Forgive me. English isn't my first language.
But my main point remains. Look, I do not deny that the iphone is a legit choice for people as far as mobile devices go. I also do not deny that they sell millions of these units. What I'm saying is too many people allow apple to tell them what they should have.
You can spend hundreds of dollars for marginal upgrades. It's your money. That said, if you work minimum wage, live in crappy apartment, and you sell your liver to buy an iphone or you wait in line for a week to buy the latest iAnything, isn't it time you evaluate your priorities?
The fact remains. These are mobile devices. IF you stare at your mobile device's screen long enough to have the NEED for an ultra HD display, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to line up for a week to get a gold phone to look like Kardashian's phone, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. If you have the NEED to unlock your phone via fingerprint even though pattern is just as fast and more secure, (fill in the blank here).
Every upgrade of the 5s is a gimmick. I don't deny that they sell millions of these because of their gimmicks. Doesn't make them any less gimmicky.