What's the Stupidest thing you have had said or asked about your Windows phone?

Sanjay Chandra

New member
Mar 2, 2013
Well , didn't catch up this thread for a while and after reading the posts.

It reminds me of this : (happend like 10 years back)
"On what device u play games ?"
"On my Play station" (I didn't have computer till 2005)
"Which company is your play station ?"



New member
Oct 11, 2011
I have the 8X, and here's something I get a lot:

Them: "Is that a Windows Phone?"
Me: "yeah"
Them: "But how? It's an HTC...."

It doesn't really surprise me how many people seem to think HTC only makes android phones. HTC really needs to do a better job with advertising. But kudos to these people for recognising the OS.

Rajat Nag

New member
Apr 21, 2013
This is the best thread I have ever read!

Just as other countries have iSheep, we have AndroidBots over here in India

I would like to share my experience (NL 920 here)
I was travelling in metro one day and was browsing this website :D
The guy sitting next to me said, "What phone is this?"
I said, "It is the new windows phone from Nokia, Lumia 920."
"Ohh, does it have android?"

Another qualm I have heard about windows phone(apart from 'lack' of apps) is no proper 3d games
Friend: Did you see this new *mindless and useless* app/game?
Me: No, I don't need it.
Friend: What do you do on your phone then?
Me: I don't play games on my phone. Phones are not mean't for gaming. I have my Alienware for that.
Friend: Too bad it's not in your app store!
Me: Look, what would you like to play on? A small 4" screen with only two thumbs or on a 17" with any controller you wish and MUCH MORE awesome games?
Friend: But still, its fine for quick gameplay.
Me: We have much better 'quick' indie games.
Friend: But still, there are less apps.
Me: God d**mmit, you can have a million apps, but still wont have the one which does what you need!
Friend: But having more apps is always better!

Daniel Ratcliffe

New member
Dec 5, 2011
Me: I've got those tiles.
Friend: But that's a Nokia with ****ty Windows Phone OS, mine's an Android (she has a Sony)
Me: *stunned face* Well that's me completely owned.

She didn't seem like the techy sort of person so that's why her comment just hit me so hard.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
I had a new one recently.
Friend - do u like that phone then?
Me - yes i love it in fact its the best phone i have ever used.
Friend - But its windows 8, and i hate that.
Me - its windows phone 8.
Friend - but that's the same thing in it.
Me - no
Friend - (looking at my phone) it is tho its identical. I cant get on with windows 8.
Me - but this is different to that tho...
Friend - nah its no good its to complicated its even hard to turn it off.
Me - is your pc laptop touchscreen windows 8 is much nicer to use if u Av touch screen.
Friend - nah i hate touchscreen.
Me - what phone Av u got then.
Friend - iphone
Me - is that touch screen
Friend - ummm yea.


Arjun KR

New member
Apr 3, 2013
People had many misconceptions about WP,after the initial bad impressions they had experienced(or heard to be specific) with WP 6.5 and 7,No Bluetooth sharing was one of the major fact for many users to skip WP,lot of people still thinks WP8 is same as WP7 or its predecessors.
In my place WP devices are started to showing up nowadays,specially after the launch of 620 and 520,when you have best available hardware and very stable software platform then why to worry about Apps? they will come eventually!


New member
Dec 10, 2011
(Observing my live tiles flipping) "Won't that use up your battery?"

Unfortunately, about 10 minutes after my indignant "no", the battery level warning flashed on my Lumia 800.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
I had a new one recently.
Friend - do u like that phone then?
Me - yes i love it in fact its the best phone i have ever used.
Friend - But its windows 8, and i hate that.
Me - its windows phone 8.
Friend - but that's the same thing in it.
Me - no
Friend - (looking at my phone) it is tho its identical. I cant get on with windows 8.
Me - but this is different to that tho...
Friend - nah its no good its to complicated its even hard to turn it off.
Me - is your pc laptop touchscreen windows 8 is much nicer to use if u Av touch screen.
Friend - nah i hate touchscreen.
Me - what phone Av u got then.
Friend - iphone
Me - is that touch screen
Friend - ummm yea.


wow...your friend just contradicted himself so hard lol actually he took it to a whole new level!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I must have an unapproachable face.

