vague unless my assumption was correct. Stop being smug and get to the point. If you don't agree with the statistics or don't think it's significant enough, then say so. I don't play word games and I think it's OVERLY redundant to link you to the homepage when it's at the top of the screen for you. Log....off
Ha this was exactly my first thought when I saw the challenge, even those very versions!

Exactly! It was more like WP8 was Microsoft's attempt at an answer to Apple and Google.

So now sales and being in the lead has everything to do with companies staying "current"? Gotcha. I'll be sure to let Blackberry and Palm and Symbian know these things
How in the world is the headlining/featured article about Nokia gaining marketshare, and today, being the 4th largest US phone manufacture in the US being vague unless my assumption was correct. Stop being smug and get to the point. If you don't agree with the statistics or don't think it's significant enough, then say so. I don't play word games and I think it's OVERLY redundant to link you to the homepage when it's at the top of the screen for you. Log....off

I believe a link to specific 520/521 sales was requested.

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