No one has ever asked me about my HD7 or 8X. Not that I care. I prefer to not have the same thing as others. As long as I can pull out Modern Combat 4, Asphalt 7 and (to be) N.O.V.A 3 on the train, people (whoever they may be) will see the HTC and Windows logos, and then the awesome game play.

Enough said.


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Just before I bought my Lumia 620, I was discussing with my family.

At my cousin's 17th birthday party. Having dinner. He's got an HTC something.

Me: So I'm saving up for a windows phone. It looks so cool. Have a look.
Cousin: Ahh so that's windows phone. Looks ok.
Me: Yeah it looks cool. Does everything my iPhone can do but way cooler. I certainly won't miss all the useless apps
Cousin: Useless apps? What?
Me: Well the app store isn't as big as ios and android...much less incentive to download apps I'll never use...
Cousin: But doesn't it run android?


Active member
Oct 6, 2011
To be fair not all iPhone users are like some of you have said but those type of users are in a minority.

My housemate, who is quite tech savvy, recently moved to an iPhone from Android and she said that she likes other platforms but the iPhone seems like the right one for her at this point. I agree, I don't hate iOS or Android but WP8 is right for me at this point, I don't think I will go back to Android or switch to iOS but I do appreciate that others like them.


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Let's revive this thread!

I recently heard this somewhere:

*Some customer is intent on looking at the Lumia 520*
Salesperson: "Are you really getting that? That thing's horrible! Get the *crappy Android* instead."
Me: "Explain why. I have a Lumia 620 and I know why you shouldn't badmouth it."
Salesperson: "The screen is horrible..."
*Everything else at the same price has an even worse screen*
Salesperson: "...it's not Android..."
*Pfft. Just because it's not Android doesn't mean it's good.*

And now for the clincher.

Salesperson: "...it's overpriced..."

Unfortunately for her, I destroyed each and every one of her arguments. I feel sorry for her now. She may not be as good as some of the other salespersons, but once she knew about Windows Phone, she was way more open-minded.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
I work for one of the MLB teams and we had a sell out and were offering only SRO (Standing Room Only) tickets. After carefully explaining what SRO meant and how much the ticket she purchased one. Her parting question after purchase: Where did you say my seat is?


New member
May 26, 2013
This happened yesterday on the first day back to school:
(I'm with my Lumia 505, my friend had a SGS3 before and just got a SGS4)

Friend: Why do you still have that piece of garbage? It can't even sent files over bluetooth.
Me: Because I don't need to replace it every year, like you just did, and yes, I can send files.
Friend: Whatever, It doesn't have any of the air gestures my GS4 has. (walks away)

(It happens my friend always has her bluetooth turned on, so I send her a picture I made with a paint app in my phone, telling her what I thought about her air gestures.)
Picture: I don't need useless stuff, I can easily swipe my finger over the screen to get things done. Have fun with this picture I sent you via BLUETOOTH.

Can't believe someone with a GS4 is still so technologically ingorant.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
I went to an AT&T store last week just to play around with a 1020 and they guy, who was busy with someone else, chimed in and said that phone's appeal was mainly in the camera, since wp was "missing basic app functionality." I really wanted to ask him more, but he was otherwise heavily engaged with another customer (talking to the guy the entire time I was there and who knows how long after). sheesh.

E Lizzle

New member
Nov 26, 2012
This one is really stupid: When I first got the phone, I kept thinking the phone was showing an "overheated" icon at the top. No, it was the vibrate icon.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
My friend, who used to work for Verizon, was frowning his nose up when he saw I went to Windows Phone

"That phone was our worse seller" as he picked up his HTC EVO 3D trying to figure out why his phone stopped alerting him when he had new texts

